Talk about your day, what's going on, the good, bad, indifferent or just plain goofy.
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Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 43 Replies 3 Likes
What music are you listening to or playing today?Continue
Tags: music
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 29 Replies 0 Likes
So this doesn't have to be something spiritual. It can be funny or other kinds of mindless. Ok it can be spiritual, too.Continue
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 9 Replies 0 Likes
Everyone has something that brings a smile or makes the day less stressful.It could be a song, a picture, a thought or something completely different.Let's hear what makes you happy :)Continue
Started by Jessica R. Huffmeyer. Last reply by PuzzleSolver Apr 11, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Everyday we wake up thinking of thoughts in our minds and sometimes these thoughts of ours are not positive and can weight us down from performing our daily tasks or achieving our daily goals. It…Continue
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote "The earth laughs in flowers"
So I'm going into the "Dark Ages" for 3 days to find a Rose in a cave of darkness. Aside from the poetics, I mean a total unplugging, no cell phone no computer no radios, no books, nothing that beeps or shines... just Me, Myself, and Nature (God/Human/Nature type thing if ya know what I mean)
"I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine..."
- (Oberon) William Shakespeare
"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I'll be back after the 23rd! Enjoy everyone :D
Well, I am back. At least physically. :-) My mind is still on the beach! LOL My sister and I have decided we could live there, no problem at all. Had a great week with my dad, slept late, read a lot, shopped, went to the beach, ate a ton of seafood. Yup. I could get into that on a full time basis. I'll share a couple of snaps of the beach there.
I am headed to the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow for some beach time with my parents and sister. I'll be away until the 17th. I am running around today, doing errands, ticking stuff off my to-do list. Can't wait to walk along the sand and wiggle my toes in the Gulf, feel the ocean breeze in my hair and the sun on my face, and and get some of that good energy.
Beyond that, I will do a lot of lazing around, imbibing, yakking, and reading. We are all big readers and I'm taking plenty of books. Oh, yeah - eating seafood too!
Today I mowed the Lawn, Did some research on the underlying strata of the pyramids in Alaska and am working on determining the age on when they were formed whether natural or constructed purposefully. the problem I am having with it is the ages I am coming up with would place its formation before the Pliocene?? I would love to visit them in person and take some measurements but alas satellite photos and geologic surveys are most of the data I have to work with. I would like to see the magnetic signature of the masonry used in their construction to determine their relative age. That area of Alaska has been under Ice since the late Oligocene.
Rainy Saturday here. Wondering if the rain here has quit, or is this just a temporary lull. Earlier this morning I would not have been surprised to see Noah and his ark floating by!
Also wondering if my cat is getting better and what the heck was wrong with him, and does he need to go to the vet. :-/ He is a dedicated chow hound and has been off his feed for a couple of days, although he seems better today, but not back to his old self. Will give it another day or so and see.
I am finally feeling like the holidays are over and I can begin to think about what I want to do with the next couple of months, aside from working, that is. I don't bother with New Year's Resolutions. I saw a saying recently that said something like New Year's resolutions are basically a To-Do List for the first week in January. LOL That about sums up my opinion on them.
I'm looking forward to unpacking my books. :-) It's going to be a job find room for them, but I have missed having them at-the-ready.
I decided I can make millions by building an infrared advanced warning system to alert me of a kitten attack. It could flash warning alerts for an oncoming attack -- like "One if by Land", "Two if by Air", "Three if by Quantum Leap" (i.e. attack as a Wave Front AND as a single fully embodied Kitten).
I might even get an Ig Nobel prize.
Today (12-24-2012) on the PBS channel (here in PA, USA) there are two shows which may interest people:
1) The Asian and Abrahamic Religions: A Divine Encounter
2) 3 Faiths
Some people may find these interesting... There always a chance to learn more. Especially when it comes to similarities within the Abrahamic Religions. (A topic that is hard to discuss on this site -- a lot of rather rather strong negativity)
TGIF! After quite a few weeks of home repair and renovation (felt like forever!), and a bit of hassling with contractors, I am looking forward to a little R&R. Going to do a little shopping and take in a traveling exhibit, the Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour, an exhibit of sacred Relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist Masters. Really looking forward to getting out of town for a bit.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Joe when it comes to Nigeria I am lost for words , I was in a place called Asaba which is the "capital" of Delta state . Delta State is the richest in terms of natural resources and yet the most impoverished place in Nigeria. Even Lagos is no big deal.
Though I do not understand what Susan has said - somehow it seems very compelling me to believe it sort of would encapsulate my feelings about the place.
I was astounded to see that this capital resembled something that our villages were maybe 50 years back !. THe Christianity that they practice is nothing like I have ever known - It is a blend of Superstition and with elements of Nature worship that is very Crude and with the addition of Voodoo thrown in to "end" a person as they call it . Everyone is a Pastor and runs classes of the Evangelist type with a lot of noise and trying to catch the spirit as if they are human lightning conductors. My driver was a pastor, our HR lady was a pastor, my security guard was a pastor .And I had a very strange experience - I had people working for me who had returned from Denmark, America,Argentina, UK, France , Germany and Mexico. I was quite appreciative of their love of country which made them come back to ''serve'' in inhospitable conditions despite knowing how the world was outside Nigeria - It did not last long till I found out that all of them were on the run from authorities in those countries - having indulged in extremely nefarious activities. Nigeria is the best place to go to if you are wanted in any other country - nothing works there. Honesty is a welcome exception even grand mothers and small children are dishonest - (by our standards) which just go to prove that these words are relative only - I was seen as someone "less than street smart" and poor in survival skills. I was advised by the Chairman of the company that I was working for in the following manner "Hari , this is NIgeria and you are an outsider , do not make a fuss about theft in the company - just bring it to my notice when in your opinion it goes beyond TOLERABLE limits" You guessed it !!! The bar kept on rising like in the high jump - The Chairman was Called "Chief"' and his cousin was the King of Asaba - the company was being Run on prime government Land and the icing on the cake was that - the government had only a 10% share, Taxes had not been paid for 16 Years ! The Auditor came and enjoyed the hospitality for a week and was paid 200,000 Naira , The tax people came (4 of them) and I was advised from Lahos to pay 60,000 Naira as grease money (15000 x4) - all want away swearing loyalty to me and long life to the Chief .
Deb I wish too , I wish I were the next Sai Baba or Rajneesh , life would have been more easier . Can you believe that Nigeria is NOT a tourist destination. They do not have tourist spots !.
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