Dear friends,
One of the objectives proposed by the "Justice to Judge" iniciative is to promote a fair investigation about the so-called "Case
Against Judge", so that truth can be better known.
Also important is to recognize William Judge as one of the Founders of the Theosophical Society.
As you can read below, this is exactly what Ramón Sordo asks in his letter to Ms. Radha Burnier.
Best regards,
Fraternidad Teosófica
Tepoztlán, Morelos, México. 13 de April, 2011
Ms. Radha Burnier
The International President,
The Theosophical Society,
Adyar, Chennai 600 020,
Dear Radha
As I told you in my last letter, humanity is living a very dangerous cycle which could lead to terrible consequences: tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, etc.; which humanity is already living. These are due in part because of natural cycles and also provoked and man made.
The consequences of this terrible cycle can only be mitigated promoting the Brotherhood of Humanity among us.
The Theosophical Movement was created by our Masters as “constructive of new institutions of a genuine, practical Brotherhood of Humanity where all will become co-workers of nature, will work for the good of mankind.” (ML, p. 23)
“The Chiefs want a ‘Brotherhood of Humanity,’ a real Universal Fraternity started; an institution which would make itself known throughout the world and arrest the attention of highest minds. (ML, p. 24)
Since 1894 the Theosophical Movement has been divided. In my first letter to you I gave you my historical point of view of all these and the necessity to recognize William Q, Judge as one of the three mayor founders of the Parent Theosophical Society of New York: HPB, Olcott y Judge. Only when that happens the Theosophical Movement will be united again and the Occult forces coming from Master’s Lodge will properly benefit the whole Humanity.
Yours affectionately and truly,
J. Ramón Sordo
La Fundación Blavatsky: Fraternidad Teosófica A.C. México. Calle 22 de Febrero, 52, Tepoztlán, Morelos, 62525, México.
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