~ Sri Aurobindo

It is an invaluable possession for every living being to have learnt to know himself and to master himself. To know oneself means to know the motives of one’s actions and reactions, the why and the how of all that happens in oneself. To master oneself means to do what one has decided to do, to do nothing but that, not to listen to or follow impulses, desires or fancies.


 This meditation tells me to be focused on what you want to do and that alone. The word master ones self, also tells me "to control ones emotions and lifes circumstances without chaos". I understand this meditation better than the KJV of the English bible, the question is why? Paul

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Sri Aurobindo has no hidden textual messages.

The bible is full of hidden knowledge, but the literal interpretation does not see it. Literal reading only sees the surface waves and ignores (worse - rejects)  all but the mere surface meaning. Aurobindo writes openly and clearly. He hides nothing. His Poetry might be considered somewhat hidden, but that is the effect of beautiful Poetry. It is still open.




Why is the bible full of hidden knowledge? Why could'nt the elders who interpreted the bible write like Sri Aurobindo?  Am I to understand this statement is poerty? What's the difference between poetry and regular writing? Does the word "open" mean questionable to some? Paul


Am I to understand language can be written spiritually with hidden meaning/s or plain without hidden meanings and again my question is why? I am totally confused. I use to be the only one in this world naive enough to believe, what's written is the truth. If that is the case then I am in a worst case sernerio trying to find truth in knowledge, if true knowledge is hidden in knowledge. Paul

The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo is mostly in the Savitri which is meant as an Epic Poem.

Sri Aurobindo just wrote about things in a way for them to be understood.


>>>Am I to understand language can be written spiritually with hidden meaning/s or plain without hidden meanings and again my question is why?


absolutely true!

Read the Gnostic Paul by Paigles. Paul is talking to two totally different groups of people. The layman and the "elect" - both in a single sentence and throught the whole letter. I had never caught that before. It is amazing.


People liked to know things others didn't. I think it had to do with Power. (political)




I have enough problems talking to one person must less two. But that thought excites me, to talk to two people at the same time and be understood. I can see talking to one person at a time, but not two. Jesus talked to the multitudes. Both Jesus's and Paul's message was the same, yet I bet it was (interpreted differently) by non-believers as well as the believers. This is what confounds me. One believes this way and another believes that way. Which way is the true way? 

If I could argue any valid point and be right I would, the words influence and persuade come to mind. Again the word philosophy comes to mind with the word retoric. I would put that word into the gospels as well. A shadow comes to mind when I see the words retoric,valid and persuade. Thanks for your patience. Paul


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