Dr N C Ramanujachary's Blog (39)

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence


T Subba Row (1856-‘90), as is well known and lamented too, lived for a very short span of life. His (theosophical) literary career can be said to have started on Sept. 14, 1881 (referring to his first article on “Twelve Signs” to The Theosophist, November); and ended sometime in 1888 (the last reported article “Occultism in Southern India” being ‘a summary of a discussion at Adyar Library, on 1st December 1888). In a short period of about 7 years, he…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on August 9, 2012 at 1:00am — 4 Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Taraka Raja Yoga -4

There is a considered opinion that the quintessence of TRY is embedded in SRI RAMA HRIDAYAM boxed in the first canto of Adyatma Ramayanam. Here Sri Rama interferes to give instruction direct to Hanuman who was being taught the transcendental nature by Sita. The instruction runs to 9 sloka-s (44-52). The gist of the verses is thus:

I shall teach you the true nature of Atma - Anatma and Paramatma[Logos, Individual soul, Pure…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on August 7, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Taraka Raja Yoga -3

We may here look to the table correlating the various classifications.

  as per HPB              Vedanta         TRY

1. Rupa or Sthula sarira           Annamaya kosa

2.Prana, Life or Vital principle                                Sthulaopadhi

2Linga sarira, astral body      Pranamaya kosa

3.Kama Rupa, seat of animal

         Desires and passions    

4.Manas, Mind,…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on August 5, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence


HPB correlates this in her statement:

“The Taraka Raja Yogis recognize only three Upadhis, in which Atma may work. These three states are: Jagrat(Waking), Swapna(Dreaming), Sushupti(Causal). Corresponding to Sthula Upadhi, Sukshms Upadhi and Karana Upadhi. In the transcendental state of Samadhi body with its Linga Sarira (the vehicle of Life-principle) is left out of consideration, and is the synthesis of…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on August 3, 2012 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Taraka Raja Yoga-1

The Taraka Raja Yoga system of Thought (TRY), is one brought into currency of modern philosophical studies by the Theosophical movement, greatly influenced by Sri T Subba Row. While basic matter in this essay is from TSR, some more additional data is added by the compiler.  

Raja yoga is basically a system of developing the Mind (Manas), the fifth principle in man, so that it can enliven the human being, rise to the higher states of…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 31, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence


The term ‘occultism’ is a derivative of ‘occult’ which has its origin in Latin  word ‘occulere’ meaning ‘conceal’. Madame Blavatsky brought currency to this word in her articles and books, using it in identical meaning with ‘Adhyatma Vidya’ in India. She, in her essay ‘Practical Occultism’ even suggests that ‘it is easy to become a theosophist’ but ‘it is quite another matter to oneself upon the Path which leads to the knowledge of…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 29, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Some Factors of Occult Philosophy


T Subba Row gives out some factors of Occult Philosophy, when he answered questions put by some delegates to the Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society in 1884 and 1885. These answers focus more light on three distinct topics: Devachan; Human Monad and Logos. Devachan is a word that can be mentioned as Swarga and Logos indicates Iswara in the Indian context. An attempt is made here to…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 27, 2012 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Occultism in South India T.Subba Row in his letter to Madame H.P.Blavatsky dated 3-8-1882 made certain claims. He did take HPB and others to the Ashrams of Rishis living in South India. The Science b…

Occultism in South India

T.Subba Row in his letter to Madame H.P.Blavatsky dated 3-8-1882 made certain claims. He did take HPB and others to the Ashrams of Rishis living in South India. The Science being of high sophistication and Sacredness the living saints do not come open into the world and try to popularize their systems. When the eligible persons are available they spare no pains to get in touch and guide them.

South India has always been a seat of…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 25, 2012 at 12:00am — 6 Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Cosmology in Bhagavadgita


 T Subba Row in his first lecture on Bhagavad-Gita (1885) says:

Any system of practical instruction for spiritual guidance will have to be judged, first with reference to the nature and condition of man and the capabilities that are locked up in him; secondly, with reference to the cosmos and the forces to which man is subject and the circumstances under which he has to…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 22, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

The Hindu Philosophy


In studying the ancient texts of Indian philosophy certain important points must not be lost sight of. The words gradually begin to change their meaning. In determining the meaning of particular passages, the age of those passages, the particular significance attached to certain words those times must be kept in mind. For instance, the word yajna: it is

easy to translate it as animal sacrifice suggesting…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 20, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence



Rules of Life


A ‘perfect man’ is not made to order but is a product of evolution. Wisdom is not a matter of book-learning but of growth. General rules for conduct can be given, but to apply them properly, the power of discrimination is necessary.

 A man who is good by the yard or according to prescription, is usually a sort of goody-goody fellow, such as we…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 18, 2012 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence



 Seeming differences

T Subba Row(1856-90) gave the Lectures on Bhagavad-Gita in the year 1886 (December).

In the first Lecture itself, he stated his ‘observations’ on the Seven Principles (as adopted by Theosophical literature); and raised his comments as to how the division is ‘unscientific’ and ‘not sanctioned’ by any Hindu scriptures. Thereupon, correspondence ensued between HPB, TSR and many other interested parties. This…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 16, 2012 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

The Last Straw

Mr Daniel Caldwell, brought out a letter of HPB to W Q Judge (undated but envelope post-marked London June 5, 1888) (in his  bn-study on 9 Dec 2003) where certain matters pertaining to the seeming differences between HPB and TSR were mentioned. The letter is reproduced here verbatim, with compiler’s comments and remarks.

            My Dear Judge,

            A few words but most serious. Subba Row, Cooper-Oakley, N Cook have…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 14, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Observations on London Lodge Letter


This is a letter from T Subba Row, dated January 27, 1884, addressed to the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society and through Madame Blavatsky, in reply to some comments made by the President and Vice-president of that Lodge on the book  Esoteric Buddhism of A P Sinnett. The President and Vice-president were Dr (Mrs.) Anna Kingsford and Mr. Edward Maitland respectively; and their contention was that the teachings…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 12, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

The Masters, The Way and The Learners


During 1883-5, TSR wrote two letters, to two different aspirants, and the reason for treating them together here is that they are focused to a student in the West and a student in the East with cultural and religious backgrounds incomparably different. Their purport is the same: To enthuse the student’s keen and exploring interest in the pursuit on Spiritual Path under the guidance of the philosophy and…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 8, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

Students’ Preparation to Learn Occult Sciende


T Subba Row wrote his first letter to A P Sinnette on 7 May 1882. Series of letters ensued and finally it became evident to him that there could be possibly no establishment of studentship in terms of the accepted and well known canons of Occult Study. He had no choice but reporting back to the persons who wanted him to undertake this arduous task. He did not hide the fact that he was reluctant to…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 6, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence First letter of Subba Row to Madame Blavatsky   T.  Subba Row, though not a formal member of the Theosophical Society then, started his correspondence with Madame…

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

First letter of Subba Row to Madame Blavatsky


T.  Subba Row, though not a formal member of the Theosophical Society then, started his correspondence with Madame Blavatsky as early as in 1880. The founders arriving at Bombay and temporarily establishing their Headquarters there was a matter of public notice for the Indian elite. Isis Unveiled, the book authored by HPB (1877) was…


Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on July 4, 2012 at 5:30am — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

[Letters of T Subba Row (1856-’90)

and Allied Material]








Compiled by

Dr N C Ramanujachary





Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on June 30, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

[Letters of T Subba Row (1856-’90)

and Allied Material]








Compiled by

Dr N C Ramanujachary





Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on June 30, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

A Recondite Scholar of Intelligence

[Letters of T Subba Row (1856-’90)

and Allied Material]








Compiled by

Dr N C Ramanujachary





Added by Dr N C Ramanujachary on June 30, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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