September 2009 Blog Posts (11)

Silliest Quest Article Title Award

And this issues Silliest Quest Article Title Award goes to:

"How Death Changes Life:..."

Yes, death really does change one's life experience, there is no doubt about that and the change is often permanent.

Added by Charles Cosimano on September 30, 2009 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

A Fiery Life

UNDERPINNING the universe is not gravity as taught today, but an electric vital power, according to Theosophy.

Notwithstanding, physicists are still stuck on gravity to support their “standard model”—that the weakest of forces rules the entire universe—about which, admittedly, they know not much.

Gravity is mathematically incompatible with the quantum laws that govern subatomic particles, and that “leaves 95 percent of the universe unexplained” writes Dennis… Continue

Added by Odin on September 28, 2009 at 12:33am — 1 Comment

New and Serious Problem Adyar is confronting

Dear Friends,

I just learnt about a new and serious problem Adyar is confronting. Here are the full details.


The Tamil Nadu State Government is planning to build a 47 km elevated express way which will include parts of the Chennai coastline. The first studies show that around 14 fishing communities (kuppams) and over 560 families will be affected by the project. The proposed route includes the Adyar beach near the Theosophical Society's compound. The entire… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on September 27, 2009 at 12:44pm — 2 Comments

Krishnamurti's comments on Adyar

Krishnamurti’s Comments on Adyar

On Jan 7, 1924, Jiddu Krishnamurti wrote to the members of TS:


It is essential for the individual member and for the Society that Adyar, as

a great spiritual center, should be maintained worthy and dignified. The

importance of this is so obvious that few can doubt it. Adyar is and always

has been, a spiritual oasis to which the weary traveller looks for comfort

and repose. Though it may not be the previlege of… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on September 22, 2009 at 7:55pm — No Comments

Theosophy or Psychological Religion

“Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.” —Emerson

I would have to say that trickery has been a major way that I have played the fool.

Not trying to trick other people. Not even trying to trick myself. The kind of trickery I am referring to is the attempt to cultivate "magical powers" or Siddhis. These are things like traveling anywhere at the speed of thought, controlling all bodily processes,… Continue

Added by Richard Ihle on September 22, 2009 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Krotona in the Ojai Valley - Vol IV - 1923-26 by Joseph E Ross - Brief Comments

Brief First Look - Krotona in the Ojai Valley - Vol IV - 1923-26 by Joseph E Ross - 2009. Self published.

ISBN: 978-0-925943-14-9

I just had a chance to browse through the book about the events and developments that took place around Krotona and leaders of Theosophical Society during 1923-1926. It has 464 pages of tightly packed very detailed material of great historical value and a must read for anyone interested in the history of Theosophical Society.

Even a cursory… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on September 21, 2009 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Some good news on Freemasonry

Dan Brown, whose book Da Vinci Code is a very popular one has written a new book The Lost Symbol. A recent comment on this might interest many theosophists. Here are some quotes:


Freemasons await Dan Brown novel `The Lost Symbol'

Brown goes out of his way in "The Lost Symbol" to present the lodge as essentially benign and misunderstood. Masons are praised for their religious tolerance and their elaborate rituals are seen as no more unusual than those of… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on September 15, 2009 at 10:36am — 5 Comments

The challenges that face the Theosophical society Adyar

If the TS is going to move forward into the 21st century in a way that is of use to humanity, we’re going to have to face some real issues, instead of getting side tracked into personal complaints.

Real issues we’re facing:

* how to build community online in a way that is productive and helps people grow spiritually

* how to build community offline: help our lodges grow and be places of real study and a meeting place for people of diverse cultural and religious… Continue

Added by Katinka Hesselink on September 11, 2009 at 3:10pm — 3 Comments

Space smells like Ozone, gunpower

Space Smells Funny, Astronauts Say

By Tariq Malik

Senior Editor

posted: 27 March 2009

04:12 pm ET

The smell of space will linger for the seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle Discovery long after they return to Earth on Saturday.

"One thing I've heard people say before, but it wasn't so obvious, was the smell right when you open up that hatch," Discovery pilot Dominic "Tony" Antonelli said after a March 21 spacewalk. "Space definitely has a… Continue

Added by christinaleestemaker on September 8, 2009 at 4:34pm — No Comments

Meditation on the Secret Doctrine, dreams, conditioning and Tibet

New online

On Katinka Hesselink Net

On All Considering


Added by Katinka Hesselink on September 7, 2009 at 4:51am — No Comments


oṃ mai tri ma hā mai tri mai tri ye svā hā

oṃ maitri mahāmaitri maitriye svāhā

This being is not outside, nor elsewhere, but in all things manifest and un-manifest. Maitreya is not a being to come in the future, but a being in the here and now (as in ALL being).. Latent within everyone is the propensity to become that which is deemed "Master". Should any chose to know the great being of which each… Continue

Added by Mary Magdalene on September 6, 2009 at 1:30am — No Comments

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