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Making sense of disaster, history and myth.

Namazu ~ The Earthshaker

Making sense of disaster, history and myth.

According to ancient Japanese legends earthquakes are caused by a titanic catfish, Namazu.…

Added by Leila Raven on March 12, 2011 at 6:07pm — 2 Comments

Chief Bemidji Syndrome

Let me tell you about Chief Bemidji Syndrome. . . . 

Chief Bemidji is a seven-foot painted wooden statue overlooking Lake Bemidji in the city of Bemidji in northern Minnesota. 

The Chief looks pretty much the same as he did some decades ago when I was an undergraduate…


Added by Richard Ihle on March 11, 2011 at 1:35pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #34

“Perfect morality may not really abhor vice; it is perhaps just perfectly bored by it.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on March 2, 2011 at 3:59pm — 1 Comment

General Theosophy #33

“Adeptship may actually be less the ability for doing exceptional things and more the exceptional knack for knowing which things not to bother doing in the first place.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 28, 2011 at 9:17am — 3 Comments

Two Questions about the Masters

I have two questions to pose. I hope what I say is not too convoluted.

  1. Did the Theosophical Society’s conception of the Masters change after the first generation of leaders? They were once thought of as earthly human beings with paranormal abilities. Several different people apparently met some of them at various points in time. But later, from the time of Leadbeater, the Masters seem more otherworldly. Outside of the Theosophical Society the…

Added by Kirk W Walker on February 27, 2011 at 7:01pm — 15 Comments

Communication: Jean Overton Fuller's Response to Govert Schuller Regarding the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias Issue

Naperville, February 27, 2011

Recently the following communication was published by Theosophical History:

"Communication: Jean Overton Fuller's Response to Govert Schuller Regarding the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias Issue."

In the summer of 2006 I discussed with some Theosophical friends the paper on Narayan on which I was working then (1). As we knew that Jean was getting frail we came to the conclusion that it would be fair to send her my draft in order for her to… Continue

Added by Govert Schuller on February 27, 2011 at 1:10pm — 9 Comments

General Theosophy #32

“By listening first, a child may learn how to speak; by listening first, an adult may learn what to speak.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 25, 2011 at 3:48pm — 1 Comment

James Cousins, Irish Theosophist in India


The Bridge of Beauty and Understanding



Only the bridge of Beauty will be strong enough for crossing from the bank of Darkness to the side of Light    - Nicholas Roerich


            Rene Wadlow*


            The United Nations General Assembly in resolution A/RES.62/90 has proclaimed the year 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures…


Added by Rene Wadlow on February 25, 2011 at 4:06am — 1 Comment


Modern Science made tremendous progress for the last 40 years, together with a new mindset emerging in some scientific researchers, and brand new concepts which open completely new roads, some which may clean-up the path toward what the old traditions carried out. The discussion on the Stances of Dzyan has surfaced some key concepts like Space, Matter, Time, Forces.

Previous similar attempts were made by A. Tanon in 1948 (Theosophy et Science), Stephen M. Phillips in 1979…


Added by Jacques Mahnich on February 20, 2011 at 3:30pm — 122 Comments

General Theosophy #31

"No, no, no . . . the real Devil would undoubtedly not cause but rather remove all human sufferings, so that only Theosophers would be left to pray or meditate themselves toward a helpful acquaintance with God."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 19, 2011 at 10:54am — 2 Comments

Review of Collected Writings of Geoffrey Hodson

I have just posted on theos-talk mail list, a short review on the 2 volume book titled - Sharing the Light - which contain collected articles of Hodson, complied by John and Elizabeth Sell and Edited by Roselmo Z Doval Santos, well known theosophists in NZ.

The books contain 402 articles Hodson has written and published in official theosophical magazines of NZ, India, USA, Australia and South Africa. Articles go as far back as… Continue

Added by M K Ramadoss on February 12, 2011 at 12:48pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #30

“More important for an aspiring Adept than separating facts from fictions may be discriminating between useful beliefs and useless beliefs.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 12, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #29

“Few may be less interested in actually finding Truth than some of those who are making a profitable career out of leading others in an endless search for It.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 7, 2011 at 7:02pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #28

"The best hearing aid is not having anything you are waiting to say.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 29, 2011 at 5:53pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #27

“In Theosophy, getting from Point A to Point B is simply a matter of eventually realizing that there is no Point B.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 27, 2011 at 10:29am — No Comments

Review of new Sufi Quest book



Philip Gowins

Practical Sufism :A Guide to the Spiritual Path

(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2010, 219pp).



Enough of phrases and conceits and metaphors !

I want burning, burning, become familiar with

that burning! Light up a fire of love in thy soul,

Burn all thought and expressions away.

                                   Jalal al-Din Rumi





Added by Rene Wadlow on January 24, 2011 at 10:53am — No Comments

General Theosophy #26

“Someone skeptical of academia once said, ‘No one who ever mainly just studied great literature ever wrote any.’  Someone skeptical of organized Theosophy might someday say, ‘No one who ever mainly just studied great spiritual advances and contributions of others ever. . . .’”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 23, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

How Young Indiana Jones Episode changed some one’s life

I ran into a very interesting blog which you can read and also view the
video of Young Indiana Jones. Strange are the ways in which Karma helps
Humans. Click here.

Added by M K Ramadoss on January 21, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

Planes or Dimensions. Are they Rational?

For me, the theosophical notion of multiple planes of existence is fascinating and thought provoking, but also very challenging to the rational mind. Perhaps "rational" is not the right term. It may be better to say that the notion of other planes of reality is challenging to a modern mentality overawed by the success and prestige of science. Accordingly, if the planes of theosophy are scientifically plausible, then the modern mentality is comfortable with them. However, if science deems…


Added by Kirk W Walker on January 19, 2011 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

Modern Science and the Dehumanization of Man

 This article from Philip Sherrard really makes one think..

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. We will all become Borg. Or not..? That's the question.


Added by Martin Euser on January 17, 2011 at 6:41pm — 10 Comments

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