Spirit is getting back into matter: Bruce Lipton on quantumbiology

Have a look at the Institute for Noetic Sciences.


I discovered Bruce Lipton's article on New Scientific Realities.

Some excerpts:


"The problem with scientific materialism is that it offers an end but no means. It’s the law of the jungle. The means to survival are any way you can get there. You can use your brain and be Einstein or you can use an Uzi and be a brute. Either means can make you a leader. It’s a civilization based on competition, not morality. This is the environment we live in right now. Newtonian physics also failed to address the invisible realm that religion talks about; one doesn’t need the spiritual realm to understand the material realm. As a result, people in this culture accumulate as much material as they possibly can to beat everybody else in the race for survival. Die with the most toys, and you win the game. And the consequences? We have decimated the planet."


"The beliefs we have been living by are wrong. Fractal mathematics says: There is a pattern in the world, and there is a pattern to your evolution. Quantum physics says: Don’t focus on the material, focus on the immaterial realm. Energy is primal. The rule is that if a science on the lower part of the building changes its belief system, every science above that building block must incorporate it. Biology and psychology have not adopted the new understandings of mathematics and physics; they are out of scientific context and no longer scientific. Quantum biology, however, a new science, examines how energy affects biology, and consciousness is that energy. As for psychology, a material psychology based on chemistry and drugs needs to be replaced by energy psychology. We heal ourselves with our thoughts, our mind, our consciousness, which are more powerful than chemistry. It’s the invisible, immaterial realm that’s powerful."

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Lipton also states quite right IMO that the current world situation needs collective change, a change on a massive scale, an evolutionary jump so to speak, in order to avert an inevitable mess or chaos (my paraphrase).

Thanks, Martin, for posting. I've been familiar with Dr. Bruce Lipton's work for some time. He's certainly one of the leading "lights" in the "New Science" movement. With a Ph.D in Biology, he can take on the Materialist Scientists on their own turf and with their own terminology.


For those who are always asking "where are the scientists that are non-materialists?" here's one of many examples from around the world.

"where are the scientists that are non-materialists?"


There's indeed a whole host of them, varying from "the integral guys" (see integrallife.com for example) to a number of psychologists (like Edward Kelly and associates of whom I posted a link to his book on irreducible mind), to biologists like Lipton. There are many others and the list seems to be growing. Hundreds if not thousands of professors and Ph.D holders have signed a petition urging the scientific community to open their minds to broaden biological research beyond the narrow Darwinist paradigm. The world may be slowly waking up from its physicalist hypnosis or stance.

Rather than looking at the developments of the New Science, one may examine the development of the entire science, new and old, within the framework of evolution. The question one may ask, was it possible to arrive at Neurobiology or Quantum Biology without having first gone through the era of Newtonian science.


Witthin this century, as HPB, Sri Aurobindo and modern thinkers have predicted, we will see the movement of Humans towards Post Human beings. That, of course will be driven by the so called "New Science" rather than spirituality which is also on the verge of transformation. When someone established that the earth is round and goes around the sun, I am sure similar thoughts must have been expressed within whatever framework existed at that point in time. As Humans, we cannot discard our heritage even if we wanted to, by claiming that traditional science is misleading or on the wrong track. Without the foundation laid by them, New Science could not achieve or look the things the way it does now.


Perhpas we could begin looking afresh at what the future is going to be like in light of the new discoveries coming along and how to manage the change these will ineviatbly impose on the society. Some of those changes are going to be painful. How do you lift more than half of the population on this living in abject poverty and sub-human existence to PostHuman status. What role the New Science can play in this? There are many other questions. Rather than taking sides in one group of scientists versus another, let us look at the questions staring us in the face, and see which group can answer those best. Or, do we need both the groups to make a lesser painful transition.

The last thing we need is Adam and Jamie from "MythBusters" telling us what is real and not real. They seem to be nice guys and excellent engineers, but certainly not philosophers/metaphysicians or even true scientists. They are entertainers mostly, thinking up something they know they can "bust," calling it a "myth," then rigging up the "experiment" to get the results they want. Thus they come off as the "heroes" of the day. Of course, they throw in something now and then that they don't "bust" for variety sake and show they're "fallible."

That aside, the problem we keep discussing here in various forums is one of: is Science, old or new, to be the final arbiter of what is "true" or ultimately "real." As set up, the science now is wholly a left brain, logical/rational activity and anything right brain, intuitive, wholistic, transcendant, artistic, etc. is secondary to it. This is all lopsided, it seems to me.

As pointed out by Dr. Roger S. Jones, retired physicist, and others, physics is the bedrock of all the sciences. It's a game with rules and regulations that are the result of subjective choices. It was meant to solve certain problems and has done exceedingly well in solving them. But, physics can not solve everything.

With quantum physics we enter into the metaphysical realm, but the materialists who control mainstream physics have done their best to suppress and downplay it. Their argument is that it's only relevant on the micro level, not the macro, and some even go as far as to deny the existence of consciousness altogether.

I'll keep this short. I agree with the Captain that the old, materialist science will and can play a role in  helping solve the earth's problems. I do say, though, that it has not and can not give us the wisdom of how to do that. For that, we must look to the right brain, wholistic activities that the wisdom traditions and the modern interpretations of those represent.

Thanks Michael. All I am saying that rather than taking sides in this old vs. new let us examine what each of them can offer and accept that. Of course we need to reject old superstitions, or even something which was earlier bedrock of a thought but is now proven to be superstition.

Thanks, joe and Capt. Kumar. You both keep speaking of these "old superstitions," but what are they? What specifically are you referring to?

What is "superstition" to one group of people, may be profound "higher knowledge" or "higher perception" to another group. In these modern times, it's a tricky word to define sometimes.

Thanks Michael. I understand superstition as a belief that a being of higher sentience can interfere in one's life pattern, and all the associated phenomena that will arise out of this concept. Universal laws should be applicable equally to all atoms, protons, gluons and what have you. DIfferent beings at different stages of evolution will display different characteristics, but this in no way makes one superior against another.


That certain beings are capable of possessing higher knowledge or higher perception not available to others itself could qualify as a superstition.


Michael A. Williams said:

Thanks, joe and Capt. Kumar. You both keep speaking of these "old superstitions," but what are they? What specifically are you referring to?

What is "superstition" to one group of people, may be profound "higher knowledge" or "higher perception" to another group. In these modern times, it's a tricky word to define sometimes.

Captain, that's a good general definition of "superstition" that I can go along with. In potentia, all of us are capable of all states of being. In my view, sentient beings of advanced consciousness are not beyond anything that any of us cannot evolve to.

I am agreeing with you, Michael; I am not seeing any framework for [old superstitions]; there are several, if not more, ways to to interpret that - so, it behooves us to know what is actually on the originator's mind.

Michael A. Williams said:

Thanks, joe and Capt. Kumar. You both keep speaking of these "old superstitions," but what are they? What specifically are you referring to?

What is "superstition" to one group of people, may be profound "higher knowledge" or "higher perception" to another group. In these modern times, it's a tricky word to define sometimes.



Wouldn't this be what our position in the current 4th Round/5th Race scheme is supposed to be indicating about our impending future, Martin? Although I am more drawn to the spiritualistic inferences, experiences and direction of the Ancient Wisdom, I’ll take a brief foray into this current-emphasis intellectual and socio-political theme to share an observation or two I’ve had:


I should think that, for a few hundred years at least (but probably a millennia,) what we might term [the current world situation] is a manipulated thing. 


To the extent that might be accepted as a reasonable observation, then I would add that the result we therefore find ourselves living in, was too “intended.” 


The issues of power, money, control and belief are foundational building blocks of this most unworkable structure we call herein “the current world situation,” and those sub-structures of it [to include government, politics, military, territory, international banking, immigration, trade, world health, religious views and its attentive “we have the Word,” education, and on and on] simply serve to offer a Prima facie form to things for the edification of the masses.  All such merely serves to create the inference that we the people have power, control and influence, when in fact we do not. 


Somewhere out there, there is a great big and powerful Tail wagging the Dog, and we are never going to change a situation that RELYS on change and synthesis to accomplish its purpose(s). 


Somehow, I feel, we the people [of the world] need to recognize a great big play box has been artificially constructed for us, and we can play, scream kick and holler, but WE AIN’T LEAVING OUR BOX.  Sort of suggests we have to think outside of this box we are in if we are going to identify the actual factors of our distress.


An evolutionary jump at this artificial level is the syntheses from several political parties, from many governments, from a variety of religious views.  This is a progression (I don’t necessarily mean progressive) of society and civilization.  If true, (and given the above preamble) then TODAY is simply par for the course; but “the course” is still a dictation of some far off, untouchable, power-base. 


Thus, if we want “control”, we need a much better definition of what the actual problem is.





Now, as far as evolution from the more spiritual perspective, I suspect that too is in process.  Regardless our collective mishaps at society, humanity, consciousness, we ARE in movement; movement is analogous to “change,” and change is PROGRESS.  Progress via all these terms is frankly a way to spiritually view the objective of that [impulse] we call “Life.”


That said, I would think the solution is much bigger than the problem, as this latter problem is man-made, the solution premeditated and Divine.  In spite of ourselves, and the impossibility of what we see, feel and experience, we SHALL evolve. 


I believe the teachings would indicate that our situation is very much a product of an [imposed] term in our current state of density; that with the “changing of ages” (and this is done in stages and cycles), the imposition of [density] upon us will itself become negligible by our standards.  In other words, and to address your comment spiritually, SOON – in time, the shroud of darkness upon current man will be lifted (somewhat), and therefore, we COLLECTIVELY will rejoin our current ability to think and reason with the great lessons of past Races ̶ and in comprehending that we are actually a product of all five (5) races, we will uniformly function through all five means, not just our current ego-based thinking.  In so doing, this “putting it together,” would/should allow us to benefit from far greater perspective, to “know the truth,” so to speak, and simply CHANGE.


Martin Euser said:
Lipton also states quite right IMO that the current world situation needs collective change, a change on a massive scale, an evolutionary jump so to speak, in order to avert an inevitable mess or chaos (my paraphrase).



without going into conspiracy theories, it is fair to say that there are many vested interests at stake today. Resources are not infinite, as we are discovering right now. Our political leaders have extreme difficulties in dealing with the financial and economic crises rampant at the moment. A new depression seems to be on its way. Many people are feeling hopeless and helpless at this moment. This is contraproductive, of course, though understandable with the current balance of power, elites controlling media, multinationals, banks, etc.  Finding new ways of dealing with the crises is important, and some people are working at that.  Yet, there are real estate [office buildings] bubbles about to burst, here in my country, and probably elsewhere too. Since pension funds have invested in real estate, this is going to impact their already weak positions even further. Not a nice prospect for pensioneers and those going to be retired. 


No, it is an ugly world we live in at the moment, and we need creative people to work together to get out of this crisis. I can recommend the books on cultural creatives, especially the one that Joe mentions "How 50 million people are changing the world" in my recipe for global change thread. Also, Ervin Laszlo's books are well worth pondering about. Humanity has to solve its problems. "God" is not going to do that, although the spiritual world will have its influence working in the minds of at least some receptive people.


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