David Reigle
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David Reigle's Discussions

English Translations of Eastern Sacred Texts

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ajay Jaiswal Oct 4, 2017. 32 Replies

In the late 1800s, fifty volumes of the Sacred Books of the East series were published in English. These whetted the appetite of the English-speaking world for the wisdom of the East. Since then,…Continue

The Voice of the Silence, Mongolian and English edition

Started this discussion. Last reply by David Reigle Apr 4, 2011. 8 Replies

Regarding this new bilingual edition of the Voice, just published, here is some information about it that was written by Glenn Mullin: H.P.B’sThe Voice of the SilenceA Bi-Lingual “English /…Continue

Sanskrit Language Study

Started this discussion. Last reply by RavenHeart Ban-Draoidh~ Sep 30, 2016. 64 Replies

There has been interest expressed here in Sanskrit language study. How is this language studied? In American universities, this is typically done by the instructor assigning lessons from a book, and…Continue

Tags: Sanskrit, learning, language


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At 12:08am on June 15, 2012, Dr N C Ramanujachary said…

Dear Mr David,

You have sent me a long message On Tirukkanda Panchangam. As I was going thro' that, the electric current got off and somehow the message also got lost, in spite of the battery operation.I am willing to be of any help to you. Could you have the message repeated to me? Sorry for giving you this additional labor.

Yours fraternally,

Dr N C Ramanujachary (id: srivirinchi@rediff.com; ensiar@yahoo.com

At 4:35am on January 9, 2012, Gerry Kiffe said…

David;  Glad to have you in the SD Study group.  thanks for taking part.

At 9:24am on March 12, 2011, Leila Raven said…
At 2:29am on February 23, 2011, Vinod Sharma said…
Thanks, I'll try to put my endavour to contribute my best exploring various avenues here.I look forward for your guidence  in times to come
At 1:24pm on January 08, 2011, Heidi Ann Maycroft gave David Reigle a gift
At 8:44am on December 3, 2010, Ferran Sanz Orriols said…
Thank you very much, David!!! I am learning much from your posts here!!!
At 10:17am on November 27, 2010, Alan D. Sherry said…
Mr David Reigle,

I have read most of the articles found on the web about the Stanzas of Dzyan and the proposed educational approach to the esoteric literature, with fascination. You scholarship is impeccable. Finally, someone has tackled some of the major issues hanging out for a hundred years or so. Thank You sir.

Alan Sherry

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