A post was recently added to the Theosophy Network on Facebook. It went something like:
1. what are the teachings of Theosophy.
A: generic, depends on individual etc.
2. how do you know they are true.
A. each person decides... . BTW: What do you believe in so we can answer your questions better? (That last was ignored by the poster)
3. What happens after death?
A. depends on one's religions etc.
. continues
after about a month of this, we were finally left with a long post consisting of a "Statement" about the person's private belief system. basically another case of "the Bible is the only True scripture and says so": quote, quote, quote, (a long post)
(Note: At that point - the person left)
Other times, the Answer/Diatribe is Islamic, Buddhist, Blavatskyan etc.
The "Diatribe and Run" happens, independent of the religion.
So why do people start a conversation, trying to dig up dirt on a group, dump a bunch of statements and then "Run"?? A belief seems to be a consistent inate need by any individual. Even Atheism is a "Belief System." However - some get past the first answer and quit, quite happy to accept the first "Belief" and others do not. Some go beyond the "Easy" and pursue the Quest for Truth. Others just stop, and dig themselves into a trench for the War of Belief. It is almost a Paranoia of the "Search for Truth" mentality.
the Question I have is this: What is the deeper Psychological piece of mind, defect or not, which drives these two responses? the Explore, or Ignore - I'm right.
(It happens so frequently, one is left to believe it is not cultural, but psychological at nearly a genetic level).
If I understand the question ...
You know how to play the piano? In the brain (to the lower Manas, including the astral body) are all the skills to play the piano. There are also other skills: the skills of how to react to objects, phenomena and events.
Try to wean yourself to play the piano? It's impossible. We can only stop adding fuel to the fire of the old beliefs. But for this to stop people need new beliefs. Need more than adequate. More adequate forms.
People can agree (or disagree) on the level of words. But the brain (Manas) is always postpone inside yourself what is valuable. Very valuable opinions necessarily penetrate the Manas. Penetrate and update belief system.
In Russian there is a saying: the water slowly destroys the stone.
Correct form (correct opinions) soften the rigidity of thought systems. Old forms (old opinion) do the opposite belief system more rigid and less tolerant (less compromise)
yes all makes sense at the subtle layers. However the question is one about the grosser levels. Something very distinctly human is active in this question/thread. It must have a gross layer phenomena or source that is almost structural within the make-up of a human or animal.
Sorry, did not understand your comment :( Poor understand English
In man (in Theosophy) array of belief - it's a personal karma. A person has to update it. Only the man himself can update beliefs. Other people can only help their ideas.
Interesting question (I think) ... What is a "form"? And the essence of the "essence"?
Not a problem <g>.
Seth's post "Naive or Logical?" was on the same topic (in a broad sense of "same"). We have wars everywhere going on because of this thinking. I just do not understand humanity and its love affair with organized religions. We are a hopeless lot in many ways. We are likely to exterminate ourselves. (well... kind of). Climate here is whiplash and extremes. It is interesting times.
"Naive or Logical?" - Deep question!
Are you familiar with the discoveries Sperry? He proved that in the absence of the left hemisphere of the brain (for example, illness), there is only logic (in the results of the human body, human behavior, human reactions). And in violation of the right hemisphere of the brain in the human body can only look on the merits (also improve artistic skills, creativity gets better)
This phenomenon is clearly visible when there is obviously not working brain (left or right). And if both work. We see two states of the human mind (and, by extension the whole of society). If a man pumping rules, it is very logical. If a person is raised in a normal environment (without violence) it is deep (high level of creativity, empathy, reflection). And of course the logic works at it's best. That is, he not only did not lose logic, but stands at the service of intuition!
I believe that the hemispheric asymmetry and leads to unnecessary human logic (up to delusional states, as is the case with mathematicians :)).
But it is this asymmetry is not innate. And is the result of a person's upbringing. Human childhood orient the rules is more important meaning. Its just convinced that the task is more important goals. We all have strongly developed ritualism
Yes! We live in a most extraordinary time. It just never happened before.
be sure to check out the discussion (link) Naive or Logical
I agree that if either side is imbalanced it gets unhealthy for balanced thinking.
Just fyi - some of the smartest/best scientists are left-handed, and highly creative. we shouldn't judge solely on one model I guess.
Platonic mathematicians have a belief in mathematics as part of an existing reality. That is belief and not logical. ?? a contradiction in this model possibly.
I believe that ultimately the answer to your question is control. We all have a desire/mechanism (it may be genetic I couldn't say) to have some stability in our lives. We are all trying to control (to some degree) our (exclusively or individually) future. We look for understanding so that we can (if not control our environment), at least control the influence that environment has on us.
Couple this concept with the "fact" that people can be "manipulated".
you end up with people who have an awareness that they can influence others, without the understanding of how it works, just that somehow this translates into controlling their own future (or at least control the influence of the environment).
So those that throw a bomb in the center of the room and run, are the ones that have figured out how to deal with the blast, they don't understand how it works.
i'm not casting dispersions here (I am one of them), it's all part of the "growing, learning, enlightening, discovering, reflecting", living process.
As a side note: I am sure everyone here has some awareness of the double slit experiment. People behave the same way, instead of just clumping into groups behind the slits as particles, they spread out in the pattern of a wave.
Interesting data have in science.
Only some people are willing to control: fanaticism, mania, jealousy, envy. Other people chat on the contrary can not even control the purity of body and hair on his head. They dream to control disappeared. These two parts of approximately equal on polls. And of course there are people who understand that there is a "personal responsibility" (derived from the word "response" in almost all the languages of the world).
I see where you are coming from. However, it appears to be across a group and not so much an individual conscious decision. Again this can go back to the discussion on "Naïve or Logical" in that a person has a genetic motivator to be naïve or not thinking consciously. A "follower" predisposition to be a Naïve thinker - but with a genetic leaning.
I am getting back to innate properties of Man from a gross-level of existence. genetic is easier to blame it on. That also might be a over-simplified approach. A feel-good gene for religious (or atheistic) belief. But a Belief to relieve uncertainty and stress and fear.
As we know - it may be genetic. A left-over "junk gene" from evolution days,
As in the article on the X chromosomes shows - genes can be turned on and off occasionally.
Control usually ends up in the hands of the leaders. The individuals in the group seeking control, actively working to obtain it, may be wanting control to relieve personal uncertainty. uncertainty is usually a cause of stress and fear. That would possibly touch on a "Fight or Flight" response within the membership. Stress and fear is a strong motivator for action. That again goes back to a genetic predisposition as possibly part of some sort of role or play into the behavior. I am just thinking out load here. I am beginning to believe there is a genetic factor left over from evolution.
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