To become an Ascended Master, we must fulfill 3 things:
1. Balance our karma at least 51%;
2. Fulfill our Divine Plan or your gift to life
3. And Make our Ascension in this Lifetime.

Each of those requirements has other requirements and solution to it for example on number one.
1. Balance your karma at least 51%;
a. Use and Invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame of Divine Love to transmute and consume our negative karma
b. Do world service by making calls for God’s Light to come and transform the earth and her evolutions in the Golden Age and Ascended Master Way of Life.
c. Work out our Karma with our lifestream.

2. Fulfill our Divine Plan
a. By becoming the Mighty I AM Presence in Action here on earth.
b. By putting on the garments of the Christ
c. By Living the Ascended Master Way of Life as our Beloved El Morya and Beloved Kuthumi had done before they took their Ascension.

3. And Make your Ascension in this Lifetime.
a. Either at the close of this embodiment, if our own Individualized

Mighty I AM Presence feels and believe that we have fulfilled the requirements of the two above, then IT will decide that we take the final initiation of the Ascension and become an Ascended Master.

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