All Blog Posts (1,134)

Starting a new and books anyone? THEOSOPHY books?

Hi Theosophical friends! Good day!

As part of my daily begging to the Masters in life, you'll never expect when they're gonna listen. as finaly, as a very tough moment of my life ending - i finded myself like the Job character on the bible or at least like the King Harichandra of the Vedas stories - FINALY something happened.

I got some amount of money 'cause some project was approved here. and so, finaly a chance to start all over again.

I'm gonna start working in… Continue

Added by EstrellaFugaz on March 6, 2010 at 7:42pm — No Comments

8 March Women and Peace

March 8:International Day of Women: Women as Peacemakers

Rene Wadlow*

It is only when women start to organize in large numbers that we become a political force, and begin to move towards the possibility of a truly democratic society in which every human being can be brave, responsible, thinking and diligent in the struggle to live at once freely and unselfishly

March 8 is the International Day of Women and thus a time to analyse the specific role of women in bringing… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on March 5, 2010 at 2:28pm — No Comments

What or who are these UFOs?

There is tons of evidence that UFOs are real. I am completely baffled as to the identity of them. They never hurt anyone, unless you're the poor soul who had to undergo an anal-probe! I am not scared, 'cause I believe that the Brothers of Light will never allow we puny Earthlings to be harmed by an outside influence. Are they the new 6th Root Race?

Please, let me know what you think.

Added by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 3, 2010 at 1:00am — 17 Comments

What do you think 2112 is all about?

I think that the Winter solstice in 2012 is simply the

changing of a cycle. I feel that it will be a change for the better. It is the holiest day of the year, so Someone's probably going to be initiated into the highest level, or very near it. We sure do need this.

There are so many young people with 'old' eyes, if ya' know what I mean, Jellybean. These kids are BORN old and seemingly wise. They are called the Indigo…


Added by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 3, 2010 at 1:00am — 5 Comments

Bhagavad Gita, Koran, Hindu Mythology and Free Will

New blog (again) Spiritual India Trip

I've been fairly busy again this month. I went public with my plans to

go to India next year and started a blog where I'll be gathering my

research and thoughts. Of course I'll also use it to as a sort of diary

once I am in India. And yes, I'll keep you up to date about the newest

posts on this blog on this… Continue

Added by Katinka Hesselink on March 2, 2010 at 6:40am — 2 Comments

Queen's astronomer says aliens 'like us'

(The title is actually the header of the article and should be changed as this guy's words have clearly been taken out of context, but here you go)


Added by Mikhayl Von Riebon on February 22, 2010 at 5:51pm — 3 Comments

World Day of Social Justice

World Day of Social Justice: A Sense of Direction

Rene Wadlow*

On a proposal of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstzan, the United Nations General Assembly has set 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. It was observed for the first time in 2009, but is not widely known. As with other UN-designated “Days”, the World Day of Social Justice gives us an opportunity to take stock of how we can work together at the local, national and global level on policy and action to achieve… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on February 20, 2010 at 6:48am — No Comments

"Progress" in Buddhism

Hi guys,

i thought i would share the following with you:


Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna

tr. by Teitaro Suzuki


"Fifthly, hearing that it is said in the Sûtras 1 that depending on the Tathâgata's womb, there is birth-and-death…


Added by Mikhayl Von Riebon on February 18, 2010 at 10:02pm — 1 Comment

Sinnett's novel "United"

I put online at a pdf/txt copy of A.P. Sinnett's novel "United" (2vols in one) at:

This is a very strange book. Don't think I've read another one like it, if one can get through the prim-and-proper upper-class 19th century Britain setting. The two main characters are a mesmerist and esotericist, and a… Continue

Added by Mark R. Jaqua on February 17, 2010 at 5:22pm — 1 Comment

Inner Christianity (A Review)

Richard Smoley

Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition

(Boston: Shambhala, 2002, 292pp.) (Book)

At this time of transition from the Piscean Period to the Age of Aquarius, there is an evaluation going on within all systems of belief to sort out those aspects of value for the New Age and to let dry up those thought forms and processes which were appropriate only for the passing Piscean period. Such an evaluation is particularly complex in Christianity which has… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on February 12, 2010 at 11:58am — No Comments

Why Belief is Overrated

...or the Wisdom of the Kalama Sutta

Buddhism and perhaps the Hindu traditions are the closest organized religion that kept the Ancient Wisdom philosophy. The Ancient Wisdom says; everything is part of something greater and all is part of an infinite, transcendent, unimaginable “thing” we call "God".

The last millennium had brought us a lot of wonderful scientific research,…

Added by andrasnm on February 9, 2010 at 9:33am — No Comments

Astrological correlates of the Great Invocation by J.Becerra

Astrological Correlates

of the

Great Invocation

By Jose Becerra

The Great Invocation ("third stanza”) was

revealed during the three spiritual Festivals of

1945. These three Spring Festivals were

observed on March 28 (Easter), April 27

(Wesak), and May 27 (Christ's Festival) at

17:46, 10:34 and 01:50 universal (Greenwich)

time, respectively.

The Great Invocation was first

communicated to Alice Bailey on April 17,

1945, that is, between the… Continue

Added by christinaleestemaker on February 5, 2010 at 10:26am — No Comments

The A.A.Bailey books with some comparisons to the Agni Yoga H.Roerich by Michael.D. Robbins

The Alice A. Bailey Books – FAQ

With some comparisons to the Agni Yoga

Teachings by Helena Roerich

Michael D. Robbins

The books of DK and AAB are called the “Blue Books”. Eighteen of them are written by the Tibetan collaborating with AAB; five are written by AAB herself. One book, The Light of the Soul, which is an exegesis of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, was a shared effort in a different way; the Tibetan Master provided a translation of the ancient… Continue

Added by christinaleestemaker on February 5, 2010 at 10:11am — No Comments

The initiations of Krishnamurti( an astrological biography).

The Initiations of Krishnamurti:

An Astrological Biography

(From the book of the same name by Phillip Lindsay © 2002)

Krishnamurti remains probably one of the most controversial figures of the twentieth century and has been the subject of several biographies, but none to date that has exhaustively treated the subject from an astrological viewpoint – as the above title indicates.

One of Krishnamurti’s (K) more well known associations is with that of… Continue

Added by christinaleestemaker on February 5, 2010 at 7:07am — 1 Comment

Theosophy, HPB and the Secret Doctrine by Phillip Lindsay

Theosophy, HPB and The Secret Doctrine

Phillip Lindsay © 2002

The Theosophical Society was founded by the so-called Masters of Wisdom

or Hierarchy of Enlightened Being, through their amanuensis, H.P.

Blavatsky. Other names for them throughout history have been the Elder

Brothers, The Secret College and The Great White Brotherhood.

If it is difficult to accept the fact of their existence, ask yourself

the question, where do the Masters… Continue

Added by christinaleestemaker on February 5, 2010 at 6:36am — 1 Comment

Freedom, statistics, blavatsky news and more - Lucifer7, February 2010

New online

On Blogger (aka, not by me)

This is not exactly a new blog. It's just that I only became aware of it recently (thank you Michael Gomes). It's called 'Blavatsky News', but the subjects are far wider. It contains a lot of book reviews and (surprise) the authors seem to know what they are talking about.


Added by Katinka Hesselink on February 2, 2010 at 5:30am — No Comments

Chart of U.S. Capitol and Life after Death

I'm reading the "Lost Symbol" and noted the time and date that Brown gave for the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol building. In the Capitol's horoscope Sagittarius, the legislative sign is rising. And Jupiter is very close to the Ascendant. This brings good things and people to this building. Planets are up at the top of the chart also, which makes honors possible. Looks like George, Ben, and L'Enfant did a good job of picking the time.

Also, I'm very excited about medical… Continue

Added by leslie marlar on January 23, 2010 at 10:15am — No Comments

Mahatma Gandhi: In the Midst of Darkness

Gandhi: In the Midst of Darkness

Rene Wadlow

“I do daily perceive that while everything around me is ever changing, ever dying, there is underlying all that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves, and re-creates. That informing power or spirit is God. I see it as purely benevolent, for I can see in the midst of death, life persists. In the midst of untruth, truth persists. In the midst of darkness, light persists. Hence I… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on January 22, 2010 at 9:11am — 1 Comment

'Theosophy for a new generation of inquirers / enquirers' ;)

I don't often laugh when opening The Theosophist. In fact, I had not looked at the issues of various theosophical magazines lying around my house for months. But the spirit of boredom made me open them one by one. Most didn't help me overcome my boredom. So I did not read much. But the table of contents of the October Issue of The Theosophist (2009) had me laughing out loud.

Why? Well, first off - the variety of spellings used. Colin Price (from the UK) had as his title 'Theosophy… Continue

Added by Katinka Hesselink on January 17, 2010 at 1:22pm — 41 Comments

Article Published on Master Narayan

Wheaton, January 12, 2010

To those interested,

It is my pleasure to announce that Prof. James Santucci has recently published an article of mine in the quarterly Theosophical History, which might be of interest to Theosophists, historians and philosophers of the human sciences.

The title is:

Jean Overton Fuller, Master Narayan, and the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias Issue

In Theosophical History Vol. XIV, no’s 1 & 2… Continue

Added by Govert Schuller on January 12, 2010 at 4:56pm — No Comments

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