Dr N C Ramanujachary
Mahavishnu- Krishna-Self Mastery through Abhyasa Yoga
Maha-Vishnu as Logos, the Deity in charge of Human evolution and progression on the right lines; Krishna, the Divine Principle and the guiding Master for Humanity and the Process open to men and women of the world in reaching Them through Abhyasa (Constant Practice) Yoga are the themes taken for study. The ideas of T Subba Row in his Lectures on Bhagavad-Gita are taken recourse to.
Before going into the subject proper, it shall be necessary for us to have a preliminary idea of: What Cosmos is 2. What Man is and 3. The Correspondence between the two.
We shall use the Vedantic terms for the simple reason they are familiar to us. Familiarity, again, does not mean we are thorough with them and that we know the right meanings and import of each. To arrive at the right understanding of the terms we use everyday is very essential and otherwise we shall not be meaning what we are talking.
Mahavishnu is a god, and is a representative of the Logos. He is considered as the Logos by the majority of Hindus.
There is not one Logos in the cosmos. Many forces of Logos, Logai, are possibly available in the cosmos.
First postulate we can think of is Parabrahman, the First cause etc.
Second postulate is Logos,(Isvara, Pratyagatha, Sabda Brahman etc. are the other names)
Third postulate is Mula prakriti and the Fourth is Daiviprakriti.
So far as Manifestation is concerned, these are steps of gradual phenomena that occurs. Different systems have different names, we are familiar with some and not acquainted with others. Words need not deter us, so far as we stick to the Idea.
"The four principles bear the same relationship to one another as do these four conditions or manifestations of Vac.(Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari)"
Krishna, as an individual, was an evolved one over millions of years, attained spiritual perfection and progress that Logos could descend to him (Avatarana) and associated itself with his soul.
Soul ascending to the plane of Logos is one thing. Logos descending to the Soul is another thing. Logos works in and through it on the plane of humanity for some great thing that had to be done in the world.
It was the Logos or Mahavishnu that descends to the plane of the soul and associated itself for the time being with a particular soul for the purpose of acting through it.
Narayana, whose energy and wisdom were manifested through the man Krishna, was a separate spiritual power manifesting itself for the time being through this individual.
Who is Mahavishnu?
He is the Dhyana-chohan that first appeared on this planet when human evolution commenced during this kalpa, who set the evolutionary progress in motion, and whose duty it is to watch over the interests of mankind until the seven Manvantaras, through which we are passing, are over.
Who is Krishna?
Krishna is a manifestation of the Parabrahman. He draws a distinction between himself and Parabrahman. He speaks as Pratyagatma. We see Krishna talking at varied/various levels. Unless one is careful of this analytical approach, the scripture (Bhagavad-Gita) will amply confuse him.
Parabrahman(Absolute and unconditioned Reality) has a veil over it and that is Mulaprakriti.
Being the first manifestation of Parabrahman, it also acts as the basis of the further and subsequent manifestations. Whole Cosmos is pervaded by this Mulaprakriti. It is his Avyakta form. Parabrahman is the Avyaktamurti of the Logos. Krishna says, in verse 27, chap.14 of Bhagavad-Gita, as the manifestation and image of Parabrahman. "I am the Pratishta" (embodied image).
Chap. 15, verse 6 says that the abode of Krishna, the Logos, is Parabrahman. "Those who enter it do not return."
The status of Bhagavad-Gita:
B-G in fact is the text explaining the Philosophy of the Logos, among other things.
Whenever any particular individual reaches the highest state of spiritual culture, develops in himself all the virtues that alone entitle him to a union with the Logos, and finally, unites his soul with the Logos, there is, as it were, a sort of reaction emanating from that Logos for the good of humanity.
A human being develops 'unselfish love for humanity' within himself. An invisible sense of spiritual grace descends upon him. He starts intensifying his work for the benefit of humanity.
All karma emanates from Mulaprakriti and its vikaras but not from Logos, not even from the Light of the Logos. (Daiviprakriti).
The Light of the Logos(Daiviprakriti) is the 'foundation of the better side of human nature.' Sometimes this Light is also called Yogamaya. The light is visible but not the source of that light! This Light is not from Avyakta but from the Logos. If the Logos were to manifest itself, even to the highest spiritual perception of a human being, it would only be able to do so clothed in this light which forms his body. (Tejomaya svarupa or Mayavic body). This light is, as it were, a cloak, or a mask, with which Logos is enabled to make its appearance.
The universe exists in idea in the Logos, it exists as a mysterious impression in the region of force, and it is finally transformed into the objectively manifested cosmos, when this force transfers its own image or impulse to cosmic matter. Why the Logos is called Viswarupi is because of this. This term is constantly applied to Vishnu.
The logos being the universe in idea, coming events or those about to manifest themselves on the objective plane are generally manifested long before they actually happen, in the plane of the Logos from which all impulses spring originally.
In itself Logos has no form; clothed in its light it assumes a form which is, as it were, a symbol of the impulses operating, or about to operate, in the cosmos at the time of the manifestation.
Karana Sarira:
Karana Sarira is the result of the action of 'the light of the Logos' which is its life and energy, and which is further its source of consciousness on that plane of Mulaprakriti which is called Sutratman- which is its physical and material basis. Karana Sarira is the result of karmic impulses. Child of Karma. It will disappear if the influences of karma can be annihilated. Karana Sarira is the Human-Monad. *****
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