“Adeptship is less about doing exceptional things and more about avoiding exceptional mistakes.”—General Theosophy

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Comment by William John Meegan on March 29, 2011 at 3:18am

I do not mean to be disrespectful in any way, shape or form.  It is difficult to explain a life time of self exploration of esotericism: it really can not be shared.  One tries as one may but there is really no way to transcend the barrier between two individuals.  I should learn to listen to myself - I truly believe that one's own voice is the voice that each of us is trying to hear.  I truly know that by reaching out  I am in fact trying to communicate something to myself.


What I am trying to say is that the teachings and the wisdom written down throughout the ages is merely pabulum for the masses.  It is difficult to explain how much tripe it truly is.  I understand the wisdom of Plato and all the secular sages that went before and after him but when it come right down to it - on the surface of what they had to say - is meaningless to the esoterist.  I of course do not negate that what they had to say had an underlining esotericism codified to it.  I am not qualify to make a judgment in that area of their teachings if in fact they had an esoteric agenda; however, I am more than qualify to make the former judgment.


I study the sacred scriptures from a mathematical and linguistic perspective: in a word esoterically.  And I can sincerely tell you that every single word of the Old and New Testaments is pure tripe: pabulum for the masses; however, I can also tell you that every single word and verse has an alternative meaning besides it esoteric connotations.  This I am qualified to speak on considerably.  This is said in all due respect to yourself and the members of this forum.

Comment by Richard Ihle on March 28, 2011 at 3:26pm

Greetings, William, and good wishes.

I agree that it is a pretty cute saying.  I might have to disagree, though, that it is totally without merit, since even Socrates once said that his personal Daemon ("Guiding Spirit") never told him what to do, but regularly told him what NOT to do.

Comment by William John Meegan on March 28, 2011 at 2:03pm
This is a cute saying but totally without merit.  It is in sweating the insignificant that make the exceptional possible. I know from years of dragging my lazy butt through the wilderness of the mind of man: my own soul/psyche.

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