All Blog Posts (1,161)

Evolving Towards a Consciousness of Unity - Sri Aurobindo's Teachings and Lineage

Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven (The Empyrean);

from Gustave Doré's illustrations to the Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto 31

In 1908-1909, while spending a year in jail for being a seditionist against British rule in India, Sri Aurobindo…


Added by Lori Tompkins on January 3, 2012 at 6:42pm — 5 Comments

Contribution of Joe Fulton and Theosnet Recognized

A new book titled The Theosophical Society: The History of a Spiritual Movement has been published by Jeffrey D Lavoie. First 25 pages can be found here.

While I have not had a chance to access the full book, it appears that it is a well researched publication and hence anyone interested in the history of TS should read it.

Something that is to be noticed is the author’s acknowledgement of the…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 30, 2011 at 11:24pm — 4 Comments

Its all in the head

HPB  said that all seven chakras are in the head.

"Our seven Chakras are all situated in the head, and it is these…


Added by Kirk W Walker on December 28, 2011 at 9:43am — 3 Comments

General Theosophy #63

“Rebirth and the Lessons of Life:  If you don’t need to run, just walk; if you don’t need to walk, just stand; if you don’t need to stand, just sit; if you don’t need to sit, just lie down; if you don’t need to lie down, just get up and start running.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 20, 2011 at 11:26am — No Comments

Tribute to Vaclav Havel

 Vaclav Havel (1936-2011):  His Revolt is an Attempt to Live Within the Truth 


            René Wadlow





            He rejects the ritual and breaks the rules of the game.  He discovers once more his suppressed identity and dignity.  He gives his freedom a concrete significance.  His revolt is an attempt to live within the truth.”                          …


Added by Rene Wadlow on December 19, 2011 at 4:16pm — 1 Comment

Disaster in Philippines

The year 2011 will be remembered in history for disasters. Beginning with the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake and tsunami in in Japan, to several earthquakes and hurricanes around the globe, it is about to end with a  disaster in Philippines. Heavy rainfall brought about by typhoon Washi resulted in flash floods and mudslides killing 650, at the last count and over…


Added by Capt. Anand Kumar on December 19, 2011 at 6:38am — No Comments

The Unconditioned Mind (Book Review)

David Edmund Moody

The Unconditioned Mind: J. Krishnamurti and the Oak Grove School

(Weaton: Quest Books, 2011, 260pp.)


The function of education is to give the student abundant knowledge in the various fields of human endeavour and at the same time to free his mind from all tradition so that he is able to investigate, to find out, to discover.  Otherwise the mind becomes mechanical, burdened with the machinery of knowledge. …


Added by Rene Wadlow on December 13, 2011 at 11:49am — No Comments

General Theosophy #62

“The Pretender’s Prayer:  ‘Let me speak with the unchallengeable authority of someone who appears to know because of special communion with Someone who has special communion with Someone who has. . . .’”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 10, 2011 at 12:58pm — No Comments

Creating Compact and backward compatible Acrobat PDF Files

Acrobat PDF is the digital format most widely used for storage and distribution of books, publications and other documents. It can be displayed and printed in all operating systems.

When a pdf file is created either out of a program such as Word or output by a scanner they can be very large.  It is highly desirable to reduce the size of the pdf file as well as make it compatible with earlier versions of Acrobat Reader. The current version of full Acrobat program has an option to…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 8, 2011 at 8:06pm — 2 Comments

Dogmatic non-duality is a mental illness

You have all heard of acim (a course in miracles) and dogmatic "non-duality". The followers of these pseudo spiritual, nihilistic schools of thought state that everything is our own perception and we live in a subjective world, hence we are all individually responsible for everything that touches our lives. Google the words subjective versus objective reality. Now, lately I have become a serious student of the Hermetic Cabbala as a natural progression after Agni Yoga and Theosophy. This…


Added by andrasnm on December 5, 2011 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments



Feed Your Strengths

Face Your Weaknesses

Express Your Feelings

Listen to Everything

Smile at Criticism

Be Aware of Others

Be Accountable for Yourself

Be Gentle in Your Expectations

Assume the Best

When in Doubt, Ask Questions…

Added by carol diana britz on December 1, 2011 at 12:16pm — No Comments


Now she is silent. Yesterday was another story, but now, no, now she is silent. The moon was to cast a gaze on the splendor they once so happily infused in one another, but not now. Now the eloquent temptress of a faint memory haunts her. An image of her forbidden self, a wanderer without a mantle seeking the moon in the relentless darkness of her void. Now she weeps for the turning of her tides was met with bitter distress. No, not this time, not the tides she rode helplessly in the infancy…


Added by Bashar Douba on November 29, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Permissibility of the Mahatma Letters

What do you think of the claim that the Mahatma Letters to Sinnett were never supposed to be published? Supposedly, the editor made the choice of publishing them after his death. There is also the accusation that they don't accurately express the thoughts of KH and M. I suppose, all of the foregoing could be admitted and yet they would remain a valuable documentary resource.


A key component to the claim that they were not to be published is the belief that letter #39 is not…


Added by Kirk W Walker on November 28, 2011 at 6:59pm — 11 Comments

General Theosophy #61

“The strictest Theosophy may regard any specific belief as just the premature corpse of a general Spiritual inkling.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 26, 2011 at 10:25am — No Comments

General Theosophy #60

“Another modern difference between a Theosophist and a Theosopher may be that the former has found something to believe in while the latter has found something to continue searching for.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 25, 2011 at 10:40am — No Comments

Conference on Legacies of Theosophy - Sydney, Australia - Oct 2010 Proceedings

Last year there was a conference held at the University of Sydney and a

brief summary of the papers presented/discussed is now available. The

topics mentioned are interesting.

Here is quote of introduction and a link for full summary.


This collection of papers was inspired by a two-day conference held at the

University of Sydney in October 2010, and organised by the immediate past

president of SSLA, Associate Professor Vrasidas Karalis. Titled…


Added by M K Ramadoss on November 24, 2011 at 10:19am — No Comments

Lori and Captain Kumar, Thanks for your offer of help... maybe I am in... let me know if you get this entry, patricia heidt, aeon centre of cosmology, south india

Lori and Captain Kumar,

Thanks for your offer of help... maybe I am in... let me know if you get this entry, patricia heidt, aeon centre of cosmology, south india


Added by patricia heidt on November 23, 2011 at 2:34am — 1 Comment

PSI Energy Vampyres

This is perhaps something new, perhaps not.

But I bet by the time I get done explaining, it might

not seem as foreign of a concept as you think.


Some might think a New Agey kind of classifications,

of course a PSI Vampyre would find that insulting.…


Added by Devilwoman - Tammy on November 23, 2011 at 12:13am — No Comments

November 17 - Theosophical Society Founders' Day

Theosophists world over remember November 17th the day Theosophical Society was founded in NY in 1875. On this day, theosophists remember the contributions of the Founders - HPB and HSO, the fruits of their labor many have enjoyed. Anyone who has been touched by theosophical tenets would vouch that their outlook on life and those of the fellow men and women have dramatically changed for ever. As one of the Inner Founders said “Ingratitude is not one of our vices,”, let us remember our…


Added by M K Ramadoss on November 17, 2011 at 1:45am — No Comments

A Scientist's Comments on Occult Chemistry observations of Besant and Leadbeater

Besant and CWL did occult research on atom and their observations were published in 1908. While there was a lot of questions about them, here is a recent article by a well known Indian Scientist which appeared in an Indian Newspaper. Here are two quotes:           

‘According to M Srinivasan, former associate director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, (BARC), "One important piece of work, which brings out the extraordinary power of the human mind or consciousness in gaining 'direct…


Added by M K Ramadoss on November 14, 2011 at 11:45pm — 2 Comments

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