Dear friends,
This excerpt from B. P. Wadia is very interesting.
What are our real necessities?
"The Law of Necessity is another name for Karma. Nature never works unnecessarily. That which is not necessary should be avoided. Nature is bountiful, profusely so, but her economy is marvelously profound. The great Mother provides for every necessity of every son; her home, the Earth, has never been struck with poverty; men and women in their great selfishness spoil the labour of her love and produce war in place of peace, passion in place of compassion. In this life the Theosophical aspirant should observe this law of necessity and many of his difficulties would vanish - they never existed. Thus he will find time to apply remedies to those which do exist, and also time for the unfoldment of inner soul-powers, till he is able to wear the jewels of the paramitas. In every sphere of life, the unnecessary removed, we serve the ever-increasing wealth of Nature." [1]
Best regards, Magda
[1] "The Building of The Home", B.P. Wadia, The Indian Institute of World Culture, India, p. 51
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