On a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon in New Delhi, Andrew Cohen spoke for nearly four hours explaining his theory of evolutionary enlightenment. The audience was mesmerized.
Andrew spoke about the necessity of defeating the mind. And he suggested the ways to do it. But the point that really caught the fancy of the audience was the distinction he made of the two opposing directions of the spiritual inquiry.
Traditional spirituality has been looking at our origins and seers have concluded that beyond the space and motion, all is one. This answers the question, "who are we". But to answer "what is our purpose" or "where are we headed" one needs to pursue a different line of inquiry based on the evolutionary experience of the humanity. Technological progress has a big role to play in that. Andrew mentioned the great seer from India, Sri Aurobindo as the pioneer of this direction of spirituality.
So, what should be our line of inquiry at Theosophy.Net?
Hi, friends!
sorry, I somehow missed this thread
yes, defeating the mind!!! I like this!!! I can't say it as properly as Ramana Maharshi did, but mind cannot be defeated by mind... Heart is the winner of all because Heart needs not to defeat to win :-) self-inquiry as taught by Ramana is the best practice I can recommend
yes, technological progress does change the way we think, and it happens because we have thought it, so the process goes on the two directions... just like breath
so I don't think that the two "opposing directions" make any difference, except in practical terms and in the order of the writing... when I know who I am, I know, too, my purpose and where I am going, there is no difference in realization, it's only that different words are needed to write
traditional spirituality (which includes religious practice) offers a way of life and some rules, practices and disciplines that are useful today to some people, although not so many as in the past
in practical terms we humans are much more powerful now than in the past, so it is now and not it the past that we can understand that working to satisfy the 4 basic human needs (food, shelter, medecine, school) for all humanity is the spiritual duty of our generation
but the rule that those who are able to are to help those who need it is not at all new, is it?
your description reminds me of shadow boxing. Shadow = non material structure. follow it, you move away from the light. follow the light and it is cast behind you. It is easier to grasp the wind and hold it in your hand then to contend with a shadow. Although it is a silhouette of you, it is not you. Should you contend with your shadow, your only options are to engulf yourself in darkness or become the light.
as all is a “still shot” cycled within the mind of the observer. creating the sensation of motion and external projection through vortical thought patterns. Like on your super deluxe High resolution monitor, it is static images and shapes, found in the symbols or of letters and other symbols creating recognition within the vortical patterns associated to values derived by from of other patterns stored in memory recall movements and form. this is to establish structure and form and basis for changes creating the illusion of time and evolution..
"What is projected out, and seems to be external to the mind, is not outside at all, but an effect of what is in, and has not left its source."
defeating the mind, hmmmmm… first lets address what the mind is
in laymen’s terms, (though i have not seen the video, i will look at it)
a digital example.
Flesh, soul. @ = (vortical thought displacement) spirit, divine one
Even more simplified
Flesh. Consciousness@ subconscious, unconscious.
@ one. Ment.
A tone.ment.
The material brain being the first segment. as most in this form of relative expressed awareness are addressed as to their first name as it "embodies" the image found in flesh. noted as familiar and comforting recognition.
yet the location of the server is beyond the spiral formation of the @ symbol that joins the flesh and soul to the location of the origin thought.. the information passes through the 7 layers of the OSI modal (metaphor for chakra’s) to be displayed for the receiver to make “sense” of it through biological means.
the address being the vehicle that encapsulates thought.
Perhaps the individual stating to defeat the mind is in actuality finding the means to detach from the dependency on one segment as the locality of entire mind. By doing so, you would surpass the electric fields of impulse and reflex. Returning your mind to the natural harmony of divine stasis.
Divine is a harmonic stasis, you would be in effect playing all keys simultaneously
As a whole is all encompassing, the mind achieves a 0 state. 0 is neither negative nor positive, It is balanced between. Beyond Polarities thought patterns and dualities expressions. I suppose the first thing is undoing attachment to segment represented as whole. Defeting the segmentation of the mind in to categories of preference.
if you look at all the manuscripts and ancient text with an open mind, you will note in all of them there is this representation found in plane site. "God, Who is everything." Be his name Brahamn or Jesus or Budah. Yet, because of the perversion of this worlds language by otherwise individualities represented by their perceived Knowledge found in ever increasing desire for empowerment, you have been taught since birth that "who" is an inquiry. It is a reflection taught in the mind of the observer to locate something that is something it is not, causing a fracture of its representation. Because of conditioning to represent the term “who” is found in the mind of all here in every language it is supported by the peer group of “human’s” as such and noted as not an answer but a ponder instead, keeping the .who or .com hidden.
Yet it is always capitalized. Christ, Who came free the captives. Brahman, Who is the great spirit. Who, is overlooked as refrencen or focal point. There is no who because it is captiviated in all minds as a question of inquriry not a term of absolute.
Who is actually the Divine one. The name provided before the following statement is an trap and keeps the name of Who, secret to hidden in plane site.
I will review the video, thanks for the link.
And the thoughts.
locality assigned to the first name of the flesh representation ie Jesus, or budah, keeps the .com and the spirit on the other side of the @ symbol
John said this.
Jesus said this
God said this.
and by attaching those thoghts to the idividual found in flesh you remain positioned in the placement of the same vehicle segment.
hope that makes sence, as i am processing a few other thoughts @ the same moment/movement assigned to other individuals as to iquiry of my potentials.
after some thought, i reconstructed my prior statement to be more fitting to understand.
please see the below as I am un able to retract the prior statement.
Shadow = non material structure. Shadow= ego (metephorically), follow it, you move away from the light. follow the light and it is cast behind you. It is easier to grasp the wind and hold it in your hand then to contend with a shadow. Although it is a silhouette of you, it is not you. Should you contend with your shadow, your only options are to engulf yourself in darkness or become the light.
as all is a “still shot” cycled within the mind of the observer. creating the sensation of motion and external projection through vortical thought patterns. Like on your super deluxe High resolution monitor, it is static images and shapes, found in the symbols or of letters and other symbols creating recognition within the vortical patterns associated to values derived by from of other patterns stored in memory recall movements and form. this is to establish structure and form and basis for changes creating the illusion of time and evolution..
"What is projected out, and seems to be external to the mind, is not outside at all, but an effect of what is in, and has not left its source."
lets address what the mind is
in laymen’s terms,
a digital example.
Flesh, soul. @ = (vortical thought displacement) spirit, divine one
Even more simplified
Flesh. Consciousness@ subconscious, unconscious.
@ one. Ment.
A tone.ment.
The material brain being the first segment. as most in this form of relative expressed awareness are addressed as to their first name as it "embodies" the image found in flesh. noted as familiar and comforting recognition.
yet the location of the server is beyond the spiral formation of the @ symbol that joins the flesh and soul to the location of the origin thought.. the information passes through the 7 layers of the OSI modal (metaphor for chakra’s) to be displayed for the receiver to make “sense” of it through biological means.
the address being the vehicle that encapsulates thought.
Perhaps the individual stating to defeat the mind is in actuality finding the means to detach from the dependency on one segment as the locality of entire mind. By doing so, you would surpass the electric fields of impulse and reflex. Returning your mind to the natural harmony of divine stasis.
Divine is a harmonic stasis, you would be in effect playing all keys simultaneously
As a whole is all encompassing, the mind achieves a 0 state. 0 is neither negative nor positive, It is balanced between. Beyond Polarities thought patterns and dualities expressions. I suppose the first thing is undoing attachment to segment represented as whole. Defeting the segmentation of the mind in to categories of preference.
if you look at all the manuscripts and ancient text with an open mind, you will note in all of them there is this representation found in plane site. "God, Who is everything." Be his name Brahamn or Jesus or Budah. Yet, because of the perversion of this worlds language by otherwise individualities represented by their perceived Knowledge found in ever increasing desire for empowerment, you have been taught since birth that "who" is an inquiry. It is a reflection taught in the mind of the observer to locate something that is something it is not, causing a fracture of its representation. Because of conditioning to represent the term “who” is found in the mind of all here in every language it is supported by the peer group of “human’s” as such and noted as not an answer but a ponder instead, keeping the .who or .com hidden.
Yet it is always capitalized. Christ, Who came free the captives. Brahman, Who is the great spirit. Who, is overlooked as reference or focal point. a finger pointing in an alternative direction if you will.
There is no who because it is captivated in all minds as a question of inquiry not a term of absolute or statement of idnentity.
Who is actually the Divine one. The name provided before the following statement is an trap and keeps the name of "Who", secret and hidden in plane site.
locality assigned to the first name of the flesh representation ie:
Jesus, or Buddha, keeps the .com and the spirit on the other side of the @ symbol (vortical thought patterns an attachment or co-signer)
John said this.
Jesus said this
God said this.
and by attaching those thoughts to the individual found in flesh you remain positioned in the placement of the same vehicle segment.
the prodical son returns and He Who is is father rejoices, because his Son is the His treasure..
yes shadows are not the only non-material structures found in this existance, perhaps that is the point to see where else non-material structures are found daily within its perspective.
this thought keeps coming to my mind. the door they seek is always open. however, it is not the door they seek. the door is a symbolic representation of Who.
because "the dude" i met on the other side of life, though he is not really a dude, or even a he, i use those terms to present meaning and form of communication on this side of the curtain. is nameless. because of the fact the term is inverted in meaning found here within this structured existance, an illusion.
He, Who, can not be labled in this construct because He is not bound by its limitations. if HE, Who is, is labled within this construct, then He, Who, would be confined to its peramiters. what is truly freedom, is neither stated, nor defined, nor permissed because by those very things it is limit.
Who, is not confined within the above structurs or limitations because it is presented in the terms of inquiry and/or abstract. being present but marked as absent. Existing within the perameters yet not beheld by them. Who is, the source or origine of thought through the vehicle of John.Doe @ spirit. Who
yet our existence tricks us up to placement of divinity or worship or adoration to the wrong segment keeping us in exile.
with out the full address, the first segment is lost in translation. ie Exile.
0 aka n'
p,s. if the above has been refrenced in another's book, then i am unaware of its existance as the thoughts themselves are concieved within.
Hello all,
I was also attending the retreat that Andrew Cohen gave in Delhi. Just to say Captain I don't actually remember Andrew speaking about destroying the mind - it doesn't sound like him. What he did say about meditation is that the idea is to have "no relationship to thought - no relationship to the content of consciousness". Outside of meditation in responding to life obviously the mind is one of the greatest gifts of evolution I would say. But in the context of evolutionary enlightenment that he teaches, the great thing about meditation is that it gives us the possibility of discovering a completely different relationship to the mind - one where there is freedom - freedom to choose - not just be a robot, doing the same thing again and again.
Thanks, Steve
Hello Steve.
I used the word "defeating" and not destroying the mind. Though in the final analysis there may not be much difference between the two.
Hi, friends!
...there's a practical difference hehehehe... no profit is gained from destruction, but when mind is defeated and tamed it can become your servant hehehehe ;-)
have fun today, everyone!!!
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