"There is No Religion Higher than Truth."

We see the line all the time. We hear it parroted all the time. But what does it really mean?

Is there any truth in religion at all to be higher than? Are religion and truth mutually exclusive qualities? Is religion a senseless bondage to myth and tradition, none of it of any value other than to the priests and preachers who profit from human ignorance and fear?

And what is truth in the first place? How would we know it if we fell over it and would it matter if we did?

And in the end, would it not simply make more sense to say it is all stuff and nonsense and not waste one's life worrying about any of it?

Just a few ideas to make the day interesting.

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Comment by Charles Cosimano on September 16, 2009 at 1:05pm
I think it often depends on how the person claiming to have the Truth is at the time.
Comment by Kevin Joel Masilung on September 16, 2009 at 10:37am
How high is high?.. can Truth be measured? The only place i can think of the Realm of the Absolute... where there is no more shadow...
Comment by Bill Meredith on July 26, 2009 at 11:16am
One might ask which religion? Which science and philosophy? Which truth? Which dance am I dancing today and who am I? Can we state succinctly what is truth so that we may judge the inferior and superior approaches? I am inclined to agree with the scientist Niels Bohr who said that while the opposite of a fact is a falsehood, the opposite of a profound truth may very well be yet another profound truth. The truth and the scientific facts do not always agree. I know people whose religion provides avenues to profound experiences via paths that science and sometimes even philosophy do not yet recognize as having any factual merit. While I see that organized religion often seems filled with empy cant and meaningless ritual perhaps the emptiness and meaninglessness of it all is because we don't see the profound truth in it. Religion and religious practice can be the outward manifestation of one's inner spiritual pathwork. In this sense, to some degree the religious experience is about approaching the profound truth from within while science and philosophy are about discovering the facts from without.

In Blavatsky's time, the phrase "no religion higher than truth" was a battle cry of sorts against the prevailing organized religious construct in favor of another organized quasi-philosophical/scientific hierarchy that involved movement and revelations from a different point of view. In a sense, every point of view has value since it is from one perspective that one is able to see and move to another. The judging of the inferior and superior perspective is thus relative to the mover and the movement-- the dancer and the dance. I am the dancer.

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