If you know what is going on in the United States about the man who led the leak on the government.

Is Snowden in the right of way? 

Is this a door opener for change or another way to start a new war for change?

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Lets get personal on this. OF COURSE he is in the right of way, right! As natural citizens, who obey ALL natures laws and live within its conditions HAS the right to know if someone is deceiving YOU.  

Is this a calling to all LW's?

I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.

May the love that is in my soul pour forth to them.

May the strength that is in me lift and aid them.

May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.

Are we taking necessary steps backing him up? 

Is it important to understand not to follow the "trator" phrase? 

Hello Jessica.

I agree. He and Bradley Manning (and others like them) had the courage to show their fellows what they believed was wrong. Didn't Obama promise to protect whistle blowers? Seems he will only look after them if the finger is not pointed in his direction.

I am an Australian so I hope my sentiments don't offend you but the western world has this idea that America is the "Good Guy in the white hat" when in fact they (The Government / The Wire Pullers, not the people)  have been responsible for so much wrong.

This may be the trickle that starts the avalanche?


Hello Janelle,

Thank you for your response! I am not offended at all and I cannot agree with you more. 

When I think about the old saying, "land of the free and home of the brave" and how it was a slick trick to hood wink people from abroad makes me heart-sick. 

Is it just me or does many people seemed unplugged into themselves?

Let hope something does begin to trickle might be an interesting domino effect. 

PRISM program of NSA violates the privacy of citizens. But isn't privacy closely linked to secrecy or at least seclusion of information. Can a just society is ever conceivable with information being secluded from others?

Few years back there was movie called Minority Report with the theme of PreCrime, where a crime could be prevented before it happened. It may be possible to look at the PRISM program from the PreCrime point of view.

It may be also possible to look at it from the Powershift point of view. Irrespective of what we think, the technological advancement will render secret keeping abilities of organizations and individuals redundant. Today the data is in the hands of a few, but surely in future the availability of information will increase, thereby gradually reducing the possibility of its abuse.

This is also one of the examples of how the society is being forced to redefine ethics and morality in the face of technological onslaught. Think about it, just as PRISM procured the secrets of the individuals, its own secrets were revealed by someone within.

Dear Jessica,

     I cannot but agree with what Janelle has said , We are stuck with an american world view , which may not resonate well with many countries, but America has a extremely double face to its policies vis a vis its Government and those it sees as "them'' maybe the advisors are to blame .They do strong arm their way to getting things done their way . But then it is what the others have come to expect of the US over the past few years , and would probably miss all these shenanigans if they were to be ended. 

Snowden is right but if it were the days of Mc Carthyism or the Cold war america would probably say he's left !!

I think they are saying he is left! =) 

All of this has been known and in open websites. In a sense, I am not seeing where he did any real damage to secrecy.

It all started with post 9-11 and the Patriot act. If one can repeal that act (or heavily modify it)  it sure would help.  I usually refer to it as the Un-Patriotic act. I believe an attempt to repeal it was sent over to Congress (or at least discussions were started) by Pres. Obama.

Of course, what ends up on his desk to sign is usually quite different from what he wanted. He has little control over a lot of this. Especially when any change is considered as a liberal attack on the security of the US.

If the government required everyone to carry a device that allowed access to phone calls, could act as a roaming bug and give immediate info on Location of the person, people would have a fit. But they have chosen to carry one anyway.

Cars also can be manipulated by software on board. One feature is the ability to cut the driver off from controlling the car -- it will park etc., turn itself on/off etc. Some people might want to think about that.  What is really in that software?? Hmmm.

I ran into the following:

"hastily passed during the fearful time following 9/11. The act granted a broad range of expanded and secret government powers in the name of security.

The Bush administration abused the powers by conducting wiretaps without warrants. The NSA program overseen by Obama at least has some court oversight — but that oversight is from a secret court with the public and most of Congress unable to know what criteria are used to grant domestic surveillance or exactly what is done with the information."

(I think this came from newbury port news, if that is relevant to some)


"secret court" seems like a phrase people may not have heard before. Legal issues involving a classified issue are conducted in secret courts; they have always done so. Open courts would destroy the ability to keep something classified.

The Patriot act was very broad in scope; A hasty bill passed via emotions. To top it off, the largest branch of the government was formed, called Homeland Security.  It is basically a fact that whenever National Security has a need -- they get what they want. This goes back a very long time. It is just a lot easier now.

One thing that may interest people, is that Edward Teller did not believe things should be classified. Nuclear Weapons e.g. it was surprising to hear him say that. Had a point though.

Every country has spies and hacks into every other country. If a country -- like China or Iran -- act surprised at this, it is a fake response. Even our small companies doing defense work get hacking attacks from china.. 10-100 a day maybe for the small ones. It is just a labor intensive project involving software development and people's time. How many people can China put into this? they have no shortage of people.  Oh, BTW, where is our software made??

No action on guns;  we will see no action here either.

At least we have a president who would probably  sign a scaled down version of the Patriot Act. As he said, it is not 9/11 anymore.

Of course - once the government is out of the "spy abusively, with Prejudice, on US citizens", we still have the larger issue of Corporations.

The US government has been keeping information under the wraps since 1776. If every American citizen takes a journey into history they will see that nothing is very different from then. The one thing I know is different is the pride people take into their labors. Nothing today is built with pride and value like it was once upon a time ago. Now everything say's "made in China". 

What is even more staggering is there is a large percentage of people who still do not understand that there are institutions such as, the IRS who have a great amount of power over the American citizens and don't realize that they are not part of the government and have no "supreme law" rights to bully the American peoples pockets and wallets! 

There is an astounding percentage of citizens who live all their life not knowing their civil law, supreme law (Constitution) rights etc let alone know what the UCC (law of the lands) stands for or how it applies to them as a living being. 

Here we have a country that is so diverse on various levels, which has accomplished the service for which it was crated, this my friends is confusion. Here we have a gigantic country with that is divided by multiple borders and laws that are set accordingly to their state. Then we have "supreme laws" that are meant for all and everyone in the country, however, we have state laws that have taken an act of supremacy over the "supreme laws". These state laws are contradictory to the country's name and reputation in more ways than one. These Constitutional rights were established for all who live in the "united" states no matter which state residence was taken up in. 

Since 9/11 was brought up here, I want to take the time to point out the secrecy that occurred during that time and now (12 years later), still the citizens have not been told the truth. This is a prime example that nothing has changed from as long as I can see. This is like the murder of JFK situation and a who done it mystery. 

The US government officials are jokers! Look at the phrase "land of the free and home of the brave" there is a world of people out there who think that this is a free land and everyone here is rich. It is not until many come here on their own free will learn that they have been "hoodwinked".  Today there is an enormous amount of people the world who think there are not  any poor people here. They can't see that the 1% of the US population owns 150% more wealth than the 99% US population combined. 

Lets create a band of brothers who will invade other countries on false presumptions and call them brave. 

This is a great country here but the jokers running it make the country men look bad. Only a fool would think there is nothing that can be done about the matters of the government and the blind spot that they keep the regular population in. For as long as I have known, the US has been pumping fear in the arteries of the people as a means of control so no one will dare do anything to challenge and change the us "government".

Look at our Country name...what is wrong with it? 

1) We are divided more than united

2) which American continent do the states call home


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