Dear friends,


As we approach the time on which will be sent once again open letters to Adyar, asking for the re-examination of the accusation against William Judge, I would like to share with you the following information.


Best regards, Joaquim



At our website we have a special section, with several texts on this issue, entitled "Letters to Adyar: On Justice to William Judge" , direct link:




Justice to Judge in 2011


The Sixth Year of Open Letters to India
A Student of Theosophy
For the sixth time since April 2006,  independent students from various countries will be sending on 13 April 2011 a number of open letters to the President of the Adyar Theosophical Society, Ms. Radha Burnier. The headquarters of the Society is in Chennai, India.
The students will be asking her to help stop a century old injustice by re-examining  the Adyar “Case” against Mr. William Q. Judge. Those who have an interest in the future of the theosophical movement are invited to join the initiative, which is a celebration of its dynamic unity.
Restoring justice with regard to William Judge does more than showing that Adyar Society cares about Ethics and Truth. It gives a large portion of the movement a better chance to benefit from the example of Judge’s life and from the wisdom present in his books. It opens the way to a more intense life of the theosophical effort, by promoting a better knowledge of  its history and by destroying the illusion of separateness. It stimulates the perception that the movement as a whole is in fact one single magnetic field; that such an aura or energy-field has a center; and that its living center is related to the “blood” - the skandhas and magnetism donated by its main Founders. 
William Q. Judge showed the importance of a non-bureaucratic view of the theosophical effort. The ultimate center of the visible movement is no outer authority. It is in the heart and mind of each student who’s able to understand its goal and its dharma, and who has a profound respect for its sources of inspiration. Such sources are alive, and they are active in the center of the magnetic field of the movement. The action of promoting respect for the founders increases both individual and collective connection to the source. It also makes it possible to attain a better vision of the future unity of the movement. The building of a lasting and true unity depends on the fulfilment of its Dharma.  This unity won’t be obtained by the practice of outward social courtesy between shells and personalities, nor by blind obedience to this or that “leader” and “authority”. It will be built by facing reality and discharging the movement’s duty towards mankind, which still remains “the great orphan” these days. 
Although the open letters campaign has no attachment to short term results, it acknowledges that progress has been made since 2006.  More specifically in the last two years,  the campaign has started to become an increasingly  multidimensional process. There has been a growing decentralized response from members of the Adyar Society. Several  regional and online initiatives related to William Judge and to the unity of the movement have taken place in different countries around  mid-April, involving members, websites and  lodges of the Adyar Society, and including talks, seminars and online publications.  
The 19th century process of persecution against Judge within the Adyar Theosophical Society is extensively documented in the book The Judge Case, by Ernest Pelletier (published by the Edmonton Theosophical Society, Canada, in June 2004) and in other books. [1]
The accusations were based on a campaign of rumours. They seem to have been used as a tool by those who aimed at attaining political power within the organization. No actual, valid proofs were ever presented against Judge. The Judicial Committee appointed to examine the matter declared it could not decide on the issue.
Every letter in defence of William Q. Judge should be as widely circulated as possible among one’s friends and co-students, or in publications in one’s local language, so that the vindication of Judge takes place at the grass-roots level,  as long as the international leaders of the Adyar Society are unable to act.  These letters stimulate the movement’s ability to learn from its own mistakes. They help people realize that it is a privilege and a blessing to defend the Founders every time they are unjustly attacked, whether from within or from without the theosophical movement.
Each in his or her own way, style and words, students will suggest for the sixth time next April 13th  that Adyar should publicly admit that Judge was innocent of any wrongdoing - or else open the Adyar Archives and show any existing proofs of his mistakes. 
The agenda includes some celebration. The letter-effort takes place by April 13, which is Judge’s birthday.  Yet as Judge donated his life to the movement, it is the movement  itself -  in its ever-renewing unity and diversity - that is actually being celebrated by these letters and related activities.    
E-mail messages and phone calls to Adyar are good ideas as additional means of expression; but  it is felt that the efficiency of an air mail letter is greater. Envelopes must be addressed to “Mrs. Radha Burnier, President, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India.” 
Whenever possible,  signed copies of the letters to Adyar should be sent by air mail to the address indicated below. Ms. Radha Burnier sent  kind answers to some of the letters. The  correspondence to Adyar has been discussed in previous editions of “The Aquarian Theosophist” and other theosophical magazines.  Special sections with articles on this topic can be found at the ,  and .
Those interested in obtaining more information may also write to
See below the report on the letters sent in 2010.  
[ E-mail contact with organizers:   Air mail address to send copies of open letters to Adyar: Carlos Cardoso Aveline, Caixa Postal 5111, Ag. Brazlândia, CEP 72.705-970, Brasília, DF, Brazil.]   
[1]  Two of them are: 1) The Theosophical Movement, 1875-1925, written by associates of the United Lodge of Theosophists (E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y., USA, 1925, 705 pp.) ; and 2)The Theosophical Movement, 1875-1950also by U.L.T. associates (The Cunningham Press, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1951,  351 pp.).
The 2010 Report on Letters to
Adyar About Justice to W. Q. Judge:
Twenty-One Letters or Messages  
From 42  People  in  Six  Countries
Independent students of Theosophy have been writing from several countries, since April 2006, to the President of the Adyar Society. For five years now, they have yearly celebrated W.Q. Judge’s life and work for humanity while writing about him to the main Adyar leader, Ms. Radha Burnier.   
In fact, the letters to Ms. Burnier are important symbols of something which is wider and creative. National initiatives and local level actions are considered of the greatest importance - in addition to the Letters to Adyar.  Remembering W.Q. Judge’s life and work and creating opportunities to exchange views with Adyar theosophists at various levels are valid actions at any time. 
Two practical examples of the progress recently made by the idea of Justice to Judge were reported from Germany and the United States. 
On April 30, 2010, German theosophist Ms. Sieglinde Plocki wrote from Berlin that the website of the Adyar Society in Germany now mentions William Quan Judge as one of the founders of the theosophical movement. This is a significant step forward.  Sieglinde indicated the link: 
But Sieglinde added:
“Even more: they put William Judge under the section  “important theosophists” ...  there could have been more to honour his work, but this - in comparison to the English language Adyar Website -  isfantastic…”
The second German link is:


From the United States, Nicholas Weeks wrote to the editors of “The Aquarian Theosophist” on May 14th. His message reports that the Adyar Society in North America held a four-day seminar on William Judge in its Krotona Center, in Ojai, California, in April 27-30. The well-attended program was presented by Dara Eklund, Judy Saltzman and Nicholas Weeks, and its title was “William Q. Judge -- A Devoted Life”. Such a seminar constitutes another small but significant event along the road leading to justice and ethics.

The news from Berlin and California are good examples to be followed in due time by other Adyar Societies and, of course, by their International President.   
As to the Letters to Adyar themselves, their yearly rhythm so far can be somehow summarized in this way:
1) In 2006, six letters were sent to Adyar from four countries.
2) In 2007, we had ten letters, from five countries.
3) In 2008, eleven letters were sent,  from five countries.
4) In 2009, we had nineteen letters, from  seven countries.
5) In 2010, we have twenty-one letters (including one e-mail message), from six countries.
The 2010 countries and their letters are:
United Kingdom – two letters (one from England, one from Scotland)
Mexico – two letters (one of them, signed by twenty people) ;
Portugal – two letters (one of them, signed by two persons);
Germany – two letters (one of them, signed by two students) ;
Brazil – twelve letters.
United States of America – one e-mail message.
There are 20 signatures in the letter sent to Adyar from Mérida city, Mexico. Other letters were signed by two theosophists each. 
We have twelve individual letters from several different cities and States in Brazil this year.
The number of countries from which letters are sent has decreased from seven to six. Yet the movement is slowly getting strength.  
In 2009, 45 people signed and sent 19 air mail letters to Adyar from seven countries
In 2010, 42 people signed and sent 20 air mail letters  and one e-mail message to Adyar from six countries, asking for justice to William Judge.
All of the 2010  letters and the e-mail message are reproduced below.  Of course, this report includes only the letters whose copies have been sent to us. Other letters or messages  may have been sent to Adyar  that we do not know of.
Although there is no reported letter from Canada to Adyar in 2010, an email message from Canadian theosophist and author Ernest Pelletier  was received on May 4th.  It expresses Pelletier’s sympathy and support for the movement.   
More can be seen about “Letters to Adyar: Justice to Judge”, in one of the English language sections of  the site .  Its direct link is .    One can also see texts on this subject at the blog  and at the blog of “The Aquarian Theosophist”.
The organizers have no short term expectations about “results”. But they say:
The law of karma never fails. Every small effort, made in the right direction, inevitably produces good results - often in invisible ways.”
[Contact with the organizers: ] 


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Comment by M K Ramadoss on April 5, 2011 at 9:06am

One of the voluminous compilations of documents surrounding Judge is the book by Pelletier - The Judge Case published in Canada. It is over 900 pages and is very pricey, costing $95 plus shipping. Intelligent theosophists would want to see the documents in the book so that they can fully understand the case first hand rather than going by someone else's summary. Most theosophists are cannot afford to buy the book. What is the use of a book which after all the effort, have a very small circulation. I have been advocating theosophists write to Pelletier to make the book available as a pdf file for free on the Internet and invite donations from good hearted readers. I have even offered to scan the book for free and upload it to Internet if a complimentary copy is sent to me. It can be done in a couple of days. I would request everyone interested to contact Pelletier and request him to make an electronic copy available. This would broaden the support for Judge Case.


Lords of Karma would reward everyone who contributes to this project of making pdf file available to everyone in the world.


Pelletier can be contacted at, replacing AT with the @ sign.

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