This group exists for us to work on our understanding of the ideas around Esotericism and Theosophy and to nurture ideas to act on our understanding of the framework these provide.
Theosophy: "Intuitional knowledge or wisdom resulting from progress in Self-awareness and/or experience of one's own Transcendental ('Divine') Nature."
Theosophist: "An individual who is at least willing to consider potential knowledge and/or wisdom purporting to have been derived in this special epistemological way."
Members: 35
Latest Activity: Dec 26, 2015
This group serves several functions:
A) To help us at Theosophy.Net understand the framework of Esotericism and Theosophy as given by Antoine Faivre.
B) To help encourage exploration of the ways that we can apply these ideas, not only to this site but also to life in general.
C) To come up with projects and activities based on our understanding of these concepts.
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by John Oct 5, 2014. 18 Replies 3 Likes
We know that what we're asking in this group is pretty difficult.This is a Theosophy that most of us have not even heard of, but it exists and is quite legit.What we encourage you to do is to go to…Continue
Started by John. Last reply by John Jun 5, 2013. 4 Replies 1 Like
I wanted to encourage anyone who has questions about any of the 9 (6+3 total) characteristics, stated in the FAQ, to feel free to ask questions in this discussion. There are no dumb questions. If…Continue
Tags: Characteristics, Esotericism, Theosophy
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Dewald Bester May 30, 2013. 9 Replies 0 Likes
Material has been moved from the discussion on "In my own words"We ask that you respect the intent of discussions posted on this site. It is a failure in moderation that led us to allow a meta…Continue
Tags: controversy, Faivre
Started by Joe Fulton. Last reply by Capt. Anand Kumar May 27, 2013. 6 Replies 3 Likes
The goal of this exercise is to go through each of the parts of Esotericism and Theosophy and see what ideas we can pull out of them.One of the primary goals at Theosophy.Net is to bring all of these…Continue
I see we haven't gotten too far on this study yet. I am still reading the book. I'll be back...
Jeff maybe you ordered the "Rare" edition those usually take a looong time to get there <sarcasm>... I got my Faivre book just this month(June), luckily it didn't take over the usual time, probably because mines not the "rare" :D lol, Either way once it comes in I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I was surprised at the great readability of the text considering it's translated. That's all due to the efforts of Christine Rhone (member). And honestly I think it's a great tool for any Theosophist to get a good bearing on exactly what the book is titled!
Joe, I was going to comment the last time (but forgot) that the above "Theosophy: A Beginner's Guide" might do well to be posted to the home page of this site. I think it would help other's who come here understand what this site is all about and I think it does a very good job of presenting the point of view of this site. Just a suggestion...(I really like it!!!)
Haven't received Faivre's book yet, very disappointing, Amazon is usually so much faster than this. What's the workd coming to, I ask you???
I downloaded the online book by Dr. Keizer and was especially intrigued by Part 2: Absolute Reality: Emanated Consciousness of the Eternal One. I like how he has synthesised ancient religious ideas and philosophy with modern science, especially physics. I am reminded of the German philosopher Karl Christian Friedrich Krause who coined the term Panentheism in order to bring together monotheism and pantheim, something that had already been done by the ancients, aparently. It is interesting how we moderns think we are so smart and sophisticated and then we read something Plotinus wrote and realize he was saying the same thing that modern physicists are currently saying. Perhaps the old saying is true: To learn is simply remembering....
The object of this group is very worth while and fascinating. I just ordered Faivre's book and look forward to reading it as well as discussing it here. It will be good to look at Theosophy from a different perspective other than Blavatsky, though one must admit that in many ways Blavatsky brought Theosophy into the modern world and left her own mark on this remarkable philosophical movement; I look forward to the dicussions!!
27 May 2013.
It is a good step forward to live theosophy in its true meaning and spirit. Mr. Joe Fulton deserves congratulations! Thank You Mr. Joe Fulton!!
Joe, I'm glad you are doing this. During his time, Dr. Faivre was the major influence in putting Esoteric Studies on the map, and his influence is still being felt. Is anyone still in contact with my old friend?
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