Subject: Logos
From: "Ramanujachary nallanchakravarti"<> Mon, 9 Apr '12 10:19p
To: "TheosophyNet "<>
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LOGOS First Manifestation: The Logos irradiates the sphere of Matter, drawn round Him, as the field for the future Universe, flashing with unimaginable splendor. He is a mountain of Light invisible except on the spiritual planes. Sphere of Matter is the Primary Substance (Prathana). Logos is self-conditioned, inseparable at every point with the Matter. Second Manifestation: Logos draws Himself a little apart from the Matter. It is self-conditioned Will. It leads the Creative Activity. This position is stated as Second Logos.The relation between the First and the Second is like that of a Father and Son. Second Logos is Wisdom. Third Manifestation: Now the unmanifest has begun to manifest. When the Divine Activity commences, forms are made. We call this the Third Logos. Before the state of commencement of Divine Activity, Monads – the Units of Consciousness are originated. A Field of Universe is to be made for the operation of Monads – which we call the Evolution of Matter. These Monads are generated within the Divine Life, as germ-cells in an organism. Field for their evolution is the Universe. Many arise in the One by the act of Will. Will has two aspects within: Attraction and Repulsion. When the repulsion activity commences/ energizes, there is Separation, driving apart. The First Logos – the Undivided Lord – is the Eternal Father. By the action of Will, the Monads are originated. The One multiplies and becomes many. *****
LOGOS of our Solar system.– PRANA – KUNDALINI All Power is Divine, coming from one of the Logoi. Our Solar System is headed by a Solar Logos. When he comes into existence, he defines his limits in Space, and pours out life in 3 outpourings, thus energizing his Matter for further work. He makes his ‘Ring-Pass-Not’. This term appears first in the 5th stanza of the Dzyan. Ring-Pass-Not means a particular area or a certain volume of Space – enclosed, guarded and isolated. The Ring-Pass-Not gets broken when the contents of the System have reached a certain grade of ripening or maturity. This can be likened to the Hridaya Grandhi Vicchedan (breaking out the knots of the heart), so far as the human progression is concerned. By the event He made his Ring-Pass-Not, he has a Plan in his mind. This is only at level of ‘thought’. He slowly imprints his plan of action on all the matter in his system. Thus the matter is empowered for its ripening. T Subba Row gave some information on the Logos: There are certainly some Logoi higher than the Deity of our Solar System. Our Sun is a Sun of the Fourth order. It is a manifestation of a Logos of the 4th Order of Logoi, dependent upon a Logos of the 3rd Order. Our physical plane Sun is also dependent upon the physical Sun which is the manifestation of the Logos of that third Order, possibly revolving round it. Then the Logos of the 3rd Order must be in the same way dependent upon the Logos of the 2nd Order, and he in turn upon that of 1st Order. Those of the 1st Order stand close, were court of, the Logos of the whole physical Universe. That would come close to a Supreme Deity. These different stages between that Supreme Deity and the Deity of the Solar System can also be suggested. Each of these Logoi in this descending scale imposes His will but not His nature perhaps, and that is what is meant when saying, that our Solar Logos finds certain general rules of nature, certain laws in existence, under which He works. The strong possibility is that that is something imposed upon the whole universe, therefore perhaps by the Logos of that Universe. Fohat digs holes in space, is what Madame Blavatsky says in her The Secret Doctrine. These holes are the bubbles in the universal aether of space (the name suggested in Occult Chemistry book is Koilon.) There is an aether of space which must exist through the whole visible universe. When our Logos of the solar system makes his ring and begins his system, he finds those bubbles already blown, already there, and it is out of those bubbles that he builds his matter. There are certain conditions and certain laws which bind even the Logos of a system. He finds a status quo within which he has to work, and he proceeds to do his work. He also finds certain forces available for his use, forces following presumably from other Logoi higher than he. He has many subordinates and there are many lines through which force may flow, but we cannot say, when we find forces in operation here, whether they originate from him or come through him from some higher source. A great many of the forces we find here are all variants of One Force. These forces can be transformed into other forces (eg. Electricity, heat, light etc.)We find entirely apart from that group of forces, another force which we call Life. That also comes down from the Logos unquestionably, but we cannot turn it into electricity, heat or light. When we say life here, we should not confuse it as vitality. The vitality which pours forth from the sun is again another thing. It is necessary for the support of life, but itself is not life. That vitality, which is another force, which is not the same as either heat-electricity-light, and yet is different from life, is necessarily apparent to maintain ‘life in a form’. Prana is the Indian name for this vitality. It is not the same as the life in you, the soul! In you we call that the divine Life. The others are equally divine, but they are force at any rate, but we do not know how their origin is different. What we call Life comes from the topmost of all, and that these other forces come into existence at a lower level. All this is speculation indeed! There is also down here on the physical plane another force which is not the same as Life; not the same as vitality; and that is what goes by the Indian term Kundalini. There is only the one manifestation of that in every one of us. To awaken that is one method of occult training. It cannot be changed into another type of force. It just exists. It is capable of breaking out, and instead of a small glowing fire it may become a great conflagration and may produce many startling results. So far as the relation to Prana goes, we know them as two distinct forces, but you must not take that to imply that they have no connection at a higher level. All our metaphysical speculations about the action of the Logoi do not make any difference to us down here. It might enable us to make our scheme more intellectually perfect, but we can live our lives and do our work and make our progress putting all that aside until later on. It is not a bad thing to speculate on the unattainable, we do increase our power. “Veil after veil will lift, but there must be veil upon veil behind”, as Buddha said. Never mind, we can lift them only one by one, and it is quite well that sometimes we should try to do so, but not to the neglect of the practical work down here. Dr N C Ramanujachary |
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