March 2010 Blog Posts (15)

Lankavatara and Secret Doctrine??

Obviously it refers to the philosophers of their time but i came across this interesting discussion in the Lankavatara i thought id share and gauge some responses with. what do you think?


"Then Mahamti said to the blessed one: The philosophers declare that the world rises from causal agencies according to the law of…


Added by Mikhayl Von Riebon on March 29, 2010 at 10:07pm — 4 Comments

Article on Olcott in Sun Magazine

Here is a tip on an uncoming article on HSO in the Sun Magazine:

"In the weekly magazine, "Sun", available in grocery stores and places like Wal-Mart, the issue dated April 5th, 2010, carries a page on
Colonel Olcott."

Thanks to Jayananda for the info.

Added by M K Ramadoss on March 28, 2010 at 11:57pm — No Comments

Work Experience Jobs

Every country and religion in the world expresses the importance of giving unto others with a generous heart. Many people limit their charity work to simply writing a check, which is important too.

However, time and effort are equally important and can make the difference in someone's outlook on life. Young people in particular seem to be stepping up to the plate more than ever before, offering

their services through school, church, missions, and family programs. There are volunteer… Continue

Added by Alana Downing on March 26, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

The story of a revitalized theosophical lodge

As any group therapist can tell you, group work is complicated. The history of the churches too can be read as a continuing story of growing and shrinking congregations. One of the reasons new congregations often grow is not just that they offer an approach that works for the time, but also that they're simply, being new, more open to new people. Their group structure isn't fixed yet and so it's easier for them to accommodate and welcome new people.…


Added by Katinka Hesselink on March 25, 2010 at 4:30am — No Comments

It's hard to love someone who hurts your children

My son, Adi is on a bus home from the Eastern shore of VA.. We live in Michigan, and there are NO jobs to be found for love nor money. We sent Adi to Va. to live w/ my sister and brother. There, Adi would be likely employed at either Tyson or Purdue. For some unknown reason, my siblings were disrespectful to my son. They made him feel so bad that he would call me at night crying. He is a 24 year old man. He had a 10 o'clock curfew. No reason, just "My way or the…


Added by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 24, 2010 at 2:46am — No Comments

The future...

Just came across a wiki page i wanted to share with everyone about the predictions made by Ray Kurzweil.

Naturally these particular two predictions are dated quite far off so im not concerned with accuracy. what i am interested in is both the probability of such events taking place and how we relate to the particular nature and possibility of these events today. irrespective of whether these events happen or not, they give us a very unique perspective into what the mind is…


Added by Mikhayl Von Riebon on March 23, 2010 at 11:27pm — No Comments

Modern Buddhism an abomination?

Modern Buddhism an abomination?


Some nice quotes (and this is not even the sharpest):

"To quote the late metaphysician, Dr. A.K. Coomaraswamy: “Buddhism is most famous today for everything it originally never taught.” As such does not advocate nor endorse Theravada & Hinayana, nor any form of Mahayana, Vajrayana, and certainly not Zen. None of these sectarian creations are original to earliest… Continue

Added by Martin Euser on March 23, 2010 at 5:16pm — 9 Comments

Forget IQ, Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart

Forget IQ, Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart (video)

Do you know your IQ, that little number that’s supposed to measure how smart you are? Forget it. Individual intelligence is old news, collective…


Added by Mikhayl Von Riebon on March 22, 2010 at 8:21pm — No Comments

Missing blog thread on free will

Where is this thread gone?
Ning won't show it.
Maintenance issue?

Added by Martin Euser on March 20, 2010 at 10:22am — 1 Comment


Can someone enlighten me, because so far, the thesophical network has completley confused me, people use perculiar language, which sounds like they dont really know what they are talking about? Simplicity is golden, and if people are here to share ideas, then surely the most important thing is to be understood, rather than ego boosting, and suedo intellect crunching! I feel completley disheartened.

Added by Krishna Park on March 18, 2010 at 8:28am — 5 Comments

Starting a new and books anyone? THEOSOPHY books?

Hi Theosophical friends! Good day!

As part of my daily begging to the Masters in life, you'll never expect when they're gonna listen. as finaly, as a very tough moment of my life ending - i finded myself like the Job character on the bible or at least like the King Harichandra of the Vedas stories - FINALY something happened.

I got some amount of money 'cause some project was approved here. and so, finaly a chance to start all over again.

I'm gonna start working in… Continue

Added by EstrellaFugaz on March 6, 2010 at 7:42pm — No Comments

8 March Women and Peace

March 8:International Day of Women: Women as Peacemakers

Rene Wadlow*

It is only when women start to organize in large numbers that we become a political force, and begin to move towards the possibility of a truly democratic society in which every human being can be brave, responsible, thinking and diligent in the struggle to live at once freely and unselfishly

March 8 is the International Day of Women and thus a time to analyse the specific role of women in bringing… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on March 5, 2010 at 2:28pm — No Comments

What or who are these UFOs?

There is tons of evidence that UFOs are real. I am completely baffled as to the identity of them. They never hurt anyone, unless you're the poor soul who had to undergo an anal-probe! I am not scared, 'cause I believe that the Brothers of Light will never allow we puny Earthlings to be harmed by an outside influence. Are they the new 6th Root Race?

Please, let me know what you think.

Added by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 3, 2010 at 1:00am — 17 Comments

What do you think 2112 is all about?

I think that the Winter solstice in 2012 is simply the

changing of a cycle. I feel that it will be a change for the better. It is the holiest day of the year, so Someone's probably going to be initiated into the highest level, or very near it. We sure do need this.

There are so many young people with 'old' eyes, if ya' know what I mean, Jellybean. These kids are BORN old and seemingly wise. They are called the Indigo…


Added by Julie Rene( Rude)Mulzer on March 3, 2010 at 1:00am — 5 Comments

Bhagavad Gita, Koran, Hindu Mythology and Free Will

New blog (again) Spiritual India Trip

I've been fairly busy again this month. I went public with my plans to

go to India next year and started a blog where I'll be gathering my

research and thoughts. Of course I'll also use it to as a sort of diary

once I am in India. And yes, I'll keep you up to date about the newest

posts on this blog on this… Continue

Added by Katinka Hesselink on March 2, 2010 at 6:40am — 2 Comments

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