
New economy

This  group will focus on the writings of David Korten and Yes! magazine, devoted to raise awareness of the necessity and possibility of turning from Empire based thinking to Earth community orientation. I would like to see members studying David's works, and the magazine, in order to have structured, meaningful discussions.


We will analyze and discuss the stories we are told and learn to recognize the lies embedded in these. We will also need to develop a new story that will inspire us to cooperate and build community instead of divide us.

We have a choice!

We have the power!

We are the ones we have been waiting for!

Economy and society are falling apart. Now is the time for fundamental change. 


Members: 17
Latest Activity: Sep 4, 2018

Video links plus blog

Free videos and extracts from David Korten's work can be found here:

Trinity Institute Keynote speech

(David's speech starts at about 12:30 minutes)

The great turning - speech of David

David's speech on the content of his new book on the New economy.

A good intro to his work, and highly relevant to our discussion.




Discussion Forum

Seeds of Dystopia and Occupy Davos

Started by Capt. Anand Kumar. Last reply by Neiljan Raro Remigio Sep 4, 2018. 4 Replies

It does not come as a surprise that following the Arab Spring and the worldwide Occupy movement in 2011, the theme chosen for World Economic Forum Summit 2012 is "…Continue

Tags: Model, New, Risks, Global, Dystopia

Sharing is cool: the age of collaborative consumption

Started by Martin Euser. Last reply by Capt. Anand Kumar Apr 21, 2012. 1 Reply

Have a look at this TED…Continue

Yes! Magazine articles online

Started by Martin Euser Mar 29, 2012. 0 Replies

Yes! Magazine has a good number of articles on how we can influence affairs in this world: political, social, economic. Their latest issue is titled:…Continue

Tags: world, change, strategies, Magazine, Yes

Current World Economy are lead by poker Players...

Started by Baha Ali. Last reply by Michael Simon Jan 14, 2012. 9 Replies

Speculation has became the basic source of making Money out of Money, and the banking systems fuel this unstable method of economic growth, which is designed to be doomed. eg: Federal reserve ( not…Continue

RSS of my group on Temple Illuminatus

The (DRACO)nians

20 members

The Temple Library

101 members

Comment Wall


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Comment by Martin Euser on March 28, 2012 at 7:19am

Erica, are you having trouble viewing Youtube videos? I had it with Chrome, but the latest updates seem to have solved the issues with Flash with Chrome.

Comment by Daniel Noga on March 28, 2012 at 1:10am

Found this book and film that may be of interest to other group members:

You can read the book free online from the website. So far, it looks like it mirrors most of what we've been discussing here.

NOTE from Martin Euser: my Bitdefender AV blocked this site (above link), stating that the site contains malware!

Comment by Martin Euser on March 25, 2012 at 7:48pm

To be clear: I have RSS fed pages, not discussions. These can be followed separately in my group on Temple Illuminatus.
Things have just started there and I hope will people there will add to this discussion. The more people involved the better.

Comment by Martin Euser on March 25, 2012 at 7:43pm

Above you can find an RSS feed of the starting pages of my group on Temple Illuminatus. Since it can only show 5 items, I guess I will have to manually post some material to two sites now. Anyway, the Depiction of the problem shows the point on the consequences of peak cheap oil. Then follow some postings on permaculture: ethics and principles. I will put more on this later.

Comment by Martin Euser on March 25, 2012 at 6:54pm

One picture says more than a thousand words. How I love those cartoons..

Comment by Daniel Noga on March 25, 2012 at 5:25am

I absolutely love that Reuben Blades quote! Thanks for sharing that stuff Erica. And Bill Hicks is awesome

Comment by Daniel Noga on March 23, 2012 at 2:03am

Comment by Martin Euser on December 12, 2011 at 12:35am

@Jon: the video is about the legislation that has been passed on Corporate Personhood. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission court case.

Evidently, corporations can donate large sums of money, anonymously, to politicians in the election process. Talking about collusion..

Comment by Martin Euser on December 10, 2011 at 12:59am


"Who does the brainwashing?" 

Your parents did (unknowingly), your teachers did, the media did and do, and finally, you yourself did. Our culture does through meme transmission. This is an important point to understand. Adbusters culture jammers people use these mechanisms to make us aware of the programming that's going on. They sure have my sympathy. We need to wake up from our cultural trance or suffer the dire consequences: mass famine, collapse of everything we hold dear, resource wars, and all that follows from that. 

Comment by Michael Simon on December 9, 2011 at 11:09pm
My wife (wisely) just asked me, "why is it always Me being punched in the head in your analogies?"

Because that's "my" insecurity! You get hurt, what do 'I' do? I feel guilty, I am less of a man etc. It is - you being injured - My fear because of how 'I' am affected - thus the "fear," which always has to do with self-identity, attachment to self (dying,
or being unidentifiable).

Does this 'self-ishness' dissolve by saying 'stop,' ('Just say no to drugs'), or through a process of self-inquiry?

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