What's Going on With Me Today?


What's Going on With Me Today?

Talk about your day, what's going on, the good, bad, indifferent or just plain goofy.

We are real people and we have real lives.  Let's have some fun.

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Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015

Discussion Forum

Music - What am I Listening To / What am I Playing?

Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 43 Replies

What music are you listening to or playing today?Continue

Tags: music

TV & the Movies - What am I Watching?

Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 29 Replies

So this doesn't have to be something spiritual.  It can be funny or other kinds of mindless.  Ok it can be spiritual, too.Continue

Tags: cable, netflix, movies, TV

What Makes me Happy?

Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Deb Nov 11, 2013. 9 Replies

Everyone has something that brings a smile or makes the day less stressful.It could be a song, a picture, a thought or something completely different.Let's hear what makes you happy :)Continue

Tags: joy, happy

What Do You Do?

Started by Jessica R. Huffmeyer. Last reply by PuzzleSolver Apr 11, 2013. 2 Replies

 Everyday we wake up thinking  of thoughts in our minds  and sometimes these thoughts of ours are not positive and can weight us down from performing our daily tasks or achieving our daily goals. It…Continue

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Comment by Hari Menon on September 11, 2012 at 1:05pm

I saw the link , some consolation it is , every day I have not less than 5 to 6 funding spams . I have lived in Nigeria Joe for a short while - the less said about it the better. 820 Trillion Dollars it seems they have - must be play money !

Comment by Deb on September 11, 2012 at 1:01pm

I wish you'd majored in that too, Hari.  Then you could materialize some $$$ for me too!  Hahahaha!  :-)

Comment by Hari Menon on September 11, 2012 at 12:52am

Well - From the South of India ! , Just got shouted down by a client who felt that I was taking too much time over his funding solution - Lost his reason , does not accept the fact that people do not just give away huge sums of money for free or meet the project owner without evaluating the project . One week and he expects me to "materialize'' something like 20 Million Us$ !!!! Wish I  had majored from some school of wizadery

Comment by Deb on August 21, 2012 at 3:48pm

For the last six weeks or so, I have been doing home renovation, so I have not known really whether I'm coming or going.  Nothing is back yet where it should be - or very little beyond the basic pieces of furniture.  So much is still boxed up.  But the painting is done and the new flooring was installed last Th, Fr, & Sa.  SO happy to have all that behind me!  Hopefully now I can get things put back and begin to feel sorted out.  I am ready to for some peace and quiet, so that I can take stock, and get a sense of my direction forward from here.  The approach of winter is always a good time to get involved in some new interest or worthy endeavor.

Comment by Deb on May 22, 2012 at 1:47pm

Congrats to you and Susan!  Have a wonderful time!

Comment by Ferran Sanz Orriols on May 22, 2012 at 10:52am

 Once a year, Anand and me solemny agree, in this precise issue: have a great celebration and a greater year!!! :-)

Comment by Capt. Anand Kumar on May 22, 2012 at 9:36am

On behalf of all members of Theosophy.Net I take this opportunity to wish Susan and You a very long and happy married life. Have a great celebration!

Comment by Deb on May 21, 2012 at 11:17am

Did anyone see the eclipse yesterday.  I think it was most visible for folks in the southwestern U.S.  Is that right?   Well, I missed it anyway.  It was cloudy where I was and the timing was wrong me as well. 

Life is busy lately.  Lots of changes to adjust to and several home & garden projects on-going, mostly small-ish, but getting it all coordinated with helpers (my sons!) &/or installers sometimes proves to be more difficult than the actual project.  :-)

But there is always time for reading, reflecting, and enjoying music and bits of serendipity.  A friend sent this to me this morning and it made me laugh, so I share it here:


These guys have other songs, old classics/favorites, on Youtube as well.  A couple of my faves:  Nature Boy and La Vie en Rose

Life is Good!  Enjoy!

Comment by Ferran Sanz Orriols on May 20, 2012 at 9:58am

 Hi, Stuci!

   ;-)  since last solstice there's a lot of psychic energy in the air :-)

 and YES!!! this is the theosophy we need, the one that empowers us to deal with governments, bureaucracies and all kinds of institutions!!! 

 sorry, friends, I am again engaged in street activism so I may be unable to write much here, but I'll keep on reading!!! :-) 

Comment by Stuci Firme on May 20, 2012 at 1:47am

Today I was browsing on Google plus, looking for any interesting groups to join and was noticing a lack of interesting ones to join that had anything to do with religion, occultism or philosophy. It hit me that I have been neglecting my Theosophical studies, and have been regretting not having that focus of wisdom with me when I become overcome with confusion and anxiety.

This morning, however, I had a moment of inspiration and started writing a piece on the basics of governing systems, for people who might not know how to understand, navigate and utilize the bureaucratic institutions that govern their community and nation.

Has anyone else been inspired lately to write, research or meditate?


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