The longer I have my head out of the sand (introverted), the more I come to understand the gravity of things that are happening right now. Just today, while I was visiting my (almost) 90 year old grandmother, it occurred to me, that even at 90, she was still to young to have any real experience at what freedom really is.

In the early 1900's, Freud came out with some theories. These theories were "tested" at varying degrees for awhile, but were almost immediately injected (through a lack of understanding) into our society, focusing our "collective" attention along path's that has brought us to where we are today.

So in order to find someone you can be relatively sure has at least some real experiences of what we call freedom is, you have to go to people who were born before 1907. So anyone under the age of 107 is a product (to some degree) of this focusing.

A precious link between something we hold dear, and the reason we hold it so dearly, is about to be severed.

"People slow down as they age so the younger ones can catch up and learn something." (as far as I know, that one is mine.)

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>>> In the early 1900's, Freud came out with some theories. These theories were "tested" at varying degrees for awhile, but were almost immediately injected (through a lack of understanding) into our society, focusing our "collective" attention along path's that has brought us to where we are today. >>>>

so, why did you choose Freud? I never thought of him as a great suppressor of people. Somethings were actually true for his time period, and not really false for his "then and now." However - some long-term falsehoods have caused issues. (a destructive use of imagination?). Labeling him the cause of all loss of freedom seems strong. I am missing something?

My apologies, I in no way intended to label a cause. My intention was to support the original stated concept with an example.

Black and white (so to speak) are a long way from here, we are mired in the shades of grey we've created to avoid the black and white of things.

Perhaps I should have left out specifics, after all he, only made some connections, any help or harm was determined by how we used them.

Why I chose this example? Because I found it to be documented well enough for the pattern or concept to be recognized. I also felt that the scale of the deception worth noting.

I was reading too much into it - sorry!

I am quite sure my lack of communication skills isn't helping.

>>> "People slow down as they age so the younger ones can catch up and learn something." (as far as I know, that one is mine.) /p>

I really like that one <g>


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