Some years ago: 1977-1983 I envisaged a cycle in the first chapter of Genesis and it took me almost six years to realize that I had really stumbled on something very mystical; however, being a down to earth realist I also knew that no one would believe a word of it. it would be taken merely as one man's over active imagination at work. I look around my meager library at the time looking for a work of antiquity that could possibly have imbued into it a mathematical structure. I lighted on Dante Alighieri's (1265-1321) La Divina Commedia. it was a three volume trilogy and it had one hundred chapters. I reasoned a hundred chapter could lead to percentages of a whole so I took down the work and did a cursory examination of each of the first ten chapters (cantos) to get an indication of the possibility of my idea. Within minutes I knew there was a sophisticated system codified to the trilogy. Within the first few years I had basically unraveled Dante's mathematics; however, I could not publish because I knew he had used some kind of model: panacea from which his mathematics were developed from. I searched for that model for twelve years and about 1995 I found it. I basically had it for years but did not know what I had when I developed it. It was a 10 x 10 matrix, which I named the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: The Primum Mobile.
Some years before I was working on the seven day week and Dante's work simultaneously and it came about because early on in my researches on Dante's work I realized that he had used a 3 x 3 square: Kamea of Saturn (I did not know its name at the time). Dante's basic structure logically exuded the idea of a 3 x 3 square. I thought of the tic-tac-toe square image at the time to express in a simple device a complex hypothesis I was developing concerning La Divina Commedia's mathematical structure. i remember the image because my father thirty years before came home with a brain teaser: a 3 x 3 box using just the first nine numbers. All eight directions had to add up to the same total when the first nine numbers are placed in the matrix properly. Within ten minutes I had the answer to the astonishment of my father who had worked on it all day at work and had to be finally shown the answer. I of course forgot about the matrix over the years but when I needed it it came to the fore.
In analyzing Dante work in relationship to this device I quickly realized that Dante had deliberately used this device and this was not an insertion on my part to explain his work. What convinced me of his use of it was the pattern of the Male Swastika imbued into the matrix using Dante data. This just could not be coincidental by any stretch of the imagination. About that time I had picked up the Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled and it was fortuitous because in searching out the index I came across the reference to swastikas and it confirmed that only in a 3 x 3 square can the swastika be created. So it can be seen that I had serendipitously segue-wayed into the teachings of Madame Blavatsky. But I was doing extensive research now on the Kamea of Saturn and I knew it inside out and I had made much headway into its uses in antiquity even to demonstrate the I Ching was developed from it: i.e. Lo Shu (Kamea of Saturn).
One day I happen to be passing a calendar and normally we look at the calendar week horizontally but on this occasion I viewed it through its vertical columns and it struck me how the numerical format of the seven day week coincided perfectly with the numerical sequence of two of the four numerical sequence of the Kamea of Saturn. it was astonishing because the calendar is always present and how could it harbor any secrets? Anyway, I purchase a book on the seven day week, which was trying to show the history of its creation and usage in Western culture. What more the book outlined that throughout recorded history man had a number of variations of the length of the week: especially in religious circles. Some had religious celebration and/or holidays every day (saints) or every two, three, four, etc., etc. This got me thinking and thus I set up a calendar week for every single one of the first nine numbers. Nine was repetitive because I was casting out nines because of the patterns demonstrated in the Kamea of Saturn. What I learned was that 1 and 8 had the same pattern but in reverse of each other. This also took place in 2 and 7, 3 and 6, and 4 and 5, which patterns coincided with Chess pieces and astrological sun signs. You can imagine my excitement in seeing this kind of pure redundancy embedded in the world educational tools. I then took the last column of each of the days of the week and place them side by side creating an 8 x 9 matrix. All the matrix needed to be perfected was two columns of nine flanking the first eight numbers and a row of nines on the top to complete the matrix.
Forgive me for not completing the discussion. I was adding the graphic image and I thought that I would be able to edit the discussion.
Anyway, I quickly realized that this was merely a play off of the multiplication tables though I had arrived at it conceptually from a round about way. Then I realized that each of the multiplication tables casting out nines was merely mimicking the first multiplication table. Each multiplication table was the image and likeness of the Monad (#1). Pythagoras had used the same matrix to develop his mathematical theorems. This same matrix was used to write the first chapter of Genesis because both the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David are develop from it. It is obvious to me that the number one: the MONAD is ZERO POINT from which all is developed.
The fact that we are spiritual beings with eternal life ahead of us the only way to expressed the inexplicable is not with words, which are eternally opened up for interpretation but with mathematics. I am not saying that a person can not have a spiritual vision void of mathematics: for I myself had one in June of 1978. I was studying Matthew's gospel when all of a sudden there was a bright light: I found myself heading down a tunnel at breakneck speed. At the same time my mind was peppered with billions of pieces of data explaining to me that there was no such thing as death. I saw the sum total of all knowledge: I had a glimpse of eternity. The idea that there was no such thing as death was explained to me from every conceivable angle. Of course I could not retain such data for one fact was insignificant to the whole. This entire vision lasted a fraction of a second. I learned later it was a Kundalini experience. After this experience I recognized that I had the ability for pattern recognition. Not that I did not have the gift prior to the experience but it became much more pronounced. However, I must admit that this gift could just as well have been heightened by my decision to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, which abstinence opened up my mind like a flower for greater memory retention. There is no doubt, in my mind, that I had come into contact mentally with the law of omniscience. That same data can be rearranged to answer any question anyone may ask of it. I apparently had the question concerning death on my mind without realizing it. From having that experience I have lost all fear of death. I later realized that the tunnel was analogous to a six foot grave and that it would take billions of years for the bones to reach the surface. Thus, I learned that billions years was but a fraction of a second in time.
To answer your question: no, it is not all numbers for we as human beings need the grammatical arts to live in the world to explain to us this mathematical universe of ours. Remember numbers are more succinct then words. Coupled with letters and their symbolic values and their combination in words and verses lends themselves to numerous and varied interpretations. And they all could very well be true from various perspective producing a massive amount of data that would otherwise take volumes to explain.
Christian von Lahr said:
So, do all things ultimately come down to a number? Will numbers always prove a Universal tool to represent all things? Perhaps this underscores H.P.B.'s eternal fascination for numbers and number system.
"Zero Point" of your title, is that a play off of Blavatsky's original coinage?
Yes as to words. I see wisdom as coming first, then symbols for it, numbers to represent those symbols, and letters as our modern reference.
Look at the phase ZERO POINT: it is a misnomer or an oxymoron. ZERO is just that NOTHING from the perspective of the material world but everything in relationship to the empyrean; whereas, a POINT is a DOT or ONE: the MONAD, which from a materialistic point of view symbolically represents the empyrean.
Actually, ZERO would be that which exist prior to the time/space continuum: not subject to its mandates and the MONAD or POINT would be a reflection of that whole from the perspective of the time/space continuum. The ZERO and the POINT are essentially united or melded as one: hence ZERO POINT; however, they are after all from the perspective of human reasoning two halves or sides of the same coin. Though the twain will never meet they will never part.
Okay. Here's in inference to Blavatsky's use of the term in Christopher P. Homes' Zero Point Teaching, for an additional perspective.
Christopher P. Holmes, Ph.D.
The Zero Point hypothesis is that living beings have zero point centres rooted into the grounds of being and that these are associated with the higher dimensional physics and metaphysics of the human heart. Such ideas are found within The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky, mystic scholar and founder of Theosophy, within esoteric Judaism and Kabbalah, mystical and Gnostic Christianity, Islam and Sufism, the teachings of the Dalai Lama and many other sources. The significance of such ideas has completely escaped the attention of the modern 'scientists of new formation,' as Gurdjieff described them in his masterful Tales. Dr. Holmes explores such concepts in the terms of an individual's experience of Self and the science of human consciousness, and in the terms of modern quantum and holographic physics and science.
Dr. Holmes maintains that each individual is thus such a star - with a divine source emanation established within the higher seven dimensional hyperspace of the human heart. This is the Monad of H. P. Blavatsky, the God Spark described by Shirley McLaine, the 'divine spark' referred to by Sufi masters and Kabbalists, the jivaatma described in Vedantic teachings of Hinduism. Christopher explores the higher dimensional science of such possibilities and the mysteries of human consciousness and the heart. This is a wholly alternative conceptualization of the nature of human consciousness and reality than otherwise offered in the mainstream of modern thought and science, or in new age wisearcrings or writings. It suggests that we must understand the higher dimensional physics and metaphysics of consciousness and the heart in order to attain to a knowledge, understanding and wisdom of Self.
Look at the phase ZERO POINT: it is a misnomer or an oxymoron. ZERO is just that NOTHING from the perspective of the material world but everything in relationship to the empyrean; whereas, a POINT is a DOT or ONE: the MONAD, which from a materialistic point of view symbolically represents the empyrean.
Actually, ZERO would be that which exist prior to the time/space continuum: not subject to its mandates and the MONAD or POINT would be a reflection of that whole from the perspective of the time/space continuum. The ZERO and the POINT are essentially united or melded as one: hence ZERO POINT; however, they are after all from the perspective of human reasoning two halves or sides of the same coin. Though the twain will never meet they will never part.
Of course there would by necessity have to be a portal bridging that ZERO POINT in every human being because to bring life: i.e. soul/psyche of another into the real world via procreation there would have to be ways of opening that portal; however, this latter is dangerous because now by producing an offspring you have committed yourself to its education, welfare and upbringing, which is exhausting, expensive and time consuming. There is no time for mystical researches. An hour or two or even a dozen is not enough time in a week to do this harshest of task. What you would be given the mystical would take away from your family life and you can guest the problems that would arise from such inattentiveness towards one's family.
I believe that the intellect via one's analytical abilities is the safest way of connecting oneself to the inner Zero Point. I do not believe that this ability to analytically research esotericism is possible until the initiate has a spiritual experience. This mystic experience must come at the dawn of one's researches not at the end of such researches. A person could research religion and/or esotericism for his whole life and not have a mystical experience; however, until that experience is had you will not know true esotericism.
The latter way of procreation I believes rips a hole in the fabric of the psyche/soul preventing the wannabe initiate from researching esotericism.
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