M K Ramadoss's Blog (112)

Helping the Dying - Book by Nelda Samarel

I just found out that the book - Helping the Dying by Nelda Samarel is available for download from the following link. My only wonder is why not much publicity has been given using Internet resources such as this website and www.theosophy.net, because most may not have even heard about TOS website.

Here is the link -… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 30, 2010 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Adyar TS Convention Bulletin - Dec 30, 2010 (Fifth Day)

The Bulletin for the 5th Day of the Adyar Convention is now on Adyar website.

For some reason, there was a delay in it being uploaded to the site.

The bulletin contain summaries of talks by:

Lakshmi Saripalli

Marcos Resende

Svitlana Gavrylenko

Abraham Oron

The talk by Saripalli is on Changing Environment which was delivered as the Theosophy Science lecture.

There is news about activities around the world and this keeps us informed of…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 30, 2010 at 9:51pm — No Comments

Adyar TS Convention Bulletin - Dec 29, 2010 (Fourth Day)

The Adyar Convention Bulletin 4 is now online at the Adyar website.

It contains summary of lectures by:

Olande Ananda

N R Narayana Murthy

Colin Price

C A Shinde

Also an account of the TOS activities is there.

A summary of the activities of TS mostly in South American countries can be found in the Bulletin.

There are two significant facts that I noticed. The first one was that in Chile, electronic publications are well received. Should… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 29, 2010 at 10:16am — No Comments

Adyar TS Convention Bulletin - Dec 28, 2010 (Third Day)

The eight page bulletin for third day of the convention is on the Adyar website.

The attendance at the convention is 1,200 plus, which is a welcome news.

There are summaries of talks by:

Dianne Kynaston

M P Singhal

Avantika Mehta

In addition, there are summaries of activities in many of the European Countries. What is striking for anyone who has been in India, is how minuscule the membership in many of these countries.

Many of the lodges in… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 28, 2010 at 10:16am — 1 Comment

Adyar TS Convention Bulletin - Dec 27, 2010 (Second Day)

Eight page Daily Bulletin for the second day of the Convention is on the

Adyar website and is informative and would be welcomed by everyone.

It contains summaries of talks by:

Linda Oliveira

John Vorstermans

S Sundaram

R C Tampi

Chong Sanne

There is also a list of General Secretaries and representatives attending

the convention. The attendance this year is much better than last year

(especially from the West) and we will…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 27, 2010 at 9:53am — No Comments

Adyar TS Convention Bulletin - Dec 26, 2010

For the first time in TS history, members around the world are able to keep up with the daily happenings at the International Convention through the daily bulletin that is posted at the Adyar Website.

Here is the link.

Eight page pdf file bulletin for the… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 26, 2010 at 11:02am — 2 Comments

TS International Convention - Daily Bulletins

The 135th International Convention at Adyar will commence tomorrow. A

visit to the Adyar website gave me a surprise. Daily Bulletins in pdf 

format for each day is indicated. So you can visit each day and see the

bulletin and know the highlights of the day. This is a small step in 

providing info on the happenings on a daily basis. I hope, next year,

Adyar resorts to live streaming of the programs, which will bring 

membership in closer contact…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 25, 2010 at 11:56am — No Comments

Theosophist & Lucifer Magazine Issues - Indexed / searchable PDF Files

Traditionally, in print media, an index is compiled and put at the end of the publication. Modern digitization technology has enabled every word in the pdf file to be indexed. This enables one to search for a word or words in the entire file, which is very powerful and handy for the reader.


All the Theosophist and Lucifer files in this site are searchable pdf files. The credit goes to Marc who took care of the processing after scanned file was available.




Added by M K Ramadoss on December 25, 2010 at 1:15am — 12 Comments

Theosophical disconnect

Theosophical disconnect

Frequently one finds a disconnect between what theosophists talk about and act. This is all the more so when you deal with ‘organizational’ theosophists.

The scanning and uploading of early issues of Theosophist on this site is an  invaluable resource…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 21, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Theosophist Magazine 1879-1885 Scanned and Posted to Cyberspace

The volumes scanned and made available due to the labors of dedicated theosophists contain very valuable information which many will find it interesting and useful. But for Internet, it would have been almost inaccessible for ordinary readers. Now the task is for the masses to get to know about it. Most of us use search engines to find information and hence I expect most readers will come to the site from searches. In the meanwhile, let each one of us spread the word.

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 19, 2010 at 11:25am — No Comments

Adyar TS International Convention - Tentative Program

As usual, the International Convention will start on December 26, 2010 in

Adyar. Here is the tentative program I found on Adyar Website. What is

significant is that the General Council Meeting schedule is also included.

Program Link

If anyone with a computer is attending the Convention, it would be very

informative if a daily - one…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 18, 2010 at 8:49am — No Comments

Two recently published theosophical books

Katinka, in her blog, brought attention to the two theosophical books published in 2010; one by Joy Mills on ML and the other SD Commentaries.

It is a pity that neither is cheap and especially the Commentaries are very pricey and out of reach of most middle class theosophists especially in the third world.

The decision makers could have simply made an electronic edition available on Internet. All books, these days are first created in electronic media and then only it is…


Added by M K Ramadoss on December 15, 2010 at 2:20am — No Comments

Why TS/TSA should make electronic versions of publications available for free?

Why TS/TSA should make electronic versions of publications available for free?

The current situation regarding electronic version of SD Commentaries (SDC) has brought focus on the need for the publications to be made available as pdf files.

In the case of SDC, due to the pricey hard copy publication, someone has taken the trouble to scan it to a pdf file and make it available on Internet. Since the copyright holder objected to it, it was removed from the website. But in the… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 4, 2010 at 12:25pm — 2 Comments

Theosophy Company - Form 990 for 2008

All tax exempt organizations are required to file Form 990 each year with IRS and it is a public document. With the advent of Internet, the returns are available online. On of the members on this site suggested we post the most recent return available. Here is the return -->>. TCO08990.pdf.

Added by M K Ramadoss on December 4, 2010 at 12:16am — 2 Comments

Converstion of hard copies to electronic medium

Many times we may like to convert hard copies to electronic medium by scanning them. Theosophists world-wide are a minuscule in numbers and many are acquainted with each other. With the scanners becoming inexpensive, there would be an urge to convert hard copies of documents to a pdf file. However, we want to avoid re-inventing the wheel by trying to scan hard copy books and periodicals wasting time and labor. Anytime, we are embarking on a scanning project, it would be a good idea to inquire… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on November 17, 2010 at 7:13pm — No Comments

TS is 135 years old today

Erica reminded everyone on theos-talk that TS is 135 years old today.

It is remarkable that we are now talking to a world-wide audience almost with the speed of light.

Theosophy has indeed affected almost everyone who came into contact with it.

Modern communication technology is going to make theosophy reach millions in days to come.

May the "Forlorn Hope" become reality, at least partially in the days to come.

Added by M K Ramadoss on November 17, 2010 at 8:56am — No Comments

NZ Theosophy Ning Site going off-line

I just learnt that the NZ Ning site may be going off-line in the

next few days. To some it may be a loss. However, it is really not so.

Due to the international character of Internet based forums, any

theosophist can interact with others around the world in such open

independent forums as theos-talk and theosnet ning site. Also these

forums are daily attracting users from around the world as they are (1)

open and not closed and (2) not controlled by any… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on November 15, 2010 at 3:21am — 2 Comments

Theosopher Wiki Project

The project has taken off. Joe Fulton should be congratulated on the idea. The article on HPB is excellent and it was indexed by Google. We all should collaborate and contribute to the project.

Added by M K Ramadoss on November 10, 2010 at 8:46am — No Comments

Science about to discover higher dimensions

Theosophical literature has talked about dimensions beyond the three ones. Now, Science is about to discover some exciting new facts. Here is an article of interest:

CERN Physicists See Parallel Universe Possibilities

“The CERN scientists say this data could provide clear signs of dimensions beyond length, width, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing and then reappearing into one of the traditional four dimensions.”… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on October 21, 2010 at 9:47am — 6 Comments

Movie - 'Hearafter'

Has anyone seen the movie 'Hearafter' produced by Clint Eastwood?

'Clint Eastwood and Matt Damon take a turn at tackling the world of life after death with "Hereafter," a film that intertwines the lives of a medium, a French journalist who undergoes a near-death experience and a

London kid who's just lost his twin brother.'

I think it is timely that this movie will spark interest what happens in after life. Much talk has been going on for years about near death as well… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on October 18, 2010 at 3:49pm — 1 Comment

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