Garrett Riegg
  • Male
  • Oakland, CA
  • United States
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Garrett Riegg's Friends

  • Leila Raven
  • Christopher P. Holmes
  • Heidi Ann Maycroft
  • Eldon Tucker

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English and French; some Spanish and German.

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 4:46pm on January 10, 2012, Gerry Kiffe said…

Can you join me in the SD Study Group.  I am moderating.  so you know you will be treated with kindness.  I hide my whip!

At 10:31am on July 7, 2011, Christopher P. Holmes said…

Hello Garrett,

Nice to see your name up here.  Hope you are well.  I have had four of my books printed since i was in California, 4 years ago.  Wow, so much has happened since then.  I am very pleased with my God, Science & The S D, book.


At 5:04pm on June 9, 2011, Gerry Kiffe said…



Howdy, I am a friend of your mother from SB days.  She was one of my favorite people, always so friendly, cheerful and upbeat.  Look forward to hearing from you on the nextwork.



At 12:59pm on May 6, 2011, Leila Raven said…
Thanks Garrett, the gift thing is a built in feature ning based sites have. You purchase credits with real money that you use to buy 'gifts' which are basically just small image/cards that can be displayed on a persons profile. Most people don't use this feature, but some seem to find it fun. Most people appreciate a heartfelt comment more than a gift I find. *smile* Have a great weekend.
At 8:50am on May 5, 2011, Heidi Ann Maycroft said…

Welcome Garrett!

Hope to see you in the forums soon!

Please check your inbox...


Heidi Ann

At 9:26pm on May 4, 2011, Leila Raven said…
At 1:38am on May 2, 2011, Capt. Anand Kumar said…

Welcome Garrett. Please read the Rules of the Road on the left pane of the Home Page. We look forward to your valuable contributions.


Have fun.


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