Is this a bold leap of faith for an undying love of knowing the unknowing? 

The Garden

All enter a world of sights and smells
              flowers and dells, fields and wells
Twisted strange wilds, tended paths that wind
All the pleasures and horrors of a child's mind

Called The Garden, it's a lovely place
              a wondrous space for a faire race
where dreams are born and spirits roam
a land where all can create a home

Called The Morgue, it's a forbidding place
              a nightmare space for a demon race
where hazards and poisons are free to flow
and lands where things refuse to grow

What calls us all to this place?
              This restful space or endless race
Upon what purpose are our souls bent?
My reason is to find the Heaven Scent

Some trample beds as they go
              Others weave, sew and aid things grow
No set balance between darkness and light
Just reason, thought, and second sight

My paths have taken me through well worn ways
              heart-felt prayers and endless days
Shown around at first, then on my own
To find what I reaped from what I'd sown

I've crawled and run and walked and stepped
              The adult has kept the child who leapt
amongst the paths, plants, springs and brooks
in a paradise most know only through books

Through years of questing and finding what for
              gathering pertinent lore and so much more
Finding clarity and clouds with every step
Depression with oppressive feet slowly crept

The elusive Scent for which I'd scoured
              smelled every flower in lake, garden, and bower
Was nowhere to be found, or so it seemed
Was it nothing more than a nightmarish dream?

In a field of flowers in a cool night of Spring
              Where Elves danced and Cherubs winged
I plopped down amidst them and gave up hope
Ended the search so's not feel the Dope

Lying on the ground in that time of despair
              breathing the air and becoming aware
I stretched out and found lying next to me
A fellow searcher, pretty as can be

Propped up on elbows, we began to talk
              We had to talk of our endless walk
As the Sun rose upon us, understanding did too
Here lay the Heaven Sent with eyes of blue

And so in this Garden of Paradise Found
              We walk around the endless grounds
Hand in hand until the end of time
Now and Forever — Evernow — Divine

Parzival Sattva - ©2011

 One plant ended up growing into one garden with many different botanical species, illuminanting colors radiated the Garden. One small tree grew in the midst, produced fruits and vegetables on one branch. Perhaps it is the acclimatization of the roots that determines the fountains duty through indigenous seeds of its aesthetic Garden. A mirror requiem of alethiology remitting infinite Prana stemming up and throughout the garden of truth .

O'Dear Captain Anand Kumar said "a duty that is owed to the universe by the self; a duty that owed to the creator by the self." The following quotation from the book, The Hope That Sets Man Free by Howard Conn, swiftly reflects Captain words speaking in endless duty.  

" Well, God you see! God plants us where we grow.

It is not that, because a bud was born

At a wild brier's end, full i' the wild beast's way,

We ought to pluck and put it out of reach

On the oak tree top,- say, "there the bud belongs."

O'what's beneath thy roots that grows high over skies past the clouds? We need this Garden precious elements; we need healthy life for better life in death. Who dare not know where new seeds can grow far out beyond the gateways to hell?


O'Jewel of the Lotus, Shine so Bright

Bring truth to Light 

Love Light Life in 3D  


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I like it!

Where is the heart within the garden? If one cannot find it does that person have hope to know their own ❤?

Dear Jessica ,

       Thats a lovely post , glad you are here with us.

Thank you both, John and Hari !!

O' garden keeper wielding a ho,

Forcing balanced centers,

Hands virtue sowed,

Raying waters flow,

Eternally nurture, 

Blossom glow,



"Of all the wonderful things in the wonderful universe of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result thereof."~by Julie Moir Messervy


One is nearer God's heart in a garden
than anywhere else on earth.

gardening spiritual quote by Dorothy Frances Gurney

What would one be required to do to make the seed grow?

"To close their eyes and see the beauty". 

At the heart of gardening there is a belief in the miraculous.


Each moment on the roller coaster ride has equal appeal

In the continuum of the now, consciousness engaged in zeal

The search ends when the searcher is not

An orientation of being to become, self-taught

One with the flow, devoid of resistance

Doable if we do, with divine assistance 


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