October 2009 Blog Posts (12)

Theosophical Quarterly

I just put the index to this 35-volume (1903-1938) periodical online at scribd.com (below). Most would consider this New York based group "ultra-conservative." It formed around Ernest T. Hargrove (pres of Am. T.S. after Judge died) after he left Katerine Tingley's group. It included Hargrove, Charles Johnston, Julia and Archibald Keightley, C.A. Griscom and many others. There's 17 1/2 volumes online. (link)…


Added by Mark R. Jaqua on October 30, 2009 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Khalil Gibran: Spirits Rebellious

Khalil Gibran : Spirits Rebellious

Khalil Gibran (1983-1931) is one of the most quoted prose poets, especially his 1923 work The Prophet. In The Prophet, we are told that Almustafa, a holy man, has been living in exile, in a city called Orphalese for twelve years. A ship is coming to take him home to the island of his birth. People gather and ask him for his final words of wisdom — on love, on work, on joy, on children. The book has become bedside reading for all those who… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on October 28, 2009 at 5:02am — 2 Comments

Give up meat to save the planet

Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet

Here is an interesting article. It looks like, meat eating may go out of fashion like smoking. It may take time. But eco concerned men and women may be at the forefront of the vegetarian movement.

Lord Stern, former chief economist of World Bank says:

People will need to consider turning vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming.

He… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on October 26, 2009 at 8:59pm — 5 Comments

Analysis of New Age Currents: Book Review

Alice O. Howell

The Heavens Declare: Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness

(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books,2006, 281pp.)

There are a number of currents of thought which hold that humanity is coming to the end of an historical cycle and is entering into a new age with the start of the new millennium. The most widely spread of these currents of thought is a complex of ideas and practices known as the New Age or the Age of Aquarius. The contemporary New Age began as a… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on October 21, 2009 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Esoteric Groups and Political Currents: Book Review

Gary Lachman

Politics and the occult : the left, the right and the radically unseen

(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2008, 261pp.)

Gary Lachman has written a very useful and sober book on esoteric current in modern political thought — modern meaning here from the Protestant Reformation to the present. A sober book is necessary as the internet is filled with wild speculation about the role of the Illuminati on the political and financial system. The current meltdown of the banks… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on October 18, 2009 at 12:42pm — No Comments

Blavatsky's "The Durbar in Lahore" online

H.P. Blavatsky's "The Durbar in Lahore" was originally serialized in a Russian publication in 1881, and later translated and serialized in "The Theosophist" (uncopyrighted). This is my transcription and scans. This is the only book-length material of Blavatsky's that has never been published in book-form. Thanks to Paul Johnson on giving me a tip on it. Link:


Added by Mark R. Jaqua on October 18, 2009 at 6:23am — 4 Comments

The Founding Fathers and Astrology.

I saw Matt Lauer and Dan Brown discussing "The Lost Symbol" on NBC last night. They showed a painting of G. Washington in Masonic garb dedicating the cornerstone of the Capitol. Brown mentioned that it was the custom of the founding fathers to use astrology to select an auspicious time for the laying of the cornerstone of important buildings so that good things would happen in those buildings. Matt and Dan then poo pooed the idea. If astrology is true (and I think it is) it is part of how the… Continue

Added by leslie marlar on October 17, 2009 at 12:29pm — 3 Comments

Russian Magic: Book Review

I am pleased to post a review of a new Quest book which deals with the structure of Russian folk tales. The author does not follow the school of C.G. Jung to look at what psychological needs folk tales meet or what tales may tell us about the contents of the subconscience, but she looks at their structure and the way that they are used in Russian society today.

Cherry Gilchrist

Russian Magic: Living Folk Traditions of an Enchanted Landscape

(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books,… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on October 14, 2009 at 5:19pm — No Comments

Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama

Obama’s Nobel : A Hope Not Yet An Achievement

Rene Wadlow*

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population. Nobel Committee Statement

The five-person Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee has chosen… Continue

Added by Rene Wadlow on October 10, 2009 at 6:04am — 1 Comment

.:in Honor of Gandhi:.

In honor of Mohandas' birth...… Continue

Added by Mary Magdalene on October 3, 2009 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Joe gets recognized for his contribution and innovation

Congrats Joe. You are in a tough environment and the recognition speaks for itself. Keep up the good work. The tax season ends only on 10/15.

Added by M K Ramadoss on October 1, 2009 at 9:17am — No Comments

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