Polity and Globalization


A polity is a human society, politically organized as a State. Globalization is a term popular more in the context of Economic and Commerce areas. Recent innovations and intrusions into human consciousness can no longer limit the terms to their literal meanings.

The Earth Globe is one in round. We see many parts of land and sea thereon. That this earth globe is a part of a huge solar system and it has interconnections with other globes in the system is no longer a philosophic idea. Science made it a fact for our understanding. Even as the globe was one and beings were existed on its surface it took a lot of time, ages, for people of different parts to come in contact with the others. Even now we cannot say that this contact in total is achieved but conceptually and as a proven fact its possibility is not ruled out.

Literature has been, the world over, speaking about the 'One World' and its unification, inseparability in character and the purposeful existence. That all world is one family, as a concept, is available in a Sanskrit text Hitopadesa, where men and women are divided only into two classes: those petty minded and those noble minded. Petty-mindedness, according to the text divides people as 'our own' and others; and the noble minded group consider the whole world (vasudha) to be one family. This is conceptually true and it would perhaps take several ages for humanity to realize - make it real - to itself. India in archaic period is one, in later times divided itself into upper, lower and western(which include Persia, Iran, Tibet, Mongolia, Greater Tartary).  What we now know as India- The Bharat - is a further fragmentation. Divisions have become necessary for historical and geographical reasons.  For convenience, land can be divided into any number of fragments with varied cultures, civilizations, languages, attitudes etc. but the Land phenomenally stands as One. Human being living in any part of the land has the same aspirations, goals and systems. That the earth-globe to which we belong has within it very many subtle layers/planes of existence; and the globe in all its entirety belongs to a vast scheme is a common knowledge today.  Technology is trying to commonize this knowledge to the fullest advantage of humanity. Jacolliot once said:

India is the cradle of Humanity, it is the parent of all nations, it is the hot bed of all the lost arts and sciences of antiquity. To study India is to trace humanity to its source.

Much of the advantages derivable from the ever-growing and expanding technological development are prone to be hindered by middle men because of their self-centeredness and self-importance. To pass on and communicate these benefits, unsullied and undistorted, to all a mind that is totally dispassionate and is rooted in welfare of all is needed. A humane and ethical based approach alone can pave way to this. Diffusion of knowledge without any reservations, right social recognition and power to the hitherto suppressed classes and a proper place for 'scholarship' are imperative for this. Commercialization of scholarship, privatization of knowledge should end. Empowerment at an equal level in social standing must not be grudged.  Scholar must be dealt with as an equal partner in the realm of development, not as a tool that can used, abused by the powers holding the strings of the State purse. The concept of interdependence of various resources must be actualized. Individual uniqueness must be utilized for betterment of the State and profit of the Nation. Ignoring the ramifications of social sciences and humanities, declaring these learning disciplines as non-essentials in the luring face of technological make up will bring into being only a 'grotesque' form ultimately harmful to the polity and humanity. Modern society cannot be devoid of the ethical standards and means. Ethical, social and moral values can be built through proper education and awareness and not by legislation. Employing the national ethos and the unseen undercurrent of oneness modulates value system in any society.

Study of the Human and orienting the perception is the primary requirement for any cultural advancement. An Arabian chemist Alipili said:

O Man, Know thyself!

In thee is hid the Treasure of Treasures.


"It needs the right perception of things objective to finally discover that the only world of reality is the subjective," said Madame Blavatsky. The subjectivity expresses itself in the current times as globalization, modernization and liberalization etc. human requires the right perception -vision- to realize this.

Think globally, act locally -- is the slogan given by a Western scientist Mr. Capra some twenty years back.  Globalization involves all time-all space-all levels of consciousness and their unification for the best advantage of humanity. The study of 'Implicate order' in the globe suggests and amplifies this effort.

We have awakened ourselves many times in the recorded history. But the awakenings did not sustain for a long time because of the short sightedness and the lack of Unitary perception. Falling back into a slumber and repeating the past mistakes can be avoided if we are mindful of India's rightful place in the scheme of Universe. We have the heritage, tradition and the Wisdom that can be imparted to the world and lead the humanity a step up. Perfection and Progression of humanity is the goal set for the globe.

The action points can be:

A)   Eliminating the lack of awareness ( Ignorance),

B)   Enlightening the masses

C)   Empowering the needy and

D)   Educating people in Unitary perception

are to  be on the cultural agenda of the country.


When we say restructuring the Social values, we do not mean changing the geographical boundaries or bringing in reforms at the surface level. The restructuring is to occur in the psyche and at the level of consciousness. A deep churning of the human consciousness must take place and the nectar that arrives will be the needed Unitary thinking, perception and Fundamental action.

                                                                                                                                  Dr N C Ramanujachary



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