Theosophies of the Future
It's interesting to speculate on theosophies of the past and all those who have left their mark along the way. In addition we have those who are still making their mark, both in traditional and "popular" theosophies.
But what about the Theosophies of the future? Who writes those? What do they look like? Where are the gods, the creative forces and the means to carry out the plans of divinity?
In this interconnected world, we have the ability to gather the best of all traditions, old and new, to synthesize new ways of understanding our existence and come up with new ways of seeing how we relate to it.
There are any number of connections we can draw in forming these traditions. We can enquire into the nature of dark matter, dark energy and other cosmic phenomena and explore how those tie in with our mind...and perhaps "universal mind?" In the realm of the extremely small, we look at how developments in quantum physics affect our view of consciousness. This leads to entire new areas of speculation. Examples could involve a deeper understanding of randomness and its role in evolution. And ultimately there is the base concept of consciousness as the primary reality of all existence. Can we perceive it? If yes, how? If no, why not?
Then there are the "environmental theosophies," those vast areas of thought and awareness that didn't even exist a few years ago. There are environmental theosophies, best described in James Lovelock's "Gaia Hypothesis,' and the various schools of thought exploring the relationships with us, our environment and the effects of our thoughts and actions towards the quality of the elements and compounds that make up our planet.
Then there are "economic theosophies". These lie in the realm of human behavior and desires. They cover our interactions and how we perceive value. Our values feed directly into, and from our beliefs about us, our world, including those involving survival, fulfillment and actualization. The flip side of these is greed and the tendency for us to "overdo it." Economic theosophies also cover the structures we create to shape our impact on the world around us and to either assume or abnegate responsibility for our efforts. This not only involves us on an individual level but those constructs that we create to enable activity over large areas and diverse groups of people.
Finally there are the new "social theosophies". These involve our greater understanding of cognition and neuroscience. These deal with the narrowing breach between the understanding of our physiology and our inner life. We are slowly getting a deeper grasp on how hardwired we actually are and how much of our lives are determined to a greater or lesser degree by not only our genetic makeup but also the choices we make throughout life. It can be the one-too-many Big Mac, the decision to be absolutely right and win that argument or any number of other thoughts and activities that we decree to become part of our heritage, either as productions of the mind or of the body.
There are other theosophies waiting to be discovered and explored. Where will they be found, recognized and acted on. Who knows? One thing is for sure. They are out there.
Inclusion of Social, Economic and Environmental Theosophy in our world view is the most pressing need of today.
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