KC Griffin
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KC Griffin's Page

KC Griffin's Blog

ENTER: For the Love of each of you to whom these words are Beholden is as the Lover is born in the heart of the Beloved

Posted on May 1, 2010 at 3:15am 0 Comments

The power of love abounds among all living creatures, instinctively bonding each generation to the next. Humanity alone has the capacity to contemplate this pervasive and mysterious force of nature. Mankind

manifests a uniquely complex and personal experience of what amounts to our fundamental need to connect

with each other, God and the world…

In the event any One is interested in reading this: beware my syntax is sinuous and my logic leans to the Left

Posted on May 1, 2010 at 2:57am 0 Comments

The SpecialKCe :::

Pope Red Shifty : Truth Speaker : Spiritual Seer : Eternal Believer : Wisdom Seeker : Divine Dreamer : Twilight Tweaker :Twisted Thinker : Cosmic Convener ::::

My blog would be a stream of consciousness poetic statement of Truth I

have gleaned over the years on every manner of meaningful thought one

comes across on the path less taken.

..........................................................for example here is a lil diddy i did on… Continue

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At 9:38pm on August 26, 2010, Leon Maurer said…
Right, I was referring to your pix in FB. And my reference to your "den" was the lair - which, along with your arty photography, is what got me interested in getting to know you better in the first place. It looks much like the same sort of eclectic yet artistic clutter that filled my old 5 floor brownstone walk up apartment in NYC (before I was dislocated to my now empty pad in So. Florida after my accident, but that's a long story). So, we can pick up whatever else there is to talk about on facebook. ;-)
At 10:39pm on August 25, 2010, Leon Maurer said…
You sure do look familiar, but the name doesn't ring a bell. So, I can't remember how long it's been. Although your den looks like I've been there – or dreamed about. But you look too young and beautiful for me to remember from so long ago (unless you are the daughter of one of my old friends or relatives)... Or was it in a past life? Incidentally, the guy in one of your pictures does look like my brother Robert who also looks like my twin. ;-)
At 6:39am on July 7, 2010, christinaleestemaker said…
same to me I did not sign in much, sorry KC Griffin, I have too much connections in nings, but they go off, so more time here then.
At 10:08pm on June 6, 2010, Arantir said…
Sorry it took me ages to accept your friend request:( i didn't log on to the theosohpycal network for very long time.
At 3:01am on May 05, 2010, Laurel Fries gave KC Griffin a gift
At 12:55am on May 01, 2010, Arthur E Gregory gave KC Griffin a gift

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