I'm no longer a member of the Theosophical Society

As I just posted on my Modern Theosophy blog, I resigned my membership this morning. 

Just thought you'd all want to know. Here's my full explanation: http://www.moderntheosophy.com/2011/member-theosophical-society/

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Comment by Katinka Hesselink on September 20, 2011 at 4:29am

I agree: with those last two sentences, though to be honest, in my own case - that by not nurturing my talent (whatever they are and where ever it is they're going), it sure did feel like they were pushing me out. But feelings aren't fact: I'm sure none of the prominent theosophists in the Netherlands WANTED me out.

Though whether Steiner really was more ethical than Besant is subjective IMO. She does stand out as a theosophical bodhisattva in my mind. 

Comment by K. Paul Johnson on September 15, 2011 at 8:03am
With no offense intended to those who remain members, I think that the roster of ex-FTS is a very honorable one.  Contrasts I find instructive: Sinnett in, Hume out; Judge in, Brittens out; Kislingbury in, Kingsford out; Leadbeater in, Mead out; Arundale in, Krishnamurti out; Besant in, Steiner out.  In general, the more creative, more ethical, more independent-minded are the ones who leave.  Involvement in the Theosophical movement remains pivotal to their development for the rest of their lives, however.  Now almost 17 years out after 17 years in (1978-95), I see the same pattern in my contemporaries.  It would give to much agency to the less creative, less ethical, and less independent-minded older Theosophists to say they drove out the best potential talent in the younger members.   But they sure as hell weren't and aren't nurturing it!
Comment by Katinka Hesselink on September 15, 2011 at 3:22am
Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I'd make a very good nun.
Comment by Michael A. Williams on September 13, 2011 at 9:03pm

Best wishes, Katinka, and "God's speed" in your "Journey To The East."

I'm sure you'll zip through the basic classes you mentioned in record time and we here will one day be seeing you as a High Lama at a Monastery in the Netherlands!

Comment by Katinka Hesselink on September 13, 2011 at 2:23am

I would have joined the ES, if they'd let me at age 20. My devotion to the TS was as thorough as if I had been an ES member. As I said in my blogpost, I took the three objects as a sort of vow, which I've now given back. 

But I do agree: the three objects don't clash with being a Buddhist. 

Perhaps it's simply that the image I had of the TS and the image I had of myself as a TS member clashed too much with the reality of both. 

Comment by Kirk W Walker on September 12, 2011 at 9:28pm

Its interesting to see that you need to break with the TS. I have a guru in another organization, but I consider the TS to be more or less an open-ended study group, so I don't find any conflict with continuing to belong to it. To me the three objects are extremely general.

  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.
  2. To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science.
  3. To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in Man.

I don't see how any of these general ideas conflict with being a Buddhist or a Yogi or a Christian or whatever.


One possibility is maybe you belonged to the Esoteric School. If so, then I can see where you might have a conflict. I have already resolved never to become a member of ES. I would consider that to conflict with my personal spiritual path.

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