HPB  said that all seven chakras are in the head.

"Our seven Chakras are all situated in the head, and it is these
Master Chakras which govern and rule the seven (for there are seven) principal plexuses in the body, besides the forty-two minor ones to which Physiology refuses that name."

But do we just accept theosophical opinion and ignore virtually all contrary teachings and texts? Traditional teaching places only two in the head. Also, many yogis have practical experience of chakras below the head. Many of the most respectable masters confirm the traditional teaching. This particular notion of Blavatsky's seems suspect to me. Here's an attempt at reconciliation: The seven plexuses pf Blavatsky simply are the seven chakras of traditional teaching. (This part of the dispute would be merely terminological.) Next, the supposed seven chakras in the head will be "petals" or "groups of petals" of the sahasrara, because the crown chakra is indeed the master chakra.--How about that?
Without some sort of reconciliation it is difficult to accept that HPB is right and that nobody else knows what they are talking about. On a worse case scenario, it is possible that she is just wrong or misunderstood something she learned.

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Comment by Kirk W Walker on December 28, 2011 at 11:50am

The fuller passage is

"Our seven Chakras are all situated in the head, and it is these Master Chakras which govern and rule the seven (for there are seven) principal plexuses in the body, besides the forty-two minor ones to which Physiology refuses that name. The fact that no microscope can detect such centres on the objective plane goes for nothing ; no microscope has ever yet detected, nor ever will, the difference between the motor and sensory nerve-tubes, the conductors of all our bodily and psychic sensations ; and yet logic alone would show that such difference exists. And if the term plexus, in this application, does not represent to the Western mind the idea conveyed by the term of the Anatomist, then call them Chakras or Padmas, or the Wheels, the Lotus Heart and Petals. Remember that Physiology imperfect as it is, shows septenary groups all over the exterior and interior of the body ; the seven head orifices, the seven " organs " at the base of the brain, the seven plexuses, the pharyngeal, laryngeal, cavernous, cardiac, epigastric, prostatic, and sacral, etc."

It is found in the subsection titled THE TATTVIC CORRELATIONS AND MEANING which is within the chapter PAPER III: A WORD CONCERNING THE EARLIER PAPERS.

Comment by Heidi Ann Maycroft on December 28, 2011 at 10:19am

Hello Kirk,

My copy might be different than yours. My Volume III, page 507 is the bibliography; Volume III is the General Index and Bibliography. Can you help me find the text you are referring to?

Thank you   :   )

Comment by Kirk W Walker on December 28, 2011 at 9:47am

The quote is taken from The Secret Doctrine, vol. III, page 507.

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