Hi, first of all, thanks for the work with The Theosophist and Lucifer, thanks to all involved in it. It is very useful.
Second: does somebody knows who is the writer of the article
in Lucifer, v3, n15, nov1888, p. 190, it is not signed. I think.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Marc, the article is found in Lucifer, but I've found the index in the same site.
I haven't noted that a "I." was at the end of the article.
There are others articles signed by "I." and the matter exposed in them reminds me to Herbert Coryn.
Now I have a clue, thank you very much.
H. Coryn signed many articles & fragments, so I doubt he is I. Only 3 articles were written by I and all were in volume 3 of Lucifer. Also, comparing the two authors, they seem not similar in style.
The Adept Illarion wrote occasionally - perhaps it is he.
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