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and for our Dutch readers:

(other readers: use Google translate to understand these texts)



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Captain Anand: Many of the items I formulated are in practical form. This means they can be acted on rather easily. I could even say that these recipes are of a pragmatic nature, enhancing or supporting sustainability. Many people are already  acting among these lines. Gandhi's ideals are formulated more abstract and are of an idealistic ethical nature. In the process of implementation they will have to be formulated as feasible targets and coupled to practical methods of attaining these goals. Now that I think about it, my recipes (as promoted by many, nowadays) have more of this practical nature in them.  Most of them can be practiced right away. Some may need a little more development, such as the local economy idea (LETS, barter systems, etc.), although in some countries like Switzerland the barter idea has taken off quite well. In case of economic collapse, like in Argentina, local trading has prevented a lot of suffering. Of course, the more people act along those lines, the better these ideas work. It is all a matter of conscious citizenship, and this will be required more and more in our unstable world.

#10: need some inspiration? Here are some websites containing lots of videos on a broad range of topics:

#11:develop your creativity. There are many ways one can do this: from practicing the arts to exercising lateral thinking, learning to see alternative forms or paths of action in one's situation, using ideas from the "creation spiral" I've sketched in my blog postings on creation philosophy.

#12: Be a role model to others, while being and truly expressing yourself. People are copycats and group animals. If they like what they see, they will copy your behavior or, better yet, feel inspired to find their own way to express their potential.

#13: join Avaaz: is an 8-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


Almost 9 million members now! The more members the more effective it will become. Imagine 100 million members!

#14: explore and join the  emerging new spirituality networks and foundations. Contribute to the networking and expansion of these movements. Why reinvent the wheel? Combined forces makes for great strength and influence.


Humanity's team is a link I found through the above network.

LETS = Local Exchange Trading Systems
LETS ... is a group of people from a small community who all agree to exchange goods and services with each other without the need for cash.

Website for LETS organizations worldwide:


Martin Euser said:

Recipe #5: Become involved in Slow Food (organization website), buy Fair Trade products, and participate in LETSystems to promote local currencies and local trade. Become a conscious citizen. Inform yourself of these movements and associated practices.

#15: have a look at the monthly teleseminars at the great integral awakening.

"Each month, we’ll gather together online and by conference call to explore how the spiritual path needs to evolve to meet the needs of humanity in the 21st century.

Each event will explore this question from a unique angle. We’ll look at how the discovery of evolution is giving birth to an entirely new spiritual impulse—as well as a new framework for engaging in spiritual practice. We’ll ask how the great traditions of the past can be brought up to date and kept relevant to a rapidly changing, increasingly complex world.

We’ll explore some of the new, more integral forms that spirituality is taking, from the emergence of new paths of self-inquiry to the birth of collective enlightenment. And we’ll think together about the vital role each of us can now play in creating a more enlightened future for humanity."

Free lectures for download available.

#16: have a look at the  transition towns network.

"Transition Network supports community-led responses to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy, building resilience and happiness."

Resources and transition primer: here

#17: Food Matters : a natural approach to preventing and healing diseases.

Food for as medicine. Likely THE big innovation of the future as to sustainable health-care systems.

#18: develop social apps for the smartphone and Facebook. From neighbourhood help to single people eating together to exchanging services on a global scale, e.g. like Ithaca hours not for money but expressed in another value like time-units. The latter seems appropriate for facebook friends and friends of friends, and for local purposes too. A great way to have a more humane economy, not dominated by greed but service to others and meeting one's own needs as well. All it needs is a couple of good programmers and some mouth to mouth advertising and viral marketing.

#19: Houses for the homeless:, based on local materials, earth, clay, etc.


"The California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture is a 501 (C)3 non-profit/charitable foundation at the cutting edge of Earth and Ceramic Architecture technologies today. Founded in 1986 by its director, Nader Khalili (1936-2008), its scope spans technical innovations published by NASA for lunar and Martian construction, to housing design and development for the world's homeless for the United Nations.

Continuing in his tradition, Khalili's associates and apprentices are dedicated to research and education of the public in environmentally oriented arts and architecture. Its philosophy is based on the equilibrium of the natural elements of earth, water, air, fire, and their Unity at the service of the arts and humanity.

Cal-Earth's mission is guided by three principles: (1) shelter is a basic human right, (2) every human being should be able to build a house for him or herself, and (3) the best way to provide shelter for the exponentially increasing human population is by building with earth."


"Architect and author Nader Khalili developed the simple breakthrough building technologies known as Superadobe (sandbags and barbed wire) and Ceramic Houses, with the freely available material of earth, for almost thirty years. Inspired by the poetry of the 12th century mystic Rumi, who wrote in his native Persian language, Khalili served as a consultant to the U.N. (UNIDO) and a contributor to NASA, as well as directing the Architectural Research Program (ARP) at SCI-Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture).

For his work in Earth and Ceramic Architecture since 1975, he received awards from organizations such as the CCAIA for "Excellence in Technology," the U.N. and HUD for "Shelter for the Homeless," the ASCE (Aerospace Division) for his work in lunar base building technology, and most recently the Aga Khan award for architecture for "Sandbag Shelter Prototypes".

Through his work, Nader Khalili has inspired a global movement and left a rich body of philosophy, design and innovative construction technology. His work is continued at Cal-Earth Institute, as the basis for its research and educational mission."



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