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and for our Dutch readers:

(other readers: use Google translate to understand these texts)


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recipe #2: eat less meat. The production of meat requires large quantities of potable water in order to grow feed crops. There will be a shortage of water on a global scale soon. Estimations are that meat consumption will double in the coming decads. It is hard to see where all the water that is required for this will come from.

Food prices will rise considerably, with devastating consequences for the poorest on this planet. It is simply a matter of survival for the human species to curb the production and consumption of meat. A sizable tax should be imposed on the price of meat in order to effect this. It will not be a popular measure, but in the end it will be a necessary one.

Recipe #3: help reinforce the notion of good stewardship/ecospirituality in your church and religion. This seems to be happening the last few years. The greening of religion will become an important force for positive change. It goes hand in hand with the introduction of feminine values into religion. These values stress the importance of the relation between humans and the planet, the ecosystem. Together with the cultural creatives this can flip the balance of power to a more constructive consumer base which forces companies to change their way of production. Governments, congress and senators can be coerced into a better direction too. Let them sign a letter of intent (as formulated in Laszlo's book "You can change the world") for sustainability and peace. It is all a matter of spreading intent, and organizing action/connection.

Recipe #4: show the "modernist" (the one who believes in infinite resources, struggle for life, war, etc.) the facts of our current situation:

- depletion of resources

- finite resources

- necessity of cooperation and sustainable economy

- changing our attitude to planet and other peoples


in as much forms as possible. Who says that modernists are rational people? Their thinking shows otherwise. Some may be open to changing their false beliefs. Show facts, facts, facts. Repeatedly, on television, radio, internet, books, magazines, newspapers, discussions. Journalists should take much more responsibility in these matters. Endless exponential growth is not a natural phenomenon. There is always a limit to growth. Cancerous growth causes death and destruction..Enough is enough.

Recipe #5: Become involved in Slow Food (organization website), buy Fair Trade products, and participate in LETSystems to promote local currencies and local trade. Become a conscious citizen. Inform yourself of these movements and associated practices.

#6: Think globally, act locally. See #5.


#7: integrate the preceding themes, ideas, into a mature eco-spirituality and eco-philosophy. In some sense, this can be accomplished with the Hermetic and Neo-Platonic and other mystical traditions worthy of that name. There will be core themes and multiple perspectives can be united into a larger framework.

A clarification of the open source idea has been given by me in a separate file. See attachments.

The beginnings of a new framework (process theosophy) has been given too. It needs some deeply considered feedback. Ecological principles are present in it, in "seed form". See attachments.

#8: Strive for excellence. Why be mediocre? The world abounds with mediocrity and indifference. Be different and make a difference!
#9: visit the socially deprived. There are many lonely people in our world for various reasons: state of health ( physically and psychologically), age, etc. There are buddy projects of all kinds in today's world. This makes for excellent volunteers work and one can make some new friends too, in the process.
One can also put one's savings on a green bank, one that invests in ethically responsible projects, that promote practices of sustainability, fair business, etc., instead of weapon production and degrading business practice. That really makes a difference!

Martin Euser said:

Recipe #5: Become involved in Slow Food (organization website), buy Fair Trade products, and participate in LETSystems to promote local currencies and local trade. Become a conscious citizen. Inform yourself of these movements and associated practices.

This introduces the horizontal dimension into spirituality, which is much needed in today's world. I will go as far as saying that no spirituality is viable without such a horizontal, social and ecological dimension.

Martin Euser said:
Recipe #3: help reinforce the notion of good stewardship/ecospirituality in your church and religion. This seems to be happening the last few years. The greening of religion will become an important force for positive change. It goes hand in hand with the introduction of feminine values into religion. These values stress the importance of the relation between humans and the planet, the ecosystem. Together with the cultural creatives this can flip the balance of power to a more constructive consumer base which forces companies to change their way of production. Governments, congress and senators can be coerced into a better direction too. Let them sign a letter of intent (as formulated in Laszlo's book "You can change the world") for sustainability and peace. It is all a matter of spreading intent, and organizing action/connection.

     +     -





step away from the masses

be different

make a difference


thanks Martin


so simple


[big warm smile]




Martin Euser said:

#8: Strive for excellence. Why be mediocre? The world abounds with mediocrity and indifference. Be different and make a difference!


Beautiful Post Martin. Sorry, I missed it earlier.


Some or all of these recipes can be discovered in what M K Gandhi proposed in India many decades back:


1. AHIMSA - Non Violence towards self and towards all.

2. SATYAGRAHA - Follow the truth.

3. SARVODAYA - Development of All. This economic model proposes development for the last man as the basis. In contrast to the popular belief in democarcy leading to development of majority only.

4. SWARAJ - Independence for All.

5. SWADESHI - Consume local.


Gandhi attempted to show the validity of these ideals by living them. Many of the contemporary commentators feel that Gandhi demanded too much from humanity as it is not practical to live those ideals. Would you evaluate your recipes similarly? 



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