Can someone enlighten me, because so far, the thesophical network has completley confused me, people use perculiar language, which sounds like they dont really know what they are talking about? Simplicity is golden, and if people are here to share ideas, then surely the most important thing is to be understood, rather than ego boosting, and suedo intellect crunching! I feel completley disheartened.

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Comment by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 24, 2010 at 2:15am
Hey you. I am so new here that I (luckily) haven't run into any of those problems.
I want to talk about UFOs, the upcoming 2012 cycle. want to talk?
Comment by Krishna Park on March 20, 2010 at 1:39pm
thankyou Martin and Michaelcarlo, much appreciated x
Comment by Martin Euser on March 20, 2010 at 10:18am
Basic introductory material can be found on many places on the web, like TUP Online or
just do a google search for certain terms. It would perhaps be nice to have some introductory texts here, but for the moment this should suffice. My own ebook on theosophy and later evolution of esotericism can be found here.

A forum will often appear chaotic and/or confusing, since people from a different background come together to discuss things, using certain jargon (inevitably), without necessity to explain terms over and over again. It might be useful to have a Wiki, explaining certain terms, though.

Success with your studies!
Comment by michaelcarlo on March 18, 2010 at 11:29am
Comment by michaelcarlo on March 18, 2010 at 11:10am
Throw your thoughts out here on topics that resonate with you. Its like fishing, bait your line for the game you desire. Sometimes, simplicity ends up being the most complicated end result especially when conversing on theosophical topics. Don't be disheartened. You have to fight your way through, the journey is just as important as the destination.

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