David Wright
  • 74, Male
  • Garland, TX
  • United States
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'Elementary my dear Watson'

Some people have this discriminating way of bringing out the best in everyone.
The first time I heard the word "discriminate" used in a positive way was when I began the theosophical correspondence course through TUP in Pasadena.At first glance, I didn't quite understand how anyone could be discriminating in a useful manner. My first Mentor told me something quite discriminating once. He said that no one can leave this solar kosmos until they become "Enlightened Beings".
Discrimination can become a form of intuition that arises in the mind regarding the level of enlightenment where we find ourselves. Ramana Maharshi said, 'There is no other'. So if the cliche' is true 'whatever goes around comes around' then whatever we do to "others" we are doing to ourselves simultaneously. It even goes further to say that whatever we do to ourselves we are doing to others (or worse) simultaneously. This is the concept behind what the scientists discovered about second hand cigarette smoke causing cancer. To evolve into the Idea of true love and forgiveness is to go beyond being forced into tolerance by isolation, disease or "death", or the isolation that is naturally set up within this solar kosmos by our thinking.

David Wright's Blog

laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity

Posted on June 30, 2009 at 5:52am 0 Comments

Beginning with journaling and the Theosophical Correspondence Course that was provided through TUP in the early 90's along with personal experiences that began merging into experiential knowledge many of the "unexplained" laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity gratefully became revealled. The occult fact of that truth also indicates that regardless of what is revealled the content and Source thereof is ageless and wise. Common sense then reveals that satories are not granted only to… Continue

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At 5:55pm on April 7, 2009, Mikhayl Von Riebon said…
Hi and welcome to Theosophy.net,

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