"The technological singularity is a theoretical future point of unprecedented technological progress—typically associated with advancements in computer hardware or the ability of machines to improve themselves using artificial intelligence.[1]

Statistician I. J. Good first wrote of an "intelligence explosion", suggesting that if machines could even slightly surpass human intellect, they could improve their own designs in ways unforeseen by their designers, and thus recursively augment themselves into far greater intelligences. The first such improvements might be small, but as the machine became more intelligent it would become better at becoming more intelligent, which could lead to an exponential and quite sudden growth in intelligence."

"According to Blavatsky the sixth sub-race will begin to evolve in the United States.

In his writings Rudolf Steiner often used the term "Earth Epochs" instead of "Root Races" to describe spans of time similar to those in Blavatsky's model. He used "Cultural Epochs" to refer to what Blavatsky calls Aryan "sub-races". He did this to avoid any potential misunderstandings caused by the application of the word "race" to beings existing over such large time periods. [Hindes, Daniel,"



[http://www.defendingsteiner.com/misconceptions/r-race.php#_ftnref9 Root Races in Theosophy and Antroposophy] ", 2005]

Since time recorded, technology has had a dramatic effect on our evolution. In the last 200 years since the introduction of electromagnetism and the industrial revolution, especially, we have seen a dramatic explosion of cultural, intellectual and spiritual discoveries. advances in the medical field have seen the extinction of diseases such as small pox and lives thought too far gone, saved.

We are now also beginning to see the prospect of a new life, once Science fiction, soon becoming a reality. Artificial Intelligence.

the questions for discussion then are,

How will these technological revolutions impact our Evolution spiritually, physically and culturally?

How Will AI relate to the idea Enlightenment?

What form Might Theosophy take in the future? (this website a prelude perhaps?)

What can Technology tell us about ourselves?

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