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Overcome and Shine



"It is your spiritual perception, and ability to create love and balance wherever you go and with whom ever you meet. Living in harmony with all life is a high level of consciousness, and shows that you have achieved a state of Unconditional Love. That Dear Ones is your goal, and you will get there and merge with…


Added by David on August 10, 2011 at 12:58am — No Comments

The Goddess and the Role of Women

The Goddess and the Role of Women

Rene Wadlow


It is only when women start to organize in large numbers that we become a political force, and begin to move towards the possibility of a truly democratic society in which every human being can be brave, responsible, thinking and diligent in the struggle to live at once freely and unselfishly.


            As Ray Grasse, long-time Assistant…


Added by Rene Wadlow on July 12, 2011 at 6:34am — No Comments

Dalai Lama’s July 17 & 18 talk & discussion to be live streamed for free on Internet

Dalai Lama’s July 17 & 18 talk & discussion to be live streamed for free on Internet

Dalai Lama’s Chicago public talk on July 17 and his public conversation with leaders from major world religions on July 28 would be live streamed on Internet for free. Each events need a ticket to attend and cost $125, $75, and $25 depending on the seating. But for those who cannot afford to buy the tickets and those who cannot travel to Chicago can watch it on Internet for free. So anyone… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on July 7, 2011 at 8:26pm — 3 Comments

New Website on Krotona by Joseph Ross

The new website setup by Joseph Ross is a welcome addition to theosophical history.


Since Ross has a lot of very valuable historical documents and possibly artifacts of interest, it would be of great interest and value to everyone interested in theosophy, Krishnamurti and Krotona if these material are scanned and provided on the website.


Today, good fast scanners are not expensive and the…


Added by M K Ramadoss on July 7, 2011 at 12:50pm — No Comments

An Open Letter to Theosophists

From Krotona, Theosophy and Krishnamurti, 1927-1931:


The author feels that it may be important to examine what is meant by the word religion in the statement, “the Theosophical Society is to be a cornerstone of a new religion.” Is religion a matter of churches, temples, rituals and beliefs? Or is it the moment-to- moment discovery of Life’s movement? A movement which may have any name, or no name at…


Added by Joseph Ross on July 7, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Launch of Some parts still under construction; information on my Theosophical Society histories, especially the new release of Krotona, Theosophy and Krishnamurti, 1927-1931


What would you like to see…


Added by Joseph Ross on July 7, 2011 at 11:53am — 1 Comment

Krotona, Theosophy and Krishnamurti, 1927-1931

From the Amazon listing of the book:


From the author's archive of rare archival Theosophical documents, he has produced several books on the early history of Theosophy. This is Volume 5 in the Krotona Series. It will be of particular interest to some because its archival documents reveal Theosophical conversations…

Added by Joseph Ross on July 7, 2011 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Krotona, Theosophy and Krishnamurti - A new book by Joseph Ross

The author, Joseph Ross has just joined our community and we all should welcome him. He is the well known author of several books on Krotona, Theosophy, Krishnamurti etc.


I am looking forward to reading the recent book on Krotona, Theosophy and Krishnamurti.


Specifically I am looking forward to its availability in a non-proprietary format such as pdf, so that it can be read on any computer device without the need to buy devices such as Kindle. This approach…


Added by M K Ramadoss on July 7, 2011 at 10:41am — No Comments

The very spirit of Yoga

I found this rather wonderful quote from the Indian spiritual giant, Sri Aurobindo, a few days ago...


"The very spirit of Yoga is this, to make the exceptional normal, and to turn that which is above us and greater than our normal selves into our own constant consciousness."

Added by Steve Brett on July 5, 2011 at 5:25pm — No Comments

eBooks and shape of future of free publications - Golden Age is coming

eBooks and shape of future of free publications

While browsing on Internet, I was surprised to find free several theosophical publications are available on Barnes & Noble’s Nook eReader. All these free books are out of print books. The eBook phenomenon in books - both old and new - is taking off and the current attraction is the immediate download and low prices. There is a push to keep the prices low to attract larger readership by keeping the royalties higher at lower selling… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on July 5, 2011 at 10:32am — 20 Comments

a Phase...(Wishing it WILL END SOON!) where is MY LIFE ON MARS??

Hi, i still feel miserable because my breakup with my boyfriend. He was pretty much younger than me (college guy/me, in my 30....dhdhadhs) but i still miss him. A LOT.


Remembering that Theosophy tells much about unattachement, and i'm trying to learn that phase on life, of the unnatachement...still with the idea of believieng that probably in 'a future' we could be together...but really, i DON'T KNOW if i can manage to stand these phase in life. My life feels pretty dull. I…


Added by EstrellaFugaz on June 30, 2011 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Red Shambhala (Book Review)

Andrei Znamenski

Red Shambhala: Magic, Prophecy and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia

(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2011, 257pp.)


         Red Shambhala is a lively historical account of Soviet geopolitics in Central Asia in the first decade of the Communist government.  Znamenski tells the story through portraits of key protagonists, drawing on newly opened archives in Russia and new Russian publications. Znamenski, who now teaches in the USA,…


Added by Rene Wadlow on June 22, 2011 at 2:12pm — No Comments

Comparision between Sir John Woodroffe and HPB

Sir John Woodroffe (aka Arthur Avalon) was an early 20th century writer who explained and defended tantra as a respectable system of mysticism. The following excerpt is from the review by

Colin Robinson of a book about Woodroffe (Sir John Woodroffe, Tantra and Bengal); an interesting paralell is made between the cases of Woodroffe and HPB. I have added highlighting to a few sections of the quote.


"The most thought-provoking topic of the…


Added by Kirk W Walker on June 20, 2011 at 7:50am — No Comments

General Theosophy #57

“Being happy is nothing; being awake and happy is the trick.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on June 18, 2011 at 10:55am — No Comments

Time to make spiritual material available inexpensively

The recent trend in downloading of programs, music and other material, coupled with inexpensive pricing spurred by the wide spread use of wireless phones has opened up a new channel in distribution. So much has been downloaded from the Apple store that its sale has surpassed other major retailers such as Best Buy, Walmart etc.

In the spiritual related matters, this trend can be taken care of to feed those hungry for information. Instead of traditional bulky printed pricey material, I… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on June 17, 2011 at 9:35am — No Comments

Evolution Of Technology

The origin of this post is in a question that I posed to our brilliant host of the World Wide Wisdom Radio talkshow - Peter O'Lalor. In the context of apprehensions about the emerging technologies, Nano and Bio, my question was "Can Humans Control the Evolution of Technology?"


Let us look at the four discoveries in the Human history that had the greatest of impacts. Someone, without planning perhaps discovered Fire. Surely the elders and the wise of the society of that time,…


Added by Capt. Anand Kumar on June 17, 2011 at 7:33am — 1 Comment

A Geoffrey Barborka's suggestion

After a slight effervescence because of a Joaquim Soares post (by the way he is gone, I hope he was not banned, that would mean that this network does not know how to deal with different opinions) and although we were informed of a "shift of focus" I bring here a passage of Barborka's "Secret Doctrine, Questions and Answers" (p.3). I hope it can be useful, at least it can help to think twice before saying: "Hey, I found an error!"


"Question: In your opinion, what should be a…


Added by Paulo Baptista on June 14, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Short essay on H.S. Olcott

This essay is posted on the website of the US Theosophical Order of Service ( While it does not say anything not known to regular readers, I thought it could be shared with non-Theosophists as a reminder of the need for cultural and intellectual renewal then, and now.



Added by Rene Wadlow on June 14, 2011 at 6:26am — 1 Comment

Theosophist vol 7 to 14

This is great work done on this site. I thank the organisers for this good work. I hope slowly all the volumes would come on this site. For a deeper study of the Theosophical Movement it does great help to be able to read the articles of the founders and leaders of this great movement.

Added by Navin KUmar on June 12, 2011 at 7:24pm — 1 Comment



You contribute to the mosaic of life.

Do you make beautiful patterns?

Added by Martin Euser on June 12, 2011 at 6:07am — 7 Comments

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