The Problems of Humanity As Stated by Alice Baily Through Dujwhal Khul

There are "Seven Problems" facing humanity of major consequences at this time in time. They are:

1. The Physical Reconstruction of the World - which in my understanding would include economic, social , and the wanton destruction of nature.

2. The Problem of the Psychological Rehabilitation of the Nations - which are still ruled by the thought forms of the old paradigm.

3. The Children of the World - in which two thirds go to bed hungry or worse are starving. This would  also include child labor as well as slavery in all its horrible manifestions.

4. The Problem of Labor, of Capital and of Employment - now seen and felt, but hopefully beginning to be addressed by the 99 % that started with "Out Wall Street" spreading across the globe.

5. The Problem of Racial Minorities - that continues to a great or small extent through out the world.

6. The Problem of The Churches - which have their own vested interests in keeping the status quo along with the power that goes with it. All these separative religions have been a bane for centuries to Humanity

7. The Problem of International Unity - This must be resolved before peace, security, and unity can manifest.

The above text was deleted from the 1964
"third and revised" edition of the book.

This was discovered courtesy of the book
"Prophecy on Trial: The Dated Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey Prophecies
Analyzed" by James Stephenson, 1983, pages 228-229

None of this can transpire until we come into "Right Relationship" and that begins first with the individual within their Self.

Cassandra - We Are  The Ones We Have Been Waiting For ( Hopi Native American Quote)

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Comment by Cassandra Cholaki on October 23, 2011 at 5:34pm

  I believe it was almost 20 years after the war. The chapter was only rediscoverd recently as it was deleted from the third and revised book. I do not know why it was deleted. Perhaps because it was too terrible an insight on what would happen if these problems were not changed almost immediately.  Here is the information with page numbers.


The above text was deleted from the 1964
"third and revised" edition of the book.

This was discovered courtesy of the book
"Prophecy on Trial: The Dated Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey Prophecies
Analyzed" by James Stephenson, 1983, pages 228-229

Comment by bournemouthsoc on October 23, 2011 at 4:55pm

How many of these have begun to be addressed? As you have said no 4 only in embryonic form?

Was DK talking about the situation directly after WW 2?

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