Hello All !

Madame Blavatsky said that her works demand profs and she urged the people to seek for those profs/facts. (like the things she wrote in the Secret Doctrine for example).

More then a 100 years have passed since she died, I wonder - what profs/facts to her words did we found ?


Religion is based on belief, the history and facts actually contradict many of the Bibles stories, so all you have left with is a belief.
Madame Blavatsky was against religion and seeker of truth as you all know, ""There Is No Religion Higher than Truth" , but were is the truth ?

How can we know/check out that was is written in the Secret Doctrine for example - is the truth ?
How can we prove without a doubt that there is a soul, god (higher entity), angels, "humans creation process", karma etc... ?

I believe in all of those things, but it I have no prof of them except the stories people tell on T.V shows (like Beyond a Chance for example).

Could it be that after more then 100 years since the books were written and the author died we still couldn't find a single prof of her words ?


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As I read and reread your question, I become more and more aware that behind its rather straight forward appearance, are underlying questions that would first have to be addressed and agreed upon. These questions range from difficult philosophical issues like What constitutes proof for whom? and, The difference between knowledge and belief, to more straight forward questions like: What was Blavatsky trying to prove in her writings?  Unfortunately a discussion on any of these will raise a variety of opinions. So perhaps "proof" and what is being proven or not proven is in the eye of the beholder after all. Even in the realm of modern science, truth is an abstract thing. Its methodology is indeed designed to pursue truth. Thus its theories  are in a constant state of change in order to accommodate new information. Accordingly, even science cannot deal with "truth" or "proof" in any ultimate sense. Rather, the best that modern scientific method can offer is in those rare cases where they can identify and mathematically define "laws" of nature.  Such as the "law of gravity," which Isaac Newton was able to capture in a mathematical formula.  But a true scientist cannot in good conscience speak of "Truth"  and those so called "proofs" come and go as the data changes, theories are modified, discarded, or replaced.   


Blavatsky too did often address these philosophical and practical questions of truth, belief and certainty throughout her writings. Her article "What is Truth?" comes to mind, where she makes some fine distinctions between many kinds of truths: i.e. personal truths, collectively accepted truths, philosophical truths, divine Truth etc.  The latter part of Isis Unveiled also has a discourse where she argues for "certainty" that is gained through the trial and error of human experience.  


On the other hand, in 1988 I did write an article for Sunrise magazine this does address your question, i think in the spirit you asked it. You may find the article on the Theosophical University Press wedbsite:



Please let me know if you find this article helpful.  If so, I look forward to discussing the matter further with you.  





I daresay that these two finds corrobrate quite a lot of info from Isis and SD.


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