All Blog Posts (1,134)

More on Theosophical World Congress in Rome

Live streaming of the proceedings of the World Congress now in progress in Rome has helped many around the world to watch them online. Yesterday I watched the short presentations of Colin Price and Pedro Oliveira.

While all the lectures by various lecturers have so far dealt with usual intellectual topics theosophists discuss, so far only Pedro…

Added by M K Ramadoss on July 12, 2010 at 8:38am — No Comments

Dara Tatray at the Theosophical World Congress

Honestly - I had hoped Dara would go into how biology and psychology have shown that compassion is as much built into us as competition is. She didn't. Her talk was based on a definition of science which covered mostly physics and parapsychology.

It was very interesting, however it was impossible to take notes on. Dara uses very long sentences and lots of quotes. This did not make a boring talk though: She talk slowly and clearly and really did very well on a topic that the TS…


Added by Katinka Hesselink on July 12, 2010 at 4:24am — No Comments

P. Krishna at the Theosophical World Congress

This morning we had the lecture by Professor P. Krishna. His talk was inspiring. He talked about a lot that most of us have heard before: the interconnectedness of everything, ecology and how those isses are caused by people not realizing deeply enough that it's all us. This post is a combination of my notes from Krishna's talk and my own thoughts about the issues the TS is dealing with. It's loosely based also on my talks with individual theosophists at this congress.



Added by Katinka Hesselink on July 11, 2010 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Opening Session of 10th World Congress in Rome - Streamed on Internet

It was a great pleasure to watch the opening of the 10th World Congress in Rome even though my local time was 3.00am. It took a long time.

Starting with Prayers of All Religions, opening/ welcoming talk by the GS of Italy followed by reading of greeting messages received from individuals from around the world, then followed by personal greetings from General Secretaries or their representatives and finally we had the Opening talk by…

Added by M K Ramadoss on July 10, 2010 at 9:44pm — No Comments

Linda Oliveira at the Theosophical World Congress about Brotherhood

I was foolish enough not to take my laptop to the International Theosophical World Congress, so instead of posting this on my blog (of which I don't know the password), I'll post it here.

I thought Linda Oliveira's talk was, in the main, insightful. The title was - ominously - 'why do we belong to the Theosophical Society?'

She started out saying that the question was perhaps surprising, but added that it was a necessary question and a deep…


Added by Katinka Hesselink on July 10, 2010 at 11:44am — 3 Comments

Theosophical World Congress Proceedings - Live Streaming on Internet

Here is an announcement of the live streaming of the Congress. Now all of us world-wide can watch the proceedings live on Internet. The organizers should be thanks for arranging the streaming.


"Dear Sister/ Dear Brother,

The opening of the 10th World Congress of the Theosophical Society focusing

on the subject "Universal Brotherhood without any distinctions: a road to

awareness" and taking place in Rome at the Summit Hotel Convention… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on July 6, 2010 at 12:58pm — No Comments

Unique Opportunity in the 10th TS World Congress - A view

Unique Opportunity in the 10th World Congress - A view

In ten days, the 10th World Congress is scheduled at Rome. Many leaders

from the West will be attending it. In the aftermath of the

International Election and the follow-up cleavage displayed by the

theosophical leaders, the future growth of TS in the West is going to

depend on the level of reconciliation that takes place among the

leaders.… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on June 30, 2010 at 2:37am — 2 Comments

The Ultimate Quest of the Artist is in the Spirit.

First, one seeks to become an artist by training the hand. Then one

finds it is the eye that needs improving. Later one learns it is the

mind that wants developing, only to find that the ultimate quest of the

artist is in the spirit. (Larry Brullo)

Being an artist myself I can relate to this comment. In everyone of my paintings I am searching for something that is beyond description, beyond preconceived ideas and happens in uncontrived naturalness. …


Added by Sharon Ormerod on June 17, 2010 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

How does the Theosophical Society's organizational structure work?

Paul asked:

How does the Theosophical Society's organizational structure work, does it have a degree system like the Knightsof Columbus and the Masons do, or is it organized more like Toastmasters without any initiations or


Sorry Paul, that question wasn't appropriate to the post where you asked it, so I have deleted it there.

There are… Continue

Added by Katinka Hesselink on June 13, 2010 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

The challenges and opportunities facing the Theosophical Movement

We had a members meeting in the Dutch TS (Aydar) at the end of May. It was spirited, but business like. That is: we discussed important issues, without scapegoating.

I thought I’d share the main issues. I am glad to see that the tabu on discussing these things is leading to important insights coming out – it’s the only way we can reframe the theosophical work in a way that’s relevant for humanity today. What follows is my current view on where we are and need to go.



Added by Katinka Hesselink on June 10, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

NDE, Buddha on karma, Zen Buddhism books

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Added by Katinka Hesselink on June 4, 2010 at 5:02am — No Comments

A typical (Adyar) theosophist…

As an exercise in PR, I’d like to profile a typical theosophist. Having such a profile might help us in attracting a few of those theosophists outside the TS that Blavatsky mentioned. That is: we should see this person in our minds when we:

  • Create local and national programs (and avoid boring ones like this),
  • Fill our magazines with new material
  • and focus and give…

Added by Katinka Hesselink on June 3, 2010 at 11:30am — 8 Comments

San Francisco's Meat Free Monday

San Francisco City has passed a resolution suggesting Meat-Free Monday.
Read the full report at:

Added by M K Ramadoss on June 1, 2010 at 9:04am — 2 Comments

Two unjustly forgotten western masters

Dear Sir,

I was advised by the theosophical society, who could not help me, to contact your magazine: “theosophical History” on the following…


Added by PRUDOR Betram on May 25, 2010 at 7:19am — No Comments

S. Radhakrishnan: Meeting East and West

The Bridge of Beauty and Understanding

Only the bridge of Beauty will be strong enough for crossing from the bank of Darkness to the side of Light - Nicholas Roerich

Rene Wadlow*

The United Nations General Assembly in resolution A/RES.62/90 has proclaimed the year 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures “to promote universal respect for, and observation and protection of, all human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Cultures… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on May 24, 2010 at 11:44am — No Comments

Bogus and diffamatory spanish work about new age & Theosophy? Read about it

Hey there Theos pals, i've just found this work. Unfortunatedly , i think only spanish versed readers can read it.

It is a work called "Hijos de la Teosofia" (sons of theosophy) Even in the portrait of the work -with Aleister Crowley faced in the left of Blavatsky's face- can be seen the difamatory proposes of the pepole -or pepoles - who in shadows, sort of 'assembled' this sort of pamphletary work.

By the reading of it, it seems to had been sort of -copy-pasted- from other… Continue

Added by EstrellaFugaz on May 19, 2010 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

The 10th World Congress of the Theosophical Society

Not only am I going to the World Congress, but I was planning to live-blog it. But now that I’ve seen the proposed program, I’m no longer so sure. In fact, I’m wondering why I’m going in the first place. For entertainment purposes I have put up the program as it was published at the Adyar TS website this week in this post.

Seriously – the theme is ‘Universal…


Added by Katinka Hesselink on May 18, 2010 at 3:00am — 12 Comments

Nicholas Roerich: Beauty and Peace

The Bridge of Beauty and Understanding

Only the bridge of Beauty will be strong enough for crossing from the bank of Darkness to the side of Light - Nicholas Roerich

Rene Wadlow*

The United Nations General Assembly in resolution A/RES.62/90 has proclaimed the year 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures “to promote universal respect for, and observation and protection of, all human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Cultures… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on May 16, 2010 at 4:50am — 1 Comment

Amazing things done at religious celebrations in India

During the religious celebrations in India, some amazing things are done by

devotees and here is something you may want to see.



Added by M K Ramadoss on May 10, 2010 at 1:26am — No Comments

Aim spiritual path, self control, vegetarianism and reincarnation

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Added by Katinka Hesselink on May 3, 2010 at 5:39am — No Comments

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