Dr. N C Ramanujachary
A Philosopher’s endeavor is basically to work for the Perfection of Humanity. He does this by his oration, sets a role-model by his own conduct to the audiences he comes into contact. He is normally a well-informed person on the Laws that govern the Universe, their working systems and how men and women of the world could modulate their own methods of working in relation to them. He is familiar with certain facts of Higher Life and the possibility of their reflection on the day-to-day working life. His task is in general to pursue the people of the world understand and adapt them.
His method is ‘constant reflection,’ to further his own course of enlightenment and thereby improve the ways of the world. The first encounter he faces is the ‘fear of death’. When this fear is ‘killed’ totally, he can get nearer the door of ‘greater mysteries of life.’ He should be courageous enough and the same time is not over confident. His determination must be strong enough to be reckoned as a ray of his Will. His past stands before him blocking his way and adequately warning. Come what may, his approach should be to proceed further. Losing his own life should not deter him.
He should stand on certain Principles. Verbally these principles, prima-facie, are of common place, yet their adoption becomes difficult almost at every occasion. His relationship with others, human and sub-human kingdoms, is so regulated that it does no harm but benefit alone all the time. This is a basic pointer in human conduct, well acclaimed but not observed for various reasons, physical and psychological. Drift from normal performance, which is given a high place as Dharma, brings humans back to the experiential ground to learn lessons afresh and anew each time. Once dead to the past, this principle becomes the natural way of living, effortless and spontaneous.
A philosopher is to adore only the Supreme Being and no ‘lesser-gods.’ His offering to the Ultimate must not be encrusted with superstitions. Worship of lesser-gods, however superior they are compared in status with him, brings in only perambulations of the lower nature of manifest things. It precludes the way to right and onward journey. Consciousness has to be free of all modifications of the mind to give room to the exalted rays of Light. Irrational belief in supernatural ways however widely held must not be part of a philosopher’s construct. He is attempting to look natural and to proceed naturally to the higher laws of life which are in no way beyond the nature Divine. Our ignorance of such workings of the higher laws is termed/treated as ‘supernatural’, which term in itself becomes inconsistent. Adoration is for the simple reason that it is the Supreme and Ultimate goal set for life.
Loving a neighbor as oneself, assisting the needy to one’s affordable capacity, being truthful and avoidance of falsehood are equally the virtues that spring from the adoration to the Supreme. Every spec of manifestation being a result of the ray from that Supreme, a philosopher has no other way than cheering it. In the wake of relationship with others, he must be patient and tolerant to the short comings of others. Getting too often irritated, carrying undue grudge over others must not be his traits. People by and large are ignorant of the niceties of life and are drawn to temporary conveniences of life; they need much training and experience which again a factor flowing from time and proper attention. Facing adverse situations and the indifferent attitudes of people must be accompanied with deft tact by a philosopher.
We must remember that a philosopher, however knowledgeable and definitely advanced to an average intellectual, is still to receive his new lessons of training in higher life. He has to constantly check his own conduct and behavior to suit that higher knowledge that is open to him, and not fall back into the traps of lower nature. Advancement being what it is, if there be a fall, the damage would be irreparable and sometimes irrevocable. Hence he has to apply a higher yardstick to himself. While others can do what they like, a philosopher shall not attempt anything that would bring discord or disharmony to the very nature of the things. His touch must bring a new shine each time.
Self-sacrifice is the hallmark of a philosopher. Physical and psychological comforts including wealth and gain, indulgence and emotional excesses are far off from him. Not content with that, he must also cease to carry pride of opinion, self-conceit and indifference to the interests of others. All his actions and being must pass right to the touchstone of ‘real helper and promoter of humanity. He knows that there is a thread (sutra) binding all the beings with the world, and again binding this world with the Universe/Cosmos. His realization is to keep this thread intact, unsullied; and to make it shine by its original pure pristine Gold color.
Thank you for the great words. They inspire inspire me to become a better philosopher.
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