I just posted the horary chart and some thoughts on the 'Astrology of the 9.0 Japan Earthquake & Nuclear Disaster' on my cosmology blog. Thoughts/comments are welcome. Here's an excerpt to give some flavor of the article:
At the time of the Japan 9.0 quake the Sun had just moved into the last decanate (last 10 degrees) of Pisces, which is the last 10 degrees of the entire 360° zodiac [the last 10 degrees of Pisces are considered the Scorpio decanate of Pisces]. ...
'Passage through Pisces in the Gnostic Circle [see image] is always an end for a new beginning. There are two signs in the zodiac which are concerned with death. One is Scorpio and the other is Pisces (actually three if Cancer is included). But each presents a different aspect. When there is 'death' in Scorpio it is a first stage which opens the way to the possibility of work on a higher level. Let us say, in Scorpio the process is not complete. It is only the first phase. In Pisces there is a thorough renewal based on life and the truth of what has remained after Scorpio. In Scorpio that which is old and of no more use dies, the useless appendages, but in Pisces it is the new birth from the already regenerated form. Pisces is the further complement of Scorpio, as Scorpio is the further complement of Cancer. The new beginning of Pisces sets the pace for the work of the subsequent [cycle].'
Joe, I am trying to get a post up (maybe by this evening) on Circumsolatious that shows the 11 March 2011 at the quake site, and a chart for 9 days later, the 20th of March. 20 March, circa 3 am is the Full Moon (aka 'Super Moon') in Japan. The main thing that I have noticed is that the Sun comes to 28 degrees Pisces on the 20th, conjunct with Uranus, which J. Spencer mentioned is now in the first degree of Aries. The Sun is opposite the Moon (hence a full moon) at 28 Virgo. This 'dissolution' axis is squared by the Earth's North and South nodes which were 28 Sagittarius/Gemini on the 11th and move/d to 27 Sagittarius/Gemini by the 20th. Sagittarius and Gemini are also dissolution signs. Mars is also in dissolution sign Pisces. I don't know what to 'make' of all of this other than it represents a lot of dissolution/dissolving of old structures in a suprising and forceful way ...
I will also look at, if I have time, the chart for the Spring Equinox, 21st of March ... when the Sun joins Uranus at 0 degrees Aries. Last year when the Sun went into Aries, the Iceland Volcano blew and disrupted Iceland and Europe for a month. Then as the Sun went into Taurus, and the BP Deep Horizon Rig blew.
Hey again, I haven't had time to really comment on the aspects/features in the Japan Quake/Supermoon Biwheel chart [open Chart HERE] ... I started to, but then realized that I needed to write about the significance of the 9.0 measurement/number-power of the Quake/Supermoon [See 'Japan's 9.0 Earthquake, the Super Moon and the Number 9']
Interesting, too, 360Lotus, how these events coincide with the super Full Moon, such being at a particularly close position ... and the moon does affect both we as people, and the Earth (tides are a rather obvioius example). This event seems to have giving an early start to the Mercury Retrograde, one not naturally due till the end of March. Nonetheless, we seem to be in a very serious Mercury Retrograde REVISITATION of past for the purpose of correction.
Interesting to me is the connection of Japan to Blavatsky's Third Round people, and prophesy of that land being the first to be affected by world change, in THIS Round, and right around this precise time. When put together with your information, we can see how the [Divine Plan] works, and how it can be understood.
It is a great loss that so much of Ancient Astrology has been lost, what with all the trials and travels of the Babylonians, but thankfully work such as yours are showing there IS ORDER in this Universe of our, and when we learn how to read the Divine messages and portents written in the Cosmos, we can find comfort in knowing there is actual [intelligence] behind our existence.
Interesting, too, 360Lotus, how these events coincide with the super Full Moon, such being at a particularly close position ... and the moon does affect both we as people, and the Earth (tides are a rather obvioius example). This event seems to have giving an early start to the Mercury Retrograde, one not naturally due till the end of March. Nonetheless, we seem to be in a very serious Mercury Retrograde REVISITATION of past for the purpose of correction.
Interesting to me is the connection of Japan to Blavatsky's Third Round people, and prophesy of that land being the first to be affected by world change, in THIS Round, and right around this precise time. When put together with your information, we can see how the [Divine Plan] works, and how it can be understood.
It is a great loss that so much of Ancient Astrology has been lost, what with all the trials and travels of the Babylonians, but thankfully work such as yours are showing there IS ORDER in this Universe of our, and when we learn how to read the Divine messages and portents written in the Cosmos, we can find comfort in knowing there is actual [intelligence] behind our existence.
Edgar Cayce is at lesat one person who said, "The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea." when talking about earth changes. No doubt there are others as well. I was thinking about this the other day, and it occurred to me that it might be like Atlantis, in that there were a series of cataclysms that broke apart Atlantis prior to the final submerging, and this took place over a period of time, up until the last event. Others have written about this, too - Ruth Montgomery for one. Just as a matter of interest, I'm fairly sure that it was Cayce who also said that when Mt. Etna became active again it would signal the beginning of the changes. I take an "elastic" view of his time frame for all this, time being what it is.
I don't have any light to shed about the "third round" reference to the Japanese.
Hello everyone,
I am new to Theosophical Network and don't really know where to start. Astrology is one of my primary interests for 20+ years
I was collecting personal data for a long time since 2001 from 4 different Astrological sources to learn about myself. Including Western European, ancient Chinese, ancient Mayan and ancient Vedic Astrology. Simple at first, within a years my personal profile seems become complex and unrealistic. About a year ago I decide to go over it again and with professional help extracted only the information repeating with 2 or more astrological sources around the world. Combined report about A: Spiritual gifts and knowledge; B: Good human qualities;C: Shortcomings. The accurate information reached far beyond my expectations. Only 2 pages there but nothing missing. If I want to add something more I couldn't possibly said one other thing about myself. When I learn all that, I have also learn about my Karma's work this lifetime, spiritual awakening, and all in the between. When I started after that to do my research about one last thing in the Astrological report I wasn't sure about, the answer I got a straight direction, pointed me to the theosophical websites. Astrological wisdom helped me ultimately find my Faith. All I believe, all I have experienced, heard, seeing, transitional travels and more written in my journals through the years has all the principals are the principals of the theosophy and nothing else.
Interesting. Wonder if this could relate to Blavatsky's Lemurian connection to Asia?
Thank you Heidi
I just would like to tell you about the place I was born from an interesting point of view based on historical, astrological, metaphysical and esoteric researches.
The city Perm' Russia Permian Period One attraction of large impact theories is that theoretically they
could trigger other cause-considered extinction-paralleling phenomena, such as the Siberian Traps eruptions
as being either an impact site or the antipodes of an impact site. lye-manifesting and/or less than
global-in-scope phenomena. The Permian Period was named after the Perm Krai in West Ural Russia
by Scottish geologist Roderick Murchison in 1841. City Perm is the capital of the Perm krai.
Where in 10/27/1967 under complex and very rare combination of the stars I was born.
Metaphysics and the origin of species Permian Period ref: Texas University of the Permian Baslin
The greatest extinction ever—the Permian extinction. the Permian/Triassic (P/Tr) boundary.
Shocked quartz crystals, and the largest basalt lava flows ever (the Siberian Traps—covering an area
of 1.3 million km2 to a depth of more than three kilometers, enough to drown the whole planet in six meters of lava).
120-km-wide crater was recently identified and attributed to a Late Permian impact. ref:Hoffmann, J.H.,
When life nearly came to an end, National Geographic Esoterism, metaphysics and astrology
During each planetary round, every kingdom or life-wave goes through seven stages of development
on each globe. In the human kingdom, these stages are called root-races or humanities. The root-races
overlap: a new race begins in the middle of the previous one. Each root-race contains the same egos
that were evolving in the preceding root-race. The first root-race probably originated 130 to 150 million
years ago in the Silurian or Devonian period, or possibly in the Carboniferous period, of the Paleozoic era,
and ended in the Permian period. The second root-race originated in the late Carboniferous or in
the Permian, and ended in the late Triassic or early Jurassic of the Mesozoic (Secondary) era
(some 25 to 30 million years ago). The third (Lemurian) The fourth (Atlantean) root-race originated
in the later Cretaceous (10 to 12 million years ago). It attained its peak in the Eocene of the Tertiary,
and was largely destroyed in the Miocene.[11] The midpoint of the fourth round was reached in the middle
of the fourth subrace of the fourth root-race, some 4.5 million years ago.
There is many other interesting facts I discovered researching my birthplace.
A specific cultures of the Eastern European old traditions, unique rituals still practicing there.
Unfortunately a very few shamanistic groups continue to practicing freely because the Christian majority of the population
wont tolerate occultism and act against it using extreme and violent approach.
Heidi Ann Maycroft said:
Really nice post, thanks for sharing...
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