The origin of this post is in a question that I posed to our brilliant host of the World Wide Wisdom Radio talkshow - Peter O'Lalor. In the context of apprehensions about the emerging technologies, Nano and Bio, my question was "Can Humans Control the Evolution of Technology?"
Let us look at the four discoveries in the Human history that had the greatest of impacts. Someone, without planning perhaps discovered Fire. Surely the elders and the wise of the society of that time, must have cautioned the person who had the Fire with him to just stay away from it. Surely a lost of destructive events may have taken place while using, or misusing it down the ages. Did it stop the use of Fire?
Same goes with the invention of Wheel. It did take the Humans to the next level. As it permitted mechanized transport, it was also used in the Chriots which muct have become force-multiplier weapons of their time. What would have happened had the society banned the wheel?
Same goes for inventions of Electricity and lastly the discovery of relativity. Countless people across the world must have suffered fromm Eletrical Shock alone, but never the demand arose to ban it. In spite of nuclear horrors suffered by Japan, they themselves went ahead and mastered the technology and are toady one of the largest exporters of Nuclear Power Plants. Fukushima tragedy notwithstanding.
Each of these events would perhpas reflect a "Technological Singularity", in our history. But it comes with a cost and as Humans we have to pay that cost. Stanzas of Dzyan teach us that several different prototypes of Humans were tried by the creators and discarded before finalizing one. Were they not using Biotechnology? When we read that Fohat was sent to harden the atoms, are we not discussing Nanotechnogy?
What are we afraid of? Paying the price?
Thank You Joe & Erle.
Morality and Ethics are not static concepts. In fact technology has emerged the single largest factor influencing the dynamics of morality and ethics. Artifical insemination, In-vitro fertilization etc. are only a few examples which would have been consdiered immoral in western societies just a few years back. Although India has the Mahabharat story of Kunti using Artificial Insemination to conceive and give birth to three Pandavas plus Karna, even in India of today this would have been termed as immoral. Come to think of it, use of anonymous names on the internet - how ethical is it, say by victorian standards? Do we seek to ban internet becasue of hackers, spammers etc. We will soon have organ harvesting for which there is an unprecedented market size awaiting and no moral or ethical issues will be permitted to interfere with that market. Some of the current champions of moral and ethical issues themselves will be compelled to embrace it.
However, the point I was trying to make is that Technology has an evolutionary dynamics of its own. And it is closely linked to the evolution of humans. By attempting to restrict the growth of one, we would be restricting the growth of other.
Erle, would the Masters kindly permit to share the complete details of 12 strand DNA theory with the greatest living genetic scientist J Craig Venter for the benefit of humanity. He can be contacted through his institute here. Or, the ususal sale technique of offering a tantalizing preview and the rest when you buy our product, still prevails?
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