The rumor is the stock market is going to crash. The millionaires in this country are taking out there money in the stock market. I live on a pension that get my money from the market. I see a depression coming a bad one. Thoughts please.
The stock market, originally intended to raise investments has become a tool for speculative profiteering the world over. The political leaders of the world have agreed that it has to go but what it will be replaced with is not clear. There will be turmoil for at least a decade, if not more.
Pension funds played the speculative game too. Everyone liked it when the going was good. The entire economy became virtual. And somehow we the people took, virtual for real. Just as in spirituality.
Today, few outside a select group of people understand how the stock markets really function. Why the value of a stock goes up or down. Any prediction, if not coming from these people has no value. And they are not telling.
I feel sad because of the thousands of innocent people that will suffer for the greed of others. The name virtual economy strikes a interest in me. How can something be virtual and practical at the same time? What was practical then, might not be now and why? What caused the crash? Who was in charge of the market and could have stopped it? Who allowed speculative profiteering to over cast the market and why? Why do so many good people suffer for the wrong that is fixing to happen? Paul
I am a Christian who believes in right and wrong. Like it or not there has to be some sort of morality and order in the world or chaos will reign. In the stock market situation some illmoral person took advantage of privateer and a lot of good people will suffer. This is wrong. I want to believe in the goodness of mankind, but have seen and understand that is not reality. I hate to see anyone suffer physically, mentally or spiritually because of the sin of others who do not care. I am wondering if it is really necessary for people to suffer because of those who do not care if they do?
To a point suffering is a good teacher to those who have closed there mind and heart and morals because of false beliefs, but bad for those who suffer because of those who will not see the truth. In my faith one man died to save me from spiritual death, but I cannot see where a whole nation or world has to suffer or die because of there greed. Am I wrong to hope for peace in turbulant times? To understand them is one thing, too do nothing is wrong, I am losing all faith in mankind. Did my God put man on this earth to create or destroy? Where is the truth about this problem and how do we (the world fix it? Paul
No Paul, I do not think you wrong in hoping for peace. The answer is given by you as "to do nothing is wrong". The first thing to do is to understand that Jesus is not coming again to save us. We have to save ourselves. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Our group study in the New Economy over a year ago, discussed a few models. Please take a look.
If you buy a stock and its value rises, the new value is only virtual, as it may go down anytime. However if one borrows money on the basis of that virtual value, and the value of the stock goes down then you cannot pay the borrowed money back. The virtual economy thrived and everyone was happy when the going was good, but once the bubble burst all hell broke loose.
Who allowed speculative profiteering? You and I did. And if we wanted to change the situation we will have to make some sacrifices by first redefining spirituality. It has to move away from personal experience, personal progress based model to community progress model.
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