All Blog Posts (1,169)

Thank you my Theosophical family around the world, I'm very pleased to be part of this group!

Thank you my Theosophical family around the world, I'm very pleased to be part of this group!

Added by Isis Resende on April 27, 2011 at 11:17pm — 1 Comment

General Theosophy #47

“By the time one’s body starts showing the signs of aging, pray that it is a stranger.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on April 27, 2011 at 3:33pm — No Comments

An Non-bureaucratic Approach in the Theosophical Movement

Dear friends,

We have just published in our websites the interesting article about the non-bureaucratic approach and work of the United Lodge of Theosophists:

ULT’s Nature and Method

How Esoteric is the Work

Of the United Lodge of Theosophists?


The direct link are:…


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 27, 2011 at 9:56am — No Comments

Beyond Reductionism (6)

Weiss, part four

Hierarchy: a biological necessity

To stress the need for viewing living organisms as hierarchically

ordered systems, ponder the following facts. The average cell in the human body

consists of about eighty per cent of water and for the rest contains about 10^5



Added by Martin Euser on April 26, 2011 at 7:41pm — 1 Comment

Calm the Mind Relax the heart

To Unlock the Clarity of ones inner self, you have to view everything outside the box. Metaphoricaly the box is the people and places and things on earth. With every action there is consequence. No one is better than any other. We always assume we have things to offer those we trust, trust being the key word. What gives a person the right not to trust someone. We allow ourselves to be defeated by the past. If one can…


Added by Michael Gregory on April 26, 2011 at 2:31pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #46

“Religion makes you feel significant; science makes you feel insignificant; Theosophy makes your feelings significantly insignificant.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on April 25, 2011 at 11:45am — 1 Comment

Beyond Reductionism (5)

Weiss, part three

Reductionism and holism

Weiss next tries to define basic criteria that mark a complex of parts for designation as a system. First, however, he talks about the controversy in biology between "reductionism" and "holism". The former finds its advocates in the field of "molecular biology". The latter term can be used to imply a deliberate “self-limitation of…


Added by Martin Euser on April 25, 2011 at 8:23am — 1 Comment

Beyond Reductionism (4)

Weiss, part two


From analysis to synthesis

By looking from single objects to their interrelations with others,

one reverses his direction from analysis to synthesis. By doing this,

one discovers simple rules which describe the interrelations between…


Added by Martin Euser on April 24, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Beyond Reductionism (3)

The living system: determinism stratified

Paul A. Weiss*

Rockefeller University, New York

A summary of Weiss's main points, as far as relevant to the purpose of this blog, follows.

Emphasis is largely mine. This is a long article, from which I retain the headings of the…


Added by Martin Euser on April 23, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #45

“It is interesting to learn how many scientific accomplishments have resulted from laboratory accidents or mistakes in proper procedure; it is also interesting to learn how many others trace their origin to a flash of intuition which, only later, becomes dressed in the scientific garb of verification and explanation.  Therefore, it is very interesting to ponder why even the stumbling and blundering of… Continue

Added by Richard Ihle on April 22, 2011 at 11:52am — No Comments

Modern Language and Theosophy

Dear friends,

Today we can see the widespread use of mind-manipulation techniques been

used on a large scale and, unfortunately, so effectively.

This mind control of individuals and populations and their effects need to be analyzed and understood, so that the forces of truth can come out victorious in the great battle for freedom of consciences.

We have published at our websites the following text, entitled:

Modern Language and…


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 21, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Beyond Reductionism (2)

We continue with Piaget and Inhelder:

“There is a second difference between physical experience and logico-mathematical experience or deduction. Whilst the latter, proceeding by means of reflective abstractions, leads to progressive purification (whose final stages are today those of the formalization peculiar to "pure" mathematics), physical experience is always a sort of "mixture". There is in fact no "pure" experience in…


Added by Martin Euser on April 20, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Theosophical Movement in Russia - an interview

Dear friends,

We have just published at  one interesting interview given

by Russian theosophist Konstantin Zaitzev , under the title:

The Theosophical Movement in Russia

A Dialogue with Konstantin Zaitzev

The direct link is…


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 18, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #44

“One of the less helpful things for understanding the word Spiritual may be to associate it with the word “Path, “Quest,” or “Journey”—since this is something like being in and being of the ocean and then trying to find a river, stream, or rivulet which leads to yourself.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on April 18, 2011 at 12:12pm — No Comments

The Aura of the Movement

Dear friends,

We have just published in our websites, in a form of text, a new open letter to Adyar:

The Aura of the Theosophical Movement

A 2011 Open Letter to the President to the Adyar Society


The direct links are:  and   …


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 17, 2011 at 3:18pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #43

“Perhaps the most fiercely guarded secret of gurus down through the ages is that you don’t really need a guru.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on April 17, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Beyond Reductionism (1)

In this series of blog posts, I will summarize and quote parts of some books that deal with the problems of reductionism.

The first book that draw my attention, was the famous book "Beyond reductionism", New perspectives in the life sciences, which is a report from the Alpbach Symposium held in 1968. Participants were, among others, Arthur Koestler [holons!], J.R. Smythies, Ludwig von Bertalanffy [systems theory], Paul Weiss, Jean Piaget[developmental psychology], Paul Maclean…


Added by Martin Euser on April 17, 2011 at 8:00am — 5 Comments

A Letter from México

Dear friends,

One of the objectives proposed by the "Justice to Judge" iniciative is to promote a fair investigation about the so-called "Case

Against Judge", so that truth can be better known.

Also important is to recognize William Judge as one of the Founders of the Theosophical Society.

As you can read below, this is exactly what Ramón Sordo asks in his letter to Ms. Radha Burnier.



Added by Joaquim Soares on April 16, 2011 at 6:02pm — No Comments

A Letter from the United States

Dear friends,

The current of letters to the president of Adyar Theosophical Society continues uniting more and more students, asking that justice be done to one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society, William Judge.

Below you have a letter sent from the United States, by Steve Levy, a long time Associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists.

e have also published in our websites this same new letter. The links are:…


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 16, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

From Portugal to India

Dear friends,

As I have said already the "Justice to Judge" initiative has the participation of

students from various countries and affiliations.

Below you can read a letter sent from Portugal, by José Anacleto, a long time student of HPB and editor of the magazine "Biosofia" (Biosophy).

Best regards, Joaquim



Mrs. Radha Burnier

International Headquarters, 

The Theosophical Society…


Added by Joaquim Soares on April 16, 2011 at 5:55pm — No Comments

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